Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1264 Asking for money

Daliang knew that after the Desolate Monarch took back the Evernight Cathedral, the first thing he faced was how to quickly recover Evernight City from the war. The lack of funds has always been a problem in Yongye City, so when Daliang came to Yongye City this time, he was also mentally prepared for the Desolate Lord to ask him for money.

However... Daliang did not expect that the Desolate Monarch would not be tactful and would directly ask for money and support.

This is the temperament of the undead, and it also shows that... the Desolate Lord is really at the end of his rope.

Daliang showed a hint of embarrassment, and said to the Desolate Monarch: "The two monarchs should be able to see clearly... why Shangjiang City chose to go to war with Dreamland at this time. The Five Color Flag Alliance just wants to share some pressure from the evil camp, so that The urgency of the Realm of Death and Hell has eased.

With such an obvious strategic intention, the good camp must also be able to see it... The five-color alliance is leaning towards the evil camp. Shangjiang City is walking on the edge and may fall on the opposite side of the good camp at any time.

If Shangjiang provides assistance to Yongye City at this time, I think Yunzhong City will definitely launch a comprehensive siege against the Five Color Flag Alliance.

This is inconsistent with the fundamental interests of the Five Color Flag Alliance. "

Daliang's rejection was also expected by the Desolate Monarch. Because of a small friction with Dreamland, Shangjiang City organized the Five Color Flag Alliance to start a war with Dreamland. Anyone with a little bit of intelligence can see the purpose of the Five Color Flag Alliance's move.

The current Five Color Alliance still insists on neutrality, insisting that this war is an act of retaliation, and does not declare war with Dreamland, which also leaves the good camp in a wait-and-see state. At present, it seems that... the war between the Five-Colored Flag Alliance and Dreamland will not be fully supported by the good camp as long as it does not get beyond control.

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance has truly shown utmost benevolence towards the kingdom of death and hell, wandering on the edge of the bottom line of the good camp, and has done everything it can. If Shangjiang City continues to support the reconstruction of Yongye City, once this bottom line is crossed, it will immediately trigger a backlash from the good camp.

But...without the injection of funds from Shangjiang City, Yongye City would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to rebuild. It is estimated that when the war is over, the Desolate Monarch will not be able to repair Yongye City.

With no way to go, the Desolate Monarch continued to fight: "If Shangjiang City cannot directly provide support to Yongye City, we can do business. Just like the cooperation between Sigh City and Shangjiang City, we can also provide mercenaries for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Fully open the market in Yongye area to Shangjiang City."

Daliang continued to shake his head and said: "The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is now undergoing transformation. We now control the issuance of Shangjiang war bonds in the main world, and the entire main world market is open to us. The demand for mercenaries is no longer what it was at the beginning of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. When expanding, the mercenaries provided by the City of Sighs are enough for us.

As for resource trading?

With all due respect, the undead are too lazy, and the resources developed in the entire Eternal Night region are not too many to begin with. After the destruction and consumption of the war... Your Majesty, I am afraid that you will not be able to come up with enough resources in a short period of time to exchange the cost of rebuilding Yongye City from Shangjiang City and the cost of repairing Yongye Cathedral. "

The consumption of the undead is very small, and they will not move if they can, so most of the entire Kingdom of Death is a deserted land. There are resources, but they are all in a deserted and undeveloped state, occupied by a variety of powerful undead monsters.

Eternal night is not like a sigh. The former sad monarch smelled the smell of war on the plane early and awakened the sleeping undead in advance. He established a trade relationship with Shangjiang City, used the funds raised to develop the resources in the territory, and then used the resources in exchange for more financial reserves. When the war began, the entire Yongye was still in a state of slumber that had lasted for ten thousand years.

Now the Desolate Monarch can't even come up with the money to rebuild Yongye City, so how can he have the initial funds to develop Yongye's resources.

"I can use Eternal Night's future resource production as collateral..." The Desolate Monarch made a new suggestion.

But Daliang remained unmoved: "Your Majesty... all the money in Shangjiang City is deposited here by others. After the war bond redemption period, we will not only have to return the principal to the depositor, but also pay a lot of interest. Every investment must be made with great care and caution. It is war time again and what will happen in the future...none of us knows.

Therefore, Shangjiang City does not accept any collateral.

In fact, during this sensitive period, we cannot give the good camp an excuse to declare war on the Five Color Flag Alliance. Any support provided by Shangjiang City to the evil camp may cause the situation to get out of control. "

Daliang's answer made the Desolate Lord fall into silence. It was really too difficult for Shangjiang City to give money to Yongye City at this time.

Lucas was once the nominal commander-in-chief of the Cyan Alliance and had ruled Eternal Night City for a period of time. He was fully aware of the difficulties faced by the desolate monarch. After Daliang refused to provide funds for the reconstruction of Yongye City, Lucas said to Daliang: "Is there no other way? I saw the Mist City you built. It was a miracle...

I believe you can create an even greater miracle in Evernight City. "

Lucas's compliment made Daliang couldn't help but touch his nose. After a while, he said: "There are's not impossible."

Hearing Daliang's words, the Desolate Lord immediately regained his energy. He asked urgently: "Is there any way? I can get the funds to rebuild Yongye City in a short time."

Daliang said: "Shangjiang City cannot provide funds for Yongye City, but the private chamber of commerce can. The owner of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is Marquis Stanley, the lord of Jiading City, a subsidiary city of Shangjiang.

Marquis Stanley is also an undead, he is very, very... rich. With him coming forward and investing in the Kingdom of Death in the name of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, a trading bridge between Shangjiang City and Yongye City can be established.

All transactions between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Kingdom of Death are commercial activities and have nothing to do with the positions of Shangjiang City and the Five Color Flag Alliance. "

The Desolate Lord repeatedly agreed: "Yes, yes... I very much welcome the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to establish trade routes in the area ruled by Yongye. My army can provide road protection for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. All the benefits I can provide are acceptable." To the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.”

At this time, there is probably no one in the gaming world who does not know about the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. This chamber of commerce, established with the support of Shangjiang City, has been expanding since its establishment. Now, the entire main world has been filled with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's fleets and caravans, and even the activities of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can be seen in the base camp plane.

This is a super consortium that supports the reconstruction of Yongye City... There is no problem at all.

Cooperating with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to establishing a connection with Shangjiang City. The Desolate Monarch can continuously sell Yongye's resources to Shangjiang in exchange for urgently needed development funds.

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