Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1268 Confrontation

This time when Metatron came, Daliang, as the former Prime Minister of Jiangcheng, entertained King Joyce on behalf of him.

In the largest and most gorgeous reception room of the Shangjiang Palace, the thick blue carpet is flexible and moderate. When you step on it, your feet will be extremely comfortable without sagging. The walls were painted white on all sides, and then velvet blankets were hung. On the velvet blankets, the family crests of the important nobles of Shangjiang were hung. The ceiling of the reception room is a large mural. The content of the mural is Yunzhong City and the angels guarding the human race.

Daliang and Metatron were sitting under the anchor emblem of the Shangjiang royal family. Between them was a round glass coffee table with red wine and some desserts on it. The angel guards on both sides stood against the wall separately, and the atmosphere was very peaceful and cordial.

Metatron still had the aura of a kind elder. After seeing Da Liang, he was not eager to tell his purpose of coming to Shangjiang City this time. Instead, he asked first: "I know something about the aristocratic system of the main world. Different from other planes, there is the highest authority who appoints lower-level rulers and officials. The aristocratic system of the main world forms a unique ruling system, making the main world and our high-level planes become two different worlds. .Even if they are of the same race, the humans in the main world are loyal to their own nobles. When this noble is abandoned by Yunzhong City, this noble can still lead his subjects.

There are also the human race, the hell race; the elves, the undead race; the warlocks, the dungeons; the orcs, and the swamp race. These races that were supposed to be mortal enemies actually came together under the leadership of these family emblems, relying on each other, Trust each other, be loyal to one king, and fight the same enemy.

This strange phenomenon makes all high-level planes feel incredible.

Duke Daliang, what is the reason that makes you still loyal to your king even when Shangjiang City is abandoned by Yunzhong City? "

Metatron's question made Daliang feel very difficult to answer...

This situation was originally brought about by Daliang. Daliang, Shangjiangcheng, and Joyce are grasshoppers on the same rope. Of course, they share hardships, share blessings, and die together.

However, Metatron did not know Daliang's true status in Shangjiang and in the Five Color Flag Alliance. He only saw that in this room, many families were guarding the royal family of Shangjiang, making the city tightly united.

Da Liang leaned back on the back of the chair, turned his head and looked at a badge hanging next to the royal family coat of arms, then pointed at the badge and said to Metatron: "This is the family coat of arms of Duke Feichen, which records My identity, honor, responsibility and achievements. The griffin knight shield in the middle is the family emblem of the original Shangjiang royal family, which represents that I am a nobleman canonized by the Shangjiang royal family of the previous generation; the anchor above the knight shield represents the country to which I am currently loyal. royal family.

Lord Metatron, please look at the family crests of the other families in this room.

The patterns in the middle are all gryphon knight shields and anchors. Do you know what this means? We have all experienced two different royal families, and we have not betrayed either royal family. How precious a family legacy could this be? Generations of our descendants stand under this family emblem and see only the glory brought by loyalty, and they will firmly pass on this glory and never let any pattern disappear from this family emblem.

The subsidiary patterns around the central pattern represent the family's achievements and contributions to the city-state.

Stars, sun and moon, sword, shield, book, flame, crown, scepter...all the patterns form a family history...

There is nothing more worthy of preservation than this history.

You, the guardians of Yunzhong City, are the kindness and justice in your hearts. We all fight for different things, so naturally we cannot come together.

This is why Yunzhong City abandoned Shangjiang City, but we are still loyal to the royal family..."

After listening to Daliang's words, Metatron nodded and said: "Although I still cannot understand the so-called loyalty and honor of the nobles of your main world, I roughly understand what you mean.

To be honest, although some of Shangjiang City’s actions have made Yunzhong City worried and angry, you have also made us start to face up to the power contained in the main world and start thinking about your ideas. At least...that's what I did. After the destruction of plane wars, the main world can quickly prosper, and all races can live together peacefully.

This is worthy of deep thought by both the good camp and the evil camp. "

Daliang sighed: "Lord Metatron, you are a respected wise man. But you are not Michael or Lucifer. What they see is different from what you see. What they have to bear, It’s also different from what you have to bear.

There are things we don’t want to do but we have to do.

Just like now, we have to go against the will of Yunzhong City and do what we have to do. "

Metatron's eyes suddenly sharpened when he heard Daliang leading the conversation to the main topic. He said: "So... you are admitting that Shangjiang City is funding Yongye City. Do you know what this will give you? What does Shangjiang City bring?”

Daliang smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, Lord Metatron, I didn't admit anything. There is no relationship between Shangjiang City and Yongye City. This is why King Joyce did not come to see you, but I came.

I am the major shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. This time I come to see you to explain to you the "Land Purchase Notice" issued by our Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Regarding the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's purchase of land in the Kingdom of Death... I assure you and Yunzhong City that this is a purely commercial act without any positional purpose.

It's just that the person we made a deal with this time was the desolate monarch of the Kingdom of Death, which led you to come to Shangjiang City.

In fact, there is no need for the good camp to be overly nervous. The "Land Purchase Notice" issued by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce this time is for all aspects. We are not only willing to acquire land in the Kingdom of Death, but also in the Dreamland and the World of Heroes. . As long as you are willing to sell your land ownership in exchange for real gold coins, even if Angel is willing to sell Yunzhong City, we will also offer you a very reasonable price. "

Da Liang's remarks about wanting to buy Cloud City aroused Metatron's anger, and he said sternly: "Don't use Cloud City to make such a joke that offends angels, it won't bring you any benefits.

It is an indisputable fact that Shangjiang City is funding Yongye City. The so-called "Land Purchase Notice" is just a disguise for you to try to hide the facts. Don't treat us as fools. The Five Color Flag Alliance is getting closer and closer to the evil camp. I appreciate you, but that doesn't mean I will be any softer when I attack Shangjiang City.

If Shangjiang City cuts off its aid to Yongye City now, it will still be too late..."

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