Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1274 Compromise

This is an irresistible temptation.

The Sad Pope, who has fought in plane wars, knows that... the war in the Kingdom of Death relies too much on the tactics of skeleton soldiers. The world status of the Kingdom of Death cannot be improved. In addition to not having a good hero to lead the army, the only thing left is that it does not have high-end weapons and can only consume low-level soldiers.

High-end weapons require high-level wizards, alchemists, and huge amounts of resources and financial support.

The undead have no shortage of senior mages and alchemists, nor resources. The only thing they lack is... money.

Without money, there is no way to arm a high-level army and no way to manufacture weapons of war. Without high-end military force, the army of the undead can only deploy tactics around skeleton soldiers, the lowest level of arms.

The cooperation between Sigh City and Shangjiang City has already given the Sad Pope a taste of the sweetness. Workshops throughout the city are working day and night to produce weapons and equip the Sad Pope's army.

The Sad Pope also established a research department on the divine plane, which also requires countless financial support.

At the same time, the Sad Pope felt a very special phenomenon.

When I had no money before, I didn’t feel like I had no money.

But now that I have money, I find that everything requires money, and gold coins are never enough.

This also made the Sad Pope so suspicious of Daliang that he did not directly eradicate him, but called him over and asked him to explain the reason.

Sigh City can no longer do without the trade system established with Shangjiang City.

Now... Da Liang placed a bigger piece of bread in front of the Sad Pope. If the Trade Dominion can really form such an economic scale, the benefits that the Sad Pope can obtain will not only support his development of the City of Sighs, but also allow the strength of the entire territory to continue to skyrocket.

"The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's commercial dominion can indeed bring me huge benefits..." The Sad Lord accepted the benefits promised by Daliang, which cannot be obtained through war. He knew...if he wanted to go further in the realm of death and in this plane war, he must cooperate with Eviscerate.

At least I can't fall out with Eviscerate just yet.

"But..." Pope Sadness said instead: "I can't just lose control of Yongye. Yongye City has the title of the first main city in the Kingdom of Death, and after completing the reconstruction of Yongye City, will Desolation Will you focus on my current position again?"

Daliang said: "Rather than saying that Lord Desolation robbed Yongye City, it is better to say that Lord Aiyin lost Yongye City himself. Although Yongye City is now the largest main city in the Kingdom of Death, it has the largest city in the entire Kingdom of Death. church.

However, the development momentum of Yongye City is far inferior to that of Sighing City.

I believe that as long as the City of Sighs continues to develop as it is now, it will not be difficult to overtake Eternal Night City and become the number one main city in the Kingdom of Death.

With your Majesty's financial resources and resources, it is not difficult to build a Holy See that is more magnificent than the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

You have such a huge advantage...

If you end up being overthrown by the Desolate Monarch... I can only say that this position is not suitable for you. And if the City of Sighs continues to be so powerful, and you are not as fatuous as Monarch Aiyin, how can Desolate dare to betray you!

His Majesty!

You are now the Pope of the Unsullied Curia, no longer the seventh-ranked Lord of Death.

What you lack now is the heart of a ruler..."

After listening to Daliang's words, the Sad Pope lowered his head and looked at his chest. Although the heart in his chest had long been cold, it seemed to be beating powerfully again at this moment.

He finally knew what he lacked and why he was afraid.

From the lowest ranking death monarch, he suddenly became the pope who wants to rule the kingdom of death. Although his identity has reached this height, his heart has not yet accepted this change.


Why should I worry about desolation? My status is higher than him and my strength is stronger than him. The City of Sighs is my city, and it will definitely be the first main city in the Kingdom of Death in the future.

All the undead in the Kingdom of Death will be under my rule.

It's probably because Desolation scares me.

He did not hesitate to sell his land at a low price to rebuild Yongye City, and this land is at the junction of Yongye and Sigh, which proves that he is afraid of me and afraid of me!

I really don't have the heart to be a ruler.

"I understand..." After the Sad Pope figured it out, he said to Daliang: "I ask the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Trade Dominion of Yunzhong City to open a channel connecting Yongye and Sigh, and not to interfere with the normal passage of the channel.

At both ends of the passage, Sigh and Yongye built an interconnected city respectively.

The City of Sighs will provide assistance to the reconstruction of Evernight City, and Evernight City needs to open the cathedral to the City of Sighs. I will send a team composed of alchemists, mages, and craftsmen to the Cathedral of Eternal Night to study the construction technology of the Cathedral of Eternal Night and prepare to build a new Cathedral of Sighs.

After the reconstruction of Eternal Night City is completed, tribute must be paid to the City of Sighs regularly. "

Daliang had already sensed the change in Pope Sadness' momentum. He bowed respectfully to Sadness and said, "I will convey your Majesty's words to Lord Desolation. I think he also wants to eliminate mutual suspicion and estrangement with the City of Sighs."

"The suspicion and estrangement will always be there. I just need him to listen to me."

Da Liang ended the negotiation with the Sad Pope.

With the approval of the Sad Pope, the final obstacle to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's establishment of a trade autonomous domain in the Kingdom of Death has been eliminated. At the same time, the Sad Pope also acquiesced that Yunzhong City had obtained a neutral land in the Kingdom of Death. After the Blue Alliance changed its flag and the angels of Yunzhong City lost the Cathedral of Eternal Night, they quickly reappeared on the land of the Kingdom of Death.

The establishment of the Commercial Dominion caused a very big fluctuation in the whole world.

Yunzhong City from the good camp entered the Kingdom of Death with a neutral stance, and established a commercial and trade autonomous domain with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, a subsidiary of the Shangjiang Alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

The three major camps in the world actually cooperated on this piece of land. The signal released caused a lot of speculation from all parties.

But the Five-Color Flag Alliance is still fighting against Dreamland, and Cloud City is still surrounding Furnace City.

The war continues without any changes due to the emergence of autonomous trade zones.

The world situation is more complex.

Daliang once again defeated the Desolate Monarch in Yongye City.

For the conditions proposed by the Sad Pope, the Desolate Monarch had no better choice. He did not have the capital to resist the Sad Pope, and he was shocked by the explosive power shown by the City of Sighs. The Sad Lord would be very happy if the Sad Pope did not cause trouble in the Evernight City.

The cracks in Eternal Night City and City of Sighs have been repaired. Although there are still cracks, at least they are bonded together under external force.

Da Liang did not stay too long in the kingdom of death. The Sad Pope does not want him to interfere too much in the affairs of the New Unsullied Holy See, and the Commercial Dominion is still under construction.

After the obelisk was placed in the tomb, Daliang no longer had any higher-level goals in the kingdom of death.

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