Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1272 Negotiations between the Pope and the Monarch

When Da Liang returned to the City of Sighs, he saw the undead army under the Sad Pope gathering to prepare for war.

The goal of the battle is naturally self-evident.

Cloud City actually has legal land in the Kingdom of Death, which has never happened before in the history of the Kingdom of Death. This puts the Sad Pope, who has not yet completed the true unification of the Kingdom of Death, in a very unfavorable strategic position.

Especially...the person who sold the land to Yunzhong City was the death mentor of the New Unsullied Holy See, and the land was Yongye's territory. Will the Blue Alliance be reestablished? If the cyan coalition is joined by an Eviscerate monarch, the already unstable rule of the Sad Pope will become even more precarious.

The City of Sighs is preparing for a great war. Before the war, the sad Pope summoned Daliang just to confirm his attitude for the last time.

Is this human race that I once deeply trusted worthy of my continued trust?

Da Liang glanced at the empty and dark hall. He knew that if he did not give the Sad Pope a satisfactory answer, he would bear the brunt of the attack from the City of Sighs.

Taking out the neutrality agreement of the Commercial Dominion signed by Metatron, Daliang handed the agreement to the Sad Pope and said: "Your Majesty... This is the neutrality agreement signed by Lord Metatron, the supreme angel and angel mentor of Yunzhong City. It was not signed by Michael. I think Metatron's character deserves our trust..."

After the Sad Pope took the Trade Dominion Neutrality Agreement and confirmed that it contained the neutrality statement signed by Metatron, the tense atmosphere hidden in the hall eased a lot.

"Shuntong Chamber of Commerce wants to establish a commercial and trade autonomy in the Kingdom of Death? Can I understand that behind this trade autonomy is Shangjiang City, or is it the Five Color Flag Alliance?"

The Sad Pope returned the agreement, and after Daliang put it away again, he replied: "Your Majesty can understand it this way... but the actual controller of the Commercial Dominion is still the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce did not have any military intention in establishing the trade autonomy in the Kingdom of Death, but to exploit the resources underground in the autonomous territory and build some processing plants using the tireless and cheap undead labor of the Kingdom of Death. "

After looking at some of the sad popes who were listening, Daliang continued: "Currently, it seems that in the context of plane war, the main world is very unsafe. We are at war with the dreamland. Although the army of the Five Color Flag Alliance is on the offensive, But no one knows the direction of the future war. In fact, this war has already had a very serious impact on Shangjiang's business.

Shangjiang City urgently needs to move some industries to safe places, and there must be cheap labor that we can hire. Otherwise, the mere cost of transporting raw materials and finished products will make our products uncompetitive.

Taken together, Kingdom of Death is a good choice for Shangjiang City.

I am the Eviscerating Monarch of the Kingdom of Death and a major shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I can guarantee that the undead will not attack our trading dominion.

As for selling part of the Dominion to Yunzhong City?

It is because Yunzhong City has put too much pressure on the Five-Color Flag Alliance for this matter. In order not to get into the trouble of fighting on two fronts, we can only give away part of the benefits.

Of course, Metatron signed a neutrality agreement. Yunzhong City cannot use the Trade Dominion to carry out any war actions against the Kingdom of Death. The armed forces of the Five Color Flag Alliance in the Trade East District and Trade West District will conduct the most stringent supervision of Yunzhong City. .

On this point... Your Majesty can rest assured. "

Cloudsdale has a foothold in the Kingdom of Death. How can the Sad Pope be reassured: "Neutrality Agreement? Michael can even tear up the peace agreement signed by Cloudsdale and Furnace City, so what is the neutrality agreement signed by Metatron?"

We must launch an attack when Yunzhong City does not fully control this area and drive them out. "

Daliang said at this time: "Precisely because the neutrality agreement was signed by Metatron, we cannot attack the commercial dominion of Yunzhong City...

According to my contact with Metatron, he is the supreme angel who opposes the planar war started in Cloud City, and has a status second only to Michael in Cloud City.

The reason why Metatron purchased this land and signed the Dominion Neutrality Agreement was to try to communicate with the Kingdom of Death to see if there was a possibility of coexistence between the good camp and the evil camp. As a neutral camp Five Color Flag Alliance, we strongly support Metatron in taking this historic step first, and are willing to be a bridge between the world of heroic spirits and the kingdom of death.

In fact, Michael violated the peace agreement signed with the Furnace City, and Metatron and Michael had already developed a relatively large gap. This can be seen from the fact that Metatron has not been active on the battlefield since the war began.

The commercial and trade autonomous association in Cloud City is personally managed by Metatron.

If we attack the commercial dominion controlled by Yunzhong City, it will give Michael an excuse to forcibly tear up the neutrality agreement. But if we recognize the existence of the Neutral Dominion, once Michael violates the neutrality agreement of the Commercial Dominion, it is likely to cause a complete break with Metatron.

This is definitely a heavy blow to the good camp. "

The Sad Pope thought carefully about what Daliang said.

Metatron is a great angel. In previous plane wars, Metatron has always been the mainstay of Cloud City. In the wars he participated in, the angels were able to maintain strong fighting spirit in any difficult situation. Angels respect Metatron. Even the fallen angels who fell into hell must respectfully call Metatron their mentor when they see him.

If Metatron breaks with Michael, the impact on Cloud City will be even worse than Lucifer's betrayal.

Of course, it is impossible for Metatron to betray Cloud City under any circumstances, but if Metatron openly opposes Michael, it will be a serious blow to Cloud City and the good camp.

"Are you sure that Metatron is against Cloud City's planar war?" The Sad Pope asked Metatron's attitude. This matter involves too much.

"I'm sure!" Daliang replied very definitely: "The trade autonomous territory occupied by Yunzhong City is in the middle of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce Trade Dominion. No matter who Yunzhong City wants to attack, they must attack us first.

If I wasn't sure about Metatron's attitude, I would never dare to put the land of Cloud City between us.

Your Majesty... The ultimate faith and the New Immaculate Doctrine represent more advanced ideas and systems in the Kingdom of Death. It also means that old ideas and systems are not indestructible.

Judging from the current situation of the plane war, if the previous play style is followed...with the state of hell and the kingdom of death, the evil camp has almost no possibility of victory. The best result can only be... the loss is not too miserable.

If you want to change the situation in this war, you must break the rules... Just like what you did in the City of Sighs, all your achievements now started when you allowed living beings to settle in the city... What you did at that time was to die Something that even monarchs find difficult to understand and laugh at, and now... you are about to have the entire kingdom of death in your possession. "

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