Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1275 Moore’s Awakening

Endless maze.

While the kings of the dungeon were resisting the invasion of the World Factory, they also discovered that the black elves who had taken advantage of the chaos and invaded the rich area at the core of the endless labyrinth had threatened their rule.

These fast-moving, predatory black elves are simply invincible after entering the open underground caves. Their dark cavalry galloped in the wild, toying with the Dungeon King's army with their super mobility, and then launched a surprise attack when the King's army was tired and careless.

Although the Dungeon King's army has three flying arms, they did not perform well in front of the black elf army.

The Harpy is a third-level flying unit in the dungeon. It has low attack, low defense, and low speed, so they cannot display the capabilities of a flying unit whether in the air combat battlefield or the land combat battlefield. After encountering the highly mobile Black Elf Dark Cavalry, the harpies of the Dungeon King's army were driven around. When they were exhausted and landed, the Dark Cavalry caught up and stabbed them to death.

The Manticore is the 11th-level flying unit of the Dungeon King's army. The slow flying speed is an important shortcoming of the Manticore. Not only are harpies and manticores flying slowly, but the environment in the dungeon makes the flying creatures here unable to fly at high speeds. Manticore's main opponent is the Shadow Witch, an 11th-level unit of the Black Elf. The Shadow Witch is an all-rounder on the battlefield that can handle both melee and long-range combat, as well as release negative magic. Therefore, Manticore did not perform well in the war against the black elves.

The third flying unit of the Dungeon King's army is the 13th-level red dragon and the 14th-level black dragon.

The flying speed of red dragons and black dragons is comparable to that of all ultimate flying creatures. Their powerful offensive and defensive capabilities and magic immunity make them the best in combat effectiveness among creatures of the same level.

But red dragons and black dragons are not exclusive to the dungeon king's army. Black elves can recruit these terrifying ultimate creatures in dragon nests in the wilderness. They also have spider queens who are good at weaving webs and spinning silk.

The tactics of the black elves revolve around the dark cavalry. This makes the dungeon king's army, which is good at fighting positions, even if it has an advantage over the black elves, there is no way to completely annihilate and severely damage the black elves who can leave the battlefield at high speed. On the contrary, once the dungeon king's army is at a disadvantage, it can easily be eaten away bit by bit by the dark cavalry biting up.

In the border area of ​​the underground kingdom, the army of the underground city kingdom gave up the fight for the wild land and focused on holding on to the city, waiting for the kings of the underground city to send reinforcements.

The black elves were raging, taking away all the resources they could take away, and organized an army to attack the city defended by the king's army.

These underground barbarians are getting stronger and more numerous as they fight.

After the shadow dragon Muir returned from Obsidian City, he accepted the order of the Singing King and summoned the king's army to attack the invading black elves.

Before going on the expedition, Moore needed to resolve the matter of the dwarves renting the Torch Tower of the Iron Heel Kingdom.

During an unannounced visit to Obsidian City, Moore experienced the Obsidian City under the rule of dwarves as a wandering tauren. Although the King of the Hill accepted the appointment of the Five Color Flag Alliance and led the Five Color Flag Alliance army to attack the elves in the Dreamland in the main world, the high dwarf ruling class stayed in Obsidian City to organize the reconstruction of the city.

It is different from the hierarchical and superior underground city ruling class. Among the dwarves, there is no big difference between ordinary dwarves and dwarf heroes.

Every dwarf is both a warrior and a laborer. Moore can see that the dwarf generals and rune mages he is familiar with are not lazy in blacksmithing or building walls.

In a short period of time, Moore felt that Obsidian City was completely two cities. Although the current Obsidian City has experienced the destruction of the war, Moore has no doubt that it will rise rapidly in a short period of time and become more powerful than the Obsidian City he rules.

At that time, no one could conquer the city, not even the Iron Hoof Kingdom with all its might could do it.

In comparison, although the Obsidian City that he rules seems to be extremely powerful, the soldiers from himself to the lowest level continue to deceive him with sweet dreams when he is at his weakest.

It is an inevitable fact that Obsidian City was attacked by the black elves. The situation at that time, no matter whether the dwarf reminded it or not, could not change the outcome...

Moore jumped out of his mental cycle and regained his previous self-confidence. Returning to the Drum City, his changes prompted the Singing King to re-activate him. When it comes to dealing with black elves... the entire Iron Heel Kingdom is probably not more experienced than Moore.

As soon as Maul regains his form and alertness, he will transform into the Dark Elf's worst nightmare.

When Moore was building his own army, he also waited for Daliang to visit again.

When he saw Da Liang this time, Moore was no longer as violent as last time, and he was no longer in a state of non-violence and non-cooperation. He knew that the Dungeon King's army was now facing two enemies, the World Factory and the Black Elves. They were fighting on two fronts, and both armies had to bear heavier combat tasks.

Equipping dwarves with weapons on a large scale is currently the best way to improve the combat effectiveness of the dungeon king's army.

Moore agreed to the Obsidian City dwarves’ application to rent the Torch Tower of the Ironhoof Kingdom and placed the first batch of orders in advance: “I require the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory in Obsidian City to specialize in manufacturing armor and battle axes for arming the tauren. In the future, the newly built dwarf weapons manufacturing factory will also give priority to manufacturing tauren equipment.

This is related to whether my army can defeat the invading black elf army. "

Moore knew clearly that the Black Elf army was good at running and attacking, and their defensive capabilities were not very strong. If the Dungeon King's army wants to defeat the black elves, they still need to rely on their soul soldiers... the tauren.

Strengthen the defense capabilities and attack power of the Tauren, allowing the Tauren to protect their own long-range troops.

When facing the attack of the black elves, as long as the outer defense line composed of the tauren is not breached, the two powerful long-range units of the Dungeon King's army, Evil Eye and Medusa, can continue to kill the black elves.

The black elves cannot attack and will retreat if they cannot bear the losses.

Moore has very rich experience in fighting black elves. He knows that if he wants to defeat the black elves, he cannot be afraid of fighting them in wild encounters. We can't help but not be afraid, and we must actively deploy our troops and limit the black elves' maneuvering space by casting a net.

The overall push drove them to keep moving. Consuming their physical strength and supplies, causing them to make movement errors, they constantly encircle and encroach.

achieve the goal of final victory.

The Singing King did not give Moore many troops. If a large net was launched to encircle and suppress the black elves, the number of troops at each connecting point would be reduced. This requires each army to have sufficient defensive capabilities to block the attacks of the black elves and persist until the surrounding friendly forces cooperate and encircle them.

Moore needs armor and weapons made by the dwarves, the best armor and weapons tailor-made for the tauren.

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