Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1284 Big Pit

The loss of the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death was a major strategic mistake for Yunzhong City.

Now, both Cloud City and Furnace City have no obelisks for research, and the sudden appearance of a third party has taken advantage of this aspect. The supreme angels who initiated the plane war were worried, as if everything they did might become a wedding dress for others.

Under the orders of Michael, Uriel went to the Kingdom of the Dead to search for traces of the lost obelisk.

Although they have set their sights on the Wizards Guild, it is still unknown whether they can find it. If Yunzhong City wants to maintain its advantage in research progress on the God Plane, it must find a new obelisk that can be used for experiments.

As the leader of the good camp, Yunzhong City cannot blatantly attack its own people.

The five-color flag alliance and the three-color giant dragon clan have joined forces to keep their lairs airtight. If the angels want to capture the attention of these three obelisks, they will inevitably have to fight a war that is difficult to determine the outcome.

Evil camp...

The obelisk of the Kingdom of Death is missing; the obelisk of hell was looked down upon by Lucifer in the Furnace City; the swamp wetland and the stone wilderness are just shouting but not fighting, and Cloud City did not steal the swamp tribe's obelisk. Opportunity.

Only the obelisk of the endless labyrinth remains.

Cloud City obtained exact information. The obelisk of the Endless Labyrinth was collected by King Scripps of the Darkwing Kingdom. He built a giant square in his main city, Dragon Roar City. The center of the square was the square of the Endless Labyrinth. Spire.

The role of the obelisk is not yet known to the Dungeon Kings. In their eyes, the obelisk has more symbolic significance than practical significance. Putting the obelisk on display in public will help the residents of the underground city remember the status of King Scripps and know who is the boss of this plane.

Yunzhong City is eyeing the obelisk tower in the endless maze, but the obelisk tower cannot be transported through teleportation, and it is in the center of Longroar City. Even if Yunzhong City attacks Dragon Roar City with all its strength, it is impossible to successfully take away the obelisk tower. Once it fails, everyone in the world will know that the obelisk must have another purpose. At that time, it will be even more difficult for Yunzhong City to obtain the obelisk again.

The best way to get the obelisk of the Endless Labyrinth is... if Dragon Roar City is breached, the angels will have the opportunity to steal the obelisk and transport it to other places to hide and study it secretly.

However, World Factory has adopted a steady and steady approach to the Endless Labyrinth, and has no intention of leading the puppet army to sweep the entire Endless Labyrinth in one go.

Fight like this... Waiting for the warlocks from World Factory to attack Longroar City, it is estimated that the God Plane has been opened in front of Yunzhong City.

Yunzhong City cannot wait, they must promote the formation of the decisive battle in the Endless Labyrinth as soon as possible, obtain the obelisk tower of the Endless Labyrinth in the shortest time, and maintain the advantage in the research progress of the God Plane.

At this time, the black elves of the Endless Labyrinth entered the vision of the supreme angels of Cloud City.

These underground barbarian tribes, which had always been discriminated against, suddenly burst out with impressive strength, turning the underground city kingdom upside down. There were even level 16 heroes, making the entire black elf race a mainstream race.

The black elves have shown the strength to threaten the foundation of the dungeon kingdom. However, the warlocks of the World Factory cannot let go of their arrogance and insist on their prejudice against the black elves race, unable to form a decisive advantage against the dungeon kingdom from both sides.

The World Factory and the Black Elves are fighting on their own. The Warlock continues to stick to the strategy he started, and is even prepared to sit back and watch the war between the Dungeon Kingdom and the Black Elves, hoping to see the two endless labyrinth forces lose both sides.

However, the black elves quickly exposed their shortcomings in the face of the joint siege by the Dungeon Kingdom. With simple weapons and single tactics, once a method of restraint is found, the black elves will face the fate of being beaten back to the wilderness.

The obelisk tower that Yunzhong City is looking forward to will also become far away.

For the ultimate goal, Yunzhong City had no choice but to put down its own body and secretly come to Golden Cave City to support the Black Elf race, allowing them to contain the forces of the Dark Wing Kingdom for a long time and create opportunities for World Factory to break through Dragon Roar City.

At this point, Meredith did not lie to Fergmina. The primary purpose of Cloud City's support to the Black Elves was to resolve the war in the Endless Labyrinth as soon as possible.

By the way, he tricked the black elves to earn some war expenses.

Yes... After Yunzhong City obtained a commercial dominion from Daliang, it had no intention of leaving it idle. There are many human city-states in the world of heroes, and Yunzhong City controls almost all human cities in the main world. Their production capacity is very powerful, and coupled with the output of all the good camps, the business scale of the Yunzhong City Dominion is not inferior to that of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's trade Dominion.

Shangjiang's business model allowed Yunzhong City to see that making money does not necessarily have to be snatched. In addition, Metatron wanted to experiment with a multi-racial coexistence model in the Yunzhong City Trade Dominion, so Yunzhong City was in its own trade Dominion. The humans in the world of heroic spirits were entrusted to establish the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Let Metatron do the work and earn some war funds at the same time.

Yunzhong City wanted to support the Black Elves in their fight against the Dungeon King's army, and also took a fancy to the wealth plundered from the Black Elves.

Regarding support to the black elves, Yunzhong City does not directly provide materials, but allows the black elves to buy them in the Yunzhong City Trading Dominion by giving or lending money.

Yunzhong City gave money to the black elves, and then sold them supplies to get the gold coins back. After deducting the high profits from the transaction, the actual aid provided by Cloud City to the Black Elves was not much.

However, the gold mined by the black elves of Jincao City and the wealth they robbed will continue to be transferred to the hands of Yunzhong City through material purchases.

In this way, Yunzhong City not only made money from the black elves, but also made the black elves and the dungeon king's army fight for their lives.

As long as the Black Elves of Golden Cave City and the armies of the Darkwing Kingdom are evenly matched, Yunzhong City will urge World Factory to march directly to Dragon Roar City no matter what.

Yunzhong City made a good calculation here in Golden Cave City. They were sure that Fegmina would never give up the rich land she currently occupied and return to the barbaric area with nothing.

And Feigmina really didn't have much choice.

As underground barbarians, the black elves only know how to spend when they have money and rob when they have no money. They do not have their own industry, commerce, or economic system, and of course they cannot see the trap designed by Yunzhong City in this cooperation.

Therefore, although Fegmina knew that Yunzhong City's support for her was definitely not out of good intentions, she could not see any harm to herself and the black elf race from this cooperation.

Feigmina thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she replied: "I, Fegmina, lead the black elf tribe of Golden Cave City. I am willing to accept the support of Yunzhong City and try my best to fight against the Dark Wing King's army. …”

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