Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1276 Big Business

Moore no longer doubted the dwarves and no longer viewed them as traitors or enemies. When he entered the role of a commander, all he could think about was how to win this war that was related to the survival of the kingdom.

The Song King personally directed the war against the World Factory and handed over the squeezed out King's army to Moore. Moore cannot make any mistakes or failures in the war against the black elves.

He had to win, by any means imaginable.

The dwarves moved to the Endless Labyrinth at this time. Although they occupied Obsidian City, it was really lucky for the entire kingdom and the entire Endless Labyrinth natives.

The dwarves, who were originally in the good camp, began to make weapons for the evil camp.

Moore's army can quickly gain combat effectiveness.

For dwarves.

Moore's attitude is related to whether they can successfully integrate into the Endless Labyrinth. Moore recognizes that the dwarves rule Obsidian City, and the dwarves can devote part of their vigilance force to production and construction. In today's dwarf race, every member of the population is a valuable resource.

In addition, ethnic recovery and urban reconstruction also require a large amount of financial and material support. When the leased Torch Tower weapons manufacturing factory has not yet been built, Obsidian City can get such a large order, which is really a good start.

Although due to the lease of the Torch Tower, the Ironhoof Kingdom has preferential privileges for the purchase of dwarf weapons... which greatly dilutes the profit margin of dwarf weapons, but the victory lies in sufficient quantity. In times of war, the Singing King will not be stingy on armed troops. When the Dungeon King's army is accustomed to using dwarf weapons and relies on the improved defense and attack power, large orders will continue to come.

Da Liang made some calculations in his mind. If the demand for dwarf weapons in the Iron Hoof Kingdom could continue like this, it would be no problem to support the dwarves in rebuilding Obsidian City and completing the construction of a primary defense system for the entire Obsidian Cave.

If dwarf weapons can be sold to other dungeon kingdoms, and can be sold to all planes through the trade autonomy of the Kingdom of Death, the continuous capital chain will be enough for the dwarves to transform Obsidian City from a dungeon system to a dwarf city system in a short period of time. And complete the upgrade of the 14th-level main city.

Daliang said to Moore: "Thank you, sir, for your understanding of the dwarves. I believe that when the dwarves and the Iron Heel Kingdom join hands, we will be able to overcome the current crisis together.


I think that if we only use dwarf weapons to equip the king's army, we still need adults' soldiers to fight the black elves at close range. No matter how sophisticated the dwarves' weapons were, they could not avoid high casualties among the soldiers.

I wonder if Lord Moore is interested in war equipment produced by the human race?

The use of war equipment allows cavemen to exert unimaginable attack power..."

The manufacture of war equipment requires a large amount of wood, which is a scarce resource in the underground city. Therefore, the underground city is at the lower level of various races in the manufacture and use of war equipment.

The elves are undoubtedly the ones with the strongest research and development capabilities in war equipment. The various types of war equipment in the elven army are dazzling. However, the centaur, the first-level elven unit, is a very powerful cavalry unit. The operation and transportation of war equipment requires a large number of low-level soldiers. Whether to let the centaur charge or let the centaur operate the war equipment has always been a multiple-choice question that has troubled the elves.

In addition, the dreamland is a forest terrain, which is also a big problem for the transportation of heavy war equipment.

Therefore, although the elves' war instruments are powerful and diverse, these weapons are not widely used by the elves' army.

The human race is the strongest in all aspects of using war equipment.

The human race is a very average race among the races in the world. Good at everything, but nothing too good at. If the human race has a specialty, it is its large population.

The first-level unit of the human army is the spearman. The offensive and defensive attributes of the spearman are above average among the same-level units. Therefore, if spearmen are used to transport and operate war equipment, it is impossible for war equipment to be equipped on a large scale in the human army.

Note...this is the human army.

In addition to the army, the human race also has a special group, which is farmers.

Peasants (Level 0 of the human race)

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Kill: 1

HP: 10

Specialties: Taxpayers

The strong point of the human race is that... while other races use their own level 1 soldiers as laborers, the human race uses level 0 farmers.

The huge group of farmers gives the human race the most powerful production capacity in the world.

The human race's research and development of war equipment is not as good as the elves, but the output of human war equipment is high. When the war begins, the Terrans also have enough farmers who can be drafted into militia for the transportation of war equipment. In battle, a group of militiamen, commanded by only one or two spearmen, can operate war equipment that can threaten the ultimate creature.

In all planes, only the human race uses war equipment on a large scale, and they have rich experience in using war equipment. There are sufficient reserves of war equipment, and there are factories that can start large-scale production of war equipment at any time.

The first level soldier of the dungeon race is the caveman. Unlike the first-level soldiers of the elves and humans who are qualified warriors, the cavemen in the underground city who are not much better than farmers can only be used as laborers and slaves.

In the sequence of the dungeon king's army, basically you can't see too many cavemen.

If the human race's war equipment production capacity is combined with the idle cavemen in the dungeon, it will undoubtedly be able to add a strong army to the dungeon king's army.

The war equipment unit can beat the black elves' attacking troops to a certain extent before they get close, making the tactics of the dungeon king's army more diverse.

Now Shangjiang City has gotten rid of the influence of Yunzhong City. Unlike other human city-states in the main plane that are controlled by Yunzhong City, Shangjiang, which has joined the neutral camp Five Color Flag Alliance, has the ability to export war equipment to the underground city.

For Moore, this is an important weight for defeating the black elf.

"How much war equipment can Shangjiang City provide us with?"

Seeing the excited Moore, Daliang showed a business smile: "It depends on... the war budget of the Iron Shoe Kingdom. Although Shangjiang City is only a human city-state in the main world, our trade routes are very open. As long as you Make a shopping list and we can organize supplies for you from all over the world.

Your Excellency, you must have heard that the Shangjiang Shuntong Chamber of Commerce owns a trade autonomous territory in the Kingdom of Death, and the autonomous territory does not accept Shangjiang War Bonds as a means of payment. All-gold coin trading is very attractive to all major planes. I can assure you that as long as you want...the alchemy equipment of the World Factory, I can find a way to buy it for you. "

This is big business, a bigger business than purchasing dwarven equipment.

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