Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1267 Land Purchase Notice

After Da Liang successfully arrived at Nicole's alchemy laboratory at the obelisk tower, he left the Boneyard Tomb.

The Desolate Monarch urgently needs funds to rebuild Eternal Night City, and this fund... The Black Fire Territory will never be able to get it, so the good thing of buying land with money can only be advantageous to Marquis Stanley.

But what Daliang didn't expect was that when he arrived in Jiading City and told Marquis Stanley about the deal, Marquis Stanley shook his head like a rattle and firmly disagreed.

"No, no, no..." Marquis Stanley sat on his ten-meter-long gemstone chair, wearing his gemstone armor. You couldn't see where he was if he didn't shake his head. "The Kingdom of Death is so poor, what's the use of buying a piece of land there? Although there are resources, the investment is also huge...

If the Lord of Death is jealous of my wealth and takes this land away, won’t I lose everything?

Brother Daliang, although you are also the Lord of Death now, don’t take this title too seriously. I am an undead, and I know what those undead think. In the eyes of the undead in the kingdom of death, I am an outsider, and you, a human being, are even more of an outsider.

Your current position is already very dangerous.

I advise you to keep your sights on the main world. Our Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has such a big business now, and the Five Color Flag Alliance is so strong. Why do we care about their dead monarch?

We two brothers will make a lot of money, and I already have a plan to build a castle with gold.


Marquis Stanley is a little greedy for money, but he is not confused at critical moments. He is afraid that Daliang will be implicated in the name of a monarch and sink too deep into the quagmire of the Kingdom of Death.

Daliang was very grateful to Marquis Stanley for his heartfelt words, but Stanley didn't know that he had already fallen into it. The situation in the Kingdom of Death was related to too many of his own interests, and he must not let it develop out of control.

Da Liang found the location of Marquis Stanley from the gem seat. He said: "Your Majesty, Marquis, it is very important to me to support the Desolate Monarch in rebuilding the City of Eternal Night. And before the Sad Pope completes the unification of the Kingdom of Death, Eternal Night must be restored." The strength of Night City.

At that time, I, the Desolate Lord, and President Lucas, with the support of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, will be able to form a group that can compete with the old Death Lord, so that the Kingdom of Death can reach a balance and avoid the recurrence of civil war.

I need this land, I need the Sad Pope to fear my strength.

This way I can keep what I must keep in the kingdom of death. "

Marquis Stanley did not expect Daliang to have such important interests in the Kingdom of Death, and he also felt that Daliang was preparing to enter the monarch-level gaming battlefield of the Kingdom of Death.

"Then... listen to you, Brother Daliang..." Marquis Stanley, who had refused just now, changed very quickly this time: "The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can make so much money, and I am so rich, all because of you, Brother Daliang. As long as you decide to do something, I will absolutely support it.

Isn't it just buying a piece of land in the country of death?


Even if Yunzhong City wants to sell... we can buy it.


Marquis Stanley laughed, causing a ripple in the jeweled seat. After hearing the last words of Marquis Stanley, Daliang realized something: "Buy Yunzhong City? This is a good idea..."

After hearing what Daliang said, Stanley suddenly stopped laughing at the last sentence: "Brother Daliang, are you kidding?"

"Are you kidding? No joke, no joke..."

Daliang left Jiading City. He gained a lot from meeting Marquis Stanley this time. His only regret was... that he didn't see Marquis Stanley...

Shangjiang City has been under the highest level of martial law since the Five Color Flag Alliance began to attack Dreamland. The Shangjiang Palace is even more heavily guarded, and the simulated defense targets are all sneak attacks by level 16 heroes. An elite mixed team of three-color dragons and an elite team of archangels guard the safety of King Joyce. Even if he is attacked by a level 16 hero, this guard can escort Joyce to a safe place. Or wait until the support of your own level 16 heroes arrives.

Daliang met Joyce in the Shangjiang Palace. After a secret meeting, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce issued a "Land Purchase Notice" to the world.

In the announcement, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce announced that land will be listed as one of the chamber's business projects.

Anyone from any plane can sell the undisputed land they own to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will send someone to evaluate the value of the land for sale, and then pay cash at a fair price.

When the transaction is completed, Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has the legal ownership of the land, and all output on the land will be used by Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The announcement included standard bids for land in some terrains, including terrains commonly found in the eight major base camp planes, as well as some price increases and decreases affected by geographical location.

At the same time, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce also stated that land less than 10,000 square kilometers will not be evaluated and acquired.

At this time, the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Dreamland are at war. This war of special significance has attracted the attention of both the good camp and the evil camp. Therefore, when Shang Jiang released this "Land Purchase Notice", it was immediately known to the rulers of all planes.

And a question arises in unison.

What does Shangjiang City want to do again?

In the land purchase announcement issued by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the asking price for the land is very, very low, and land less than 10,000 square kilometers will not be purchased. Everyone couldn't figure out which idiot would sell a large area of ​​his land to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce at a low price.

What is the purpose of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce? Or what is the purpose of the Five Color Flag Alliance?

And just when everyone was guessing the purpose of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's announcement, the "idiot" appeared.

The desolate monarch of the Kingdom of Death, immediately announced his willingness to sell a piece of land at the junction of Evernight and Sigh in the Kingdom of Death to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce just after the "Land Purchase Notice" issued by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce spread.

At the same time, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce sent people as quickly as possible to evaluate the value of the land. It only took three days for the Desolate Monarch to reach a land deal with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

After the land ownership was delivered, the gold coins from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce instantly filled the treasury of Yongye City.

With such speed, before anyone could react, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce owned a large piece of land of its own in the Kingdom of Death, and the Desolate Monarch had the funds to rebuild Yongye City.

If you still can't guess the purpose of the "Land Purchase Notice" issued by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, you are really a fool.

The Desolate Monarch and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce played a double act in front of the whole world. The fundamental purpose of the "land purchase announcement" was... to cover up Shangjiang City's funding of Yongye City.

This act immediately caused a huge reaction from many forces. Metatron came to Shangjiang again, and the Pope of Sorrow also asked Da Liang to return to the City of Sighs immediately...

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