Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1269 We are businessmen

Daliang looked at Metatron and asked calmly: "Lord Metatron, I think you should reconsider my explanation of this incident."

Metatron said: "The Five Color Flag Alliance has been testing our bottom line, and then we take a step back and you take a step forward. What we are doing now is very dangerous.

The great Duke!

The Supreme Angel Gabriel has led his legion back to Cloud City from the Kingdom of Death. He is very angry about the betrayal of the Cathedral of Eternal Night and the Blue Alliance Army. If Shangjiang City funds the reconstruction of Yongye City at this time, it will undoubtedly anger Gabriel...

Have you ever thought about the consequences of Yunzhong City attacking Shangjiang City? "

"Of course I thought that Cloud City would attack us..." Da Liang picked up a glass of red wine from the table. He shook the glass to let the red wine swirl in the glass: "We are also trying to avoid getting too involved in this war. Meta Lord Telon, please allow me to emphasize again that the land transaction between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Desolate Monarch is a purely commercial act and has nothing to do with Shangjiang's position.

Look at the land area and price of this transaction. How can we refuse the ownership of such a large piece of land at such a cheap price?

As long as this land is developed, the mineral output contained in it will be enough to earn several times or more than ten times the investment. This doesn't even count how many low-level undead workers we can dig out and how many factories we can use to build these workers.

Sir... do you know how many gold coins Shangjiang City consumes every day? Do you know how many extra gold coins we will have to pay when the war bonds we issued reach the redemption deadline?

Outsiders only know that Shangjiang has money, but they don’t know that we are actually in debt. The gold coins in our vault belong to others, and for this we are burdened with huge amounts of interest. Shangjiang's purpose in doing this was to exchange for the smooth trade routes of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in the entire main world by issuing war bonds, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce must do everything possible to make money.

Only by spending the gold coins in our vault can we earn more gold coins back.

If Yunzhong City really does not allow us to purchase land in the Kingdom of Death, then please compensate us for the first land purchase fee we have paid for Yongye City, compensation for the liquidated damages we need to pay for Yongye City, and compensation for our loss of this land. and all losses caused now and in the future.

We are businessmen...

As long as Yunzhong City gives money, anything can be said. "

When Daliang said it, Metatron had no temper at all.

Daliang insisted that this transaction was a purely commercial act, and provided the basis for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to do this transaction. If not affected by the camp's stance, Metatron would have felt that this deal was a huge profit for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

But no matter what, the Desolate Monarch did obtain important funds from this transaction, which is something the good camp does not want to see.

But let Yunzhong City pay compensation to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and interrupt the land transaction between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Desolate Monarch... Not to mention that the amount of money is too large, Yunzhong City can't be taken advantage of?

Metatron's anger calmed down a little, and he said: "Whether it is Shangjiang City funding Yongye City, or the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is indeed conducting business. But it is undeniable that the enemies of Yunzhong City benefited from Shangjiang's hands. received the funds they desperately needed.

This is a time of war. It’s not just your explanation that I have to understand and ignore. Because of your transaction, we will probably lose many, many angels.

This time I must take away a satisfactory answer from Shangjiang. Otherwise, even if I can convince myself, there is no way I can convince other supreme angels.

War can still break out, and you are fighting a dreamland. "

Metatron no longer firmly believes that Shangjiang City is funding Yongye City, and things will be much easier to handle. Daliang took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and then said: "I think Yunzhong City is really too worried... The "Land Purchase Notice" issued by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce clearly stated that land has become a trading commodity of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. one.

Since it is a commodity that can be traded, we can buy it back... and of course we can sell it. After all, the ownership of the land has been transferred to us. We are businessmen and we must make money when we have it.

Moreover, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce does not have that much manpower to complete the development of such a large area of ​​land in a short period of time. Therefore, we originally had the idea of ​​selling part of the land.

Lord Metatron...

Do you want a piece of Yunzhong City? "

There is such an operation.

Metatron was shocked by Daliang...

Can land still be bought and sold like this?

Metatron quickly thought about the feasibility of this deal.

If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to sell the land in the Kingdom of Death to Yunzhong City, it can prove that the Five Color Flag Alliance has not come together with the evil camp, but is tilted in this regard, or that they just want to balance the two sides.

In this way, the Five Color Flag Alliance is not an enemy that the good camp urgently needs to deal with.

And Yunzhong City can buy the land in the Kingdom of Death from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce... Of course, Yunzhong City can also send troops to the Kingdom of Death to seize the land, but the meaning of truly obtaining land ownership in the Kingdom of Death is different. There are undead buried under the land of the Kingdom of Death. These low-level undead soldiers belong to whomever is in the land. Yunzhong City can use these undead to form its own undead army and use the skull sea tactics.

With these undead, Yunzhong City does not have to send too many human troops to fight in the unadapted kingdom of death. Even if they encounter the attack of the Death Lord, these undead armies can withstand it for a period of time, allowing Yunzhong City to build a complete defense system on this land.

This is definitely more comfortable for Yunzhong City than controlling the cyan coalition forces.

In addition...the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death was snatched away during the transfer, and the Supreme Angel Uriel is looking for the whereabouts of the obelisk. What is certain is that the person who snatched the obelisk tower has very strong power and force in the Kingdom of Death, and is related to a certain wizard guild branch.

In the battle to retake the obelisk tower, if an undead army is available, it will definitely play a big role.

In short, having a piece of legal land in the Kingdom of Death allows Yunzhong City to have an advance base in the Kingdom of Death and regain its strategic advantage over the Kingdom of Death.

It's really a moving temptation.

Metatron asked in disbelief: "Can Yunzhong City really purchase the land in the Kingdom of Death from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce? If so... how much land will the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce be prepared to sell to us, and at what price?" Sell ​​it to us at the same price.”

Facing Metatron's price inquiry, Daliang laughed and said: "I said... we are businessmen, and we can say anything as long as we can make money. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has measured and named this land, and divided it into three pieces. The areas are respectively the Commercial East District on the Yongye side, the Commercial Central District on the Sigh side and the Commercial West District on the Sigh side.

What we want to sell is the Central Business District..."

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