Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1273 Blueprint

The Sad Pope was deeply convinced by Daliang's words.

Although the current Misty City has been separated from the City of Sighs, the tax share provided by the Misty City is still higher than that of any other parish. Moreover, the City of Mist drives the economic development of the entire City of Sighs, which gives the Sad Pope sufficient funds and resources to do whatever he does.

It can be said that the Sad Pope's journey to this point started in the Mist Zone, and it was the Mist Zone that brought him the most important person in his life... Eviscerate.

When the Melancholy Monarch established the Mist Zone, it was an unbelievable thing in the Kingdom of Death.

It is equally unbelievable as Cloud City controlling a commercial dominion in the Kingdom of Death.

Through comparison and Da Liang's explanation, the Sad Pope no longer rejected the Yunzhong City Dominion at the beginning. Amidst the danger, there are also changes that people can look forward to.

If Metatron really sees the world differently than Michael does...

When the sad pope was thinking about the Dominion of Commerce, he suddenly discovered that Daliang had not answered the answer he really wanted to know. He asked: "You haven't answered me yet... What exactly do you want to do?

The land you bought from Desolation separated Eternal Night from Sigh, and you used the Yunzhong City Dominion to build a "wall" that none of us can cross.

It can be said that Eternal Night... Although I have joined the New Unsullied Holy See, it is actually in the hands of you, Desolation and Lucas. As the pope of the Protestant Church, I do not have any influence on the Eternal Night area.

Your ability to divide the ultimate faith at this time will give the old religion an opportunity to counterattack. At the same time, there is a gap between our two cities.

Eviscerate... I know that you have multiple identities. The World-Destroying Demon King of Hell is your other body. You are not only my death mentor, but also an important member of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

What you do makes me more and more unable to see through you, and I can't help but be wary of you.

The close cooperation we had before no longer exists, and you have now become a figure that scares me as well.

Which side are you on? "

When Daliang entered the hall, he was wearing a hood to cover his appearance. Now facing the Sad Pope's pressure, he lifted the hood that blocked his sight and looked directly at the Sad Pope.

Said: "I stand on my own side, I make things and choices that are beneficial to me. Your Majesty... When the City of Sighs clearly has financial resources, why haven't you taken the initiative to lend money to the Desolate Monarch and support Yongye City? of reconstruction?

When Eternal Night Cathedral returned, why did you refuse the invitation of the Desolate Lord and not go to Eternal Night City to participate in the celebration?

Why did the City of Sighs not provide any support when the Desolate Monarch attacked the Eternal Night Cathedral occupied by Yunzhong City?

When the Desolate Lord moves closer to you, but you push him away, don't blame Yongye City for alienating you.

It was precisely because I didn’t want to see Eternal Night City and Sighing City break apart again that I took action to help the Desolate Monarch. And from beginning to end, we have not betrayed your idea, because our enemies are the same and our interests are the same.

On the contrary, Your Majesty... you are too arrogant and too jealous. "

After the Sad Pope sighed, he turned to a firm tone and said: "After I knew that you were a wizard from the Wizards Guild, I could no longer trust you. This also caused the distance between us to grow farther and farther...

The miserable moan of betrayal betrayed Yunzhong City again, and I couldn't believe him.

This incident made me realize that I still have a long way to go before I can become the true ruler of the kingdom of death, and there is even a possibility of failure.

Once cracks have appeared, they are difficult to repair.

Now... Will is already gathering the troops from the City of Sighs, and I am also hesitating whether to attack your Trade Dominion. As long as I attack... the others, the Lord of Death, will definitely give me support. The cost will be very high, but we will win.

But I think what you said makes sense.

If I agree to the existence of the Trade Dominion in the Kingdom of Death, what benefits will I and my City of Sighs gain? "

This negotiation has entered the final and most critical moment.

Daliang said to the Sad Pope: "The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will invite the Purple Dragon Clan to build a large number of plane teleportation arrays in the Commerce Dominion. These teleportation arrays will establish connections with our friendly cities in various planes. Including Shangjiang City in the main world, Endless The obsidian city of the labyrinth, the magical forest, the crystal veins, the sulfur mines, and other cities that are willing to do business with us.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will fully replicate our business model in Shangjiang in the Commercial Autonomous Region.

Initially, the commercial and trade autonomous region will become a distribution center for specialty commodities in each plane and city. Although cross-dimensional transportation will increase the price of these goods, the time saved is enough to even out the value increase of the goods. Especially here you can buy things that are usually impossible to buy... from the enemy camp.

The ultimate goal of our Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is the same as what I said at the beginning. It is to use the cheap skeleton labor of the Kingdom of Death and the industrial systems of the eight races on the Yangtze River to combine the magic and alchemy technology mastered by the entire main world, the Five Color Flag Alliance, and all neutral heroes to establish the most comprehensive industry in all aspects. district.

Concentrate everything that the planes are good at from humans, warlocks, elves, orcs, hell, undead, dungeons, swamps, elements... all into this area.

I believe that under the neutral order, the civilizations of all ethnic groups can definitely collide and create the most brilliant sparks here. Develop more advanced magic, more advanced alchemy, advanced machinery...

If we can really do this, then the Kingdom of Death will become the plane that reaps the greatest benefits.

Even if you don't look at the uncertain future, just the concentration of all-dimensional products here is enough to benefit the City of Sighs. You must know that the Kingdom of Death can pay one less plane transfer fee when buying and selling goods here than in other planes. Therefore, facing such a huge market, merchants in the Kingdom of Death can make more money than merchants in other planes.

Moreover, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will also provide a series of benefits to City of Sighs, such as giving priority to hiring workers from City of Sighs, and making monthly financial donations to the New Holy See..."

Pope Sadness has seen the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's ability to make money. When Marquis Stanley visited the church in the Mist District, he left a very deep impression on the sad monarch at that time.

The death mercenaries sent by the City of Sighs to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce bring huge profits to the Sad Pope every week.

If the Commercial Dominion conducts business entirely in accordance with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce model, then the nearby City of Sighs will still be able to reap huge benefits even without any discounts.

If the full-dimensional industrial zone described by Daliang can be truly established, then the Kingdom of Death will definitely look different.

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