Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1265 Important Place

If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to invest in Yongye City, it will really solve the top problem facing the Desolate Monarch.

However, when the Desolate Monarch was happy, Daliang said: "The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's investment in the Kingdom of Death must comply with commercial behavior. We cannot give any excuse to the good camp. What does Yongye City intend to sell to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce?"

When it came to the transaction, the Desolate Lord couldn't even think of anything in his territory that could be exchanged for gold coins from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to repair Yongye City.

The territory is so poor that it doesn’t matter what you want. What can you exchange for money?

The Desolate Lord asked sheepishly: "Ebony Lord... do you think there is anything in my territory that can be exchanged for a large amount of money from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce? Except for the army... nothing is non-negotiable."

The Desolate Monarch started out as a rebel, so of course he knew how important the army was to his rule. Especially in this increasingly fierce plane war, only soldiers can stand firm in this world.

As for the rest, as long as it does not endanger the Desolate Lord's rule over Eternal Night, there is nothing that cannot be traded.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Daliang said: "Yong Ye controls a very vast territory in the Kingdom of Death, but most of the land is in an undeveloped and barren state. At the junction of Yong Ye and Sigh, it is even more... It was a ruin, even some undead cities were wiped out to the ground. There was not a single cemetery territory on the thousands of kilometers of land, it was truly deserted.

I wonder if the Desolate Monarch is willing to sell this land?

I think Marquis Stanley would be very willing to spend a lot of money to buy himself a piece of land with permanent ownership in the realm of the dead... this plane of the dead. "

Land demands are very sensitive when raised in front of any race at any time, in any place.

Therefore, when the Desolate Monarch heard that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce wanted to buy land from him, his first reaction was to refuse. But the lack of money in his hands made him carefully consider the feasibility of the deal proposed by Daliang.

The land pointed out by Daliang was once the war zone between Yongye and Sigh. At that time, the two sides were mortal enemies in terms of camp and belief. The two undead armies fought back and forth on this land. Some of the original undead territories were destroyed and disappeared during repeated attacks, making the already desolate land even more desolate.

Without the undead territory, the Desolate Monarch has very little control over this land. In time, it will be even more difficult to develop after it is completely occupied by undead monsters.

In addition, this is the border area between eternal night and sighs.

The reconciliation of the desolate monarch and the melancholy pope does not mean that there is no gap between the two parties. As the former main city of the Kingdom of Death, Yongye City is higher than Sigh City in terms of heritage. The current land area of ​​Yongye City is similar to that of Sigh City. After the return of Yongye Cathedral to Yongye City, the area has expanded even more. Understand the difference between Yongye City and Sighing City.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

After the Desolate Monarch recaptured the Cathedral of Eternal Night, he invited the Sad Pope to attend the cathedral dedication ceremony. However, the Sad Pope refused on the grounds that he was busy with affairs. From this, it can be seen that the Cathedral of Eternal Night made the new pope very special. I'm unhappy because the Cathedral of the City of Sighs is not an aerial fortress and is much smaller.

The alliance between Yongye City and Sighing City was forced by various pressures. No one knows whether the two cities will go to war in the future. The Desolate Lord is eager to rebuild Eternal Night City. In addition to dealing with the plane war, he also wants to be wary of the Sad Pope.

If there is a buffer zone between Yongye and Sigh in the future, then Yongye City will not have to guard against Sigh City all the time.

The Desolate Lord thought about it and concluded that there was no use keeping this land in his hands, and he had no money to defend it. If you can exchange funds for rebuilding Yongye City and Yongye Cathedral from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, then the entire Yongye will truly belong to you.

"At what price is the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce prepared to acquire that land?"

The Desolate Lord relented, which was great news for Da Liang...

A desolate land represents resources that are ownerless. How much land does he want to buy this time? It is the size of a medium-sized country in Europe, several times the area controlled by Shangjiang after its expansion. You can expand such a large territory with just a little money... If it weren't for the fact that the Desolate Monarch went crazy due to lack of money, there wouldn't be such a good thing in this world.

In addition, this land connects two important cities in the Kingdom of Death, Eternal Night City is the first main city in the Kingdom of Death, and City of Sighs is the political center of the Kingdom of Death. Shangjiang's acquisition of territory here is equivalent to placing a balance point between the two cities and becoming a very influential place in the Kingdom of Death.

Daliang's final goal also has his own selfish motives.

They are already the monarchs of death. In the kingdom of death, there is only a city within a city. There is no own Holy See or a territory that can be decided by oneself. It really does not live up to its name.

Faced with the Desolate Monarch's inquiry, Daliang replied: "How much is the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce willing to pay for this land? I still need to go to Jiading City to have detailed discussions with Marquis Stanley.

But please rest assured, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will definitely give you a satisfactory price. Not only can it support you in rebuilding Evernight City and Evernight Cathedral, but it can also give you enough money to build a number of mining areas in Evernight. "

The Desolate Lord, who had already made up his mind to sell the land, nodded with satisfaction: "Then I look forward to your good news, and I also look forward to Marquis Stanley having the opportunity to visit Eternal Night City."

"I think Marquis Stanley will be happy to visit this largest main city in the Kingdom of Death."

In this meeting, both Desolate Monarch and Daliang got what they wanted. This is not only the cooperation between Yongye City and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, but also represents the beginning of substantive contact between the Desolate Monarch and the Five Colors Alliance.

As the newly promoted Lord of Death, Lord Desolation is very unsure. After all, his land and city were snatched from the hands of the former First Lord... He is an anomaly. The old Death Lords are members of the orthodox family. After the conflicts between them are resolved in the future, the Desolation Lord occupying the first main city will inevitably not make other Death Lords jealous.

In fact, the Sad Pope is already jealous. His failure to attend the dedication ceremony of the Evernight Cathedral has already sounded the alarm in the heart of the Desolate Monarch. He was eager to rebuild Yongye City as soon as possible, and also wanted to find a way out for himself and an ally he could rely on.

The good camp is definitely a no-brainer.

The evil camp is also closer to the old death monarchs.

The Five Color Flag Alliance is the only one in this world that can form an alliance with Yongye City and has the strength.

The sense of crisis made the Desolate Lord feel that he had no way to integrate into the circle of the Death Lords, so he roped in Lucas and Da Liang, all in order to gain a foothold in the Kingdom of Death and keep what he had.

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