Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1266 The obelisk tower moves in

The dedication ceremony of the Evernight Cathedral presided over by the three dead monarchs added a grand atmosphere to the shabby Evernight City.

The Eternal Night Undead Army, the Eternal Night Immaculate Holy See Knights and the Church Knights in various districts, countless undead warriors and heroes stood quietly in every street and square of Eternal Night City. Although the city was destroyed and in disrepair, it still did not affect the solemnity of the entire ceremony. All the undead who have attached themselves to the ultimate faith look up at the majestic cathedral in the sky and feel the love of death...

The original site of the Evernight Cathedral was the foundation of a huge pit with a diameter of one thousand meters. When the cathedral flew over the huge pit, it slowly landed.

Hundreds of bone dragons and ghost dragons pulled on the chains connecting the Eternal Night Cathedral to fine-tune and repair the location of the fallen cathedral. The base of the cathedral must fall accurately into the foundation. Any large deviation may cause immeasurable damage to the cathedral.

Necromancers stood on the edge of the foundation. They chanted spells and released earth-attribute magic into the huge pit in the foundation. They repaired and filled the foundation according to the shape of the cathedral's base.

It is not an easy task for the Eternal Night Cathedral to accurately land in its original position. For this reason, the Desolate Monarch, Lucas, and Da Liang all flew around the cathedral to escort the entire landing process.

Finally... with a huge sound and an earthquake, the Evernight Cathedral completed its landing.

For a moment, magic towers all over Eternal Night City fired magic fireworks into the sky, and all the undead in the city let out loud celebrations.

Yongye City took the first step of reconstruction.

The Kingdom of Death has opened a new page.

After the dedication ceremony of the Evernight Cathedral, Daliang returned to the Boneyard Tomb with a new plot mission.

In Yongye City, Daliang could feel the sense of crisis displayed by the desolate monarch. Boswell is not a firm believer in Death. He fears Death but does not worship it, otherwise he would not have come together with the Wizards Guild.

And Boswell and Lucas are also very different. Lucas and his Wizards Guild are just an academic group. As long as their research needs are met, these wizards will not cause trouble.

But Boswell had a very strong desire for power. In order to become the Lord of Death, he could betray the Immaculate Holy See and the monarch to whom he was loyal.

His ambition is too great!

In the eyes of the undead who follow the rules... this is very dangerous.

Traitor and alien are the labels on Boswell's back. The Desolate Monarch is a special product under a special background. Once the Sad Pope really completes the unification of the kingdom of death, even Daliang doesn't know whether the City of Sighs will have any influence on the City of Eternal Night. Take action.

This is a ticking time bomb...

Daliang then thought again, why was he not a thorn in the side of the Sad Pope? The proposer and disseminator of the ultimate faith, the death mentor of the new Unsullied Church, the wizard lurking around him, the only existence that can compete with him in the Unsullied Faith.

After he completes the unification of the Kingdom of Death, will he counterattack and settle the matter?

It seems that like the Desolate Monarch, I have to be prepared in advance to completely fall out with the Sad Pope.

After Daliang entered the big tomb, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind... Is it possible for Yongye City to join the Five Color Flag Alliance?

Hmm... you can consider it, now... take a look at the obelisk tower first.

Since the obelisk cannot be transported by any means of transportation, it can only be transported from the Evernight Bone Crack to the Bone Burial Ground by the Black Pearl. Therefore, after Daliang returned from attending the cathedral dedication ceremony in Yongye City, the obelisk had just arrived.

The obelisk tower entering the large tomb was moved next to the entrance to the crystal wall passage on the plane of God. The obelisk tower is placed vertically. The sides of the base of the tower are two meters long. The rectangular tower body shrinks at the top of the tower to form a rhombus spire.

As soon as the obelisk tower was placed smoothly, Nicole immediately led her team of alchemists to build a circle of experimental platforms around the obelisk tower, and then arranged multiple large magic circles.

At Nicole's request, the Purple Dragon Alchemists have begun preliminary data collection on the frequency, properties, and concentration of the magic energy emitted around the obelisk tower.

Da Liang stood nearby and watched the alchemists busy, looking at this large laboratory, looking at the Black Pearl being overhauled, looking at the most important props in the game world in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart. and satisfaction.

"I didn't expect you to actually get us an obelisk tower..." At some point, Princess Zi Ling stood beside Da Liang. As an important member of this laboratory, she certainly knows what an obelisk means to the study of the divine plane, and she also knows how difficult it is to obtain an obelisk.

For the sake of the obelisk tower, the three giant dragon clans, the Crystal Dragon Clan, the Poison Dragon Clan, and the Purple Dragon Clan, were almost wiped out.

Now... an obelisk tower that can be studied at will is placed in front of her. This is also the only obelisk tower in the world that can be used for destructive research.

The Great Tomb's research on the divine plane came first and is about to overtake Yunzhong City and Furnace City.

This feat made Princess Zi Ling unable to conceal her excitement.

Daliang glanced at Princess Zi Ling beside him. She was still wearing the blue and white magic mage robe, her purple hair was tied into a bun, and she was wearing a princess crown. She stared at the towering obelisk, her eyes shining with passion... She seemed to have seen the end point.

Da Liang smiled and said to Princess Zi Ling: "I don't know alchemy. My task is to provide you with everything you need. The best alchemy laboratory, the best equipment, the most complete materials, and the safest environment……

Your task is to turn these into steps leading to the ultimate goal, and master the weapon that can allow the Five Color Flag Alliance to survive. "

Princess Zi Ling asked: "Can we succeed?"

"I don't know..." Daliang looked at the obelisk tower again and replied: "But I believe that there will never be a better team of alchemists than you in this world.

Here are the 16th-level alchemist Master Nicole, the purple dragon alchemists with the highest magical talent in the world, the necromancers who began to study the divine plane thousands of years ago, and the ones who can freely navigate within the crystal wall channels of the divine plane. black pearl.

Now we have the obelisk again.

In the tide of this plane battlefield, I have a premonition... that the divine plane will be opened soon, and this button... will be in my hand. "

Daliang's confidence infected Princess Zi Ling. She also looked at the obelisk tower and the alchemists working, and murmured to herself as if to Daliang: "The Purple Dragon clan pursues the highest magic, no matter what you turn on Whether the world prospers or the world ends, we will accompany you on this journey."

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