Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1285 Emergency Return to the City

The black elves of the Golden Cave were taken care of by Yunzhong City.

When a plane portal connected Golden Grotto City and the Cloud City Commercial Dominion in the Kingdom of Death, the black elves finally realized how colorful the outside world was.

There were all the things they had heard and seen before, but most of them they had never even heard of.

The black elf, who came to the Yunzhong City Trading Dominion with a lot of gold coins in hand and wanted to sell something, didn't know what he should sell. Fortunately, the Angel Chamber of Commerce was very considerate and prepared a long detailed purchase order for the black elves of Golden Cave City.

At this time, the black elf could only speak one word.


Da Liang, who had been conquering the Torch Tower for retreat, did not know that Yunzhong City had already reached into the endless maze. All he knew was that... Moore was making great progress after receiving dwarf weapons and obtaining a large amount of war supplies through the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and Trade Dominion. His troops spread out across the wilderness into mobile war fortresses, and then moved to block the movement routes of the black elves, annihilating all the black elf armies that crashed into the net.

The battle to capture the black elves in the Iron Shoe Kingdom went extremely smoothly. Group after group of black elf prisoners were demoted as slaves and turned into payment for goods and fell into the hands of Da Liang.

Some of these black elf slaves were sent to Songjiang City to form an army and join the Five Color Flag Alliance Army to participate in the attack on the Dreamland.

Some of them were sent to Cihe City to accumulate the strength of the Cihe Black Elf Tribe.

While Daliang was practicing in seclusion, his subordinates' military strength was still growing rapidly.

Another torch tower was pushed to the top by Daliang, but the leader of the flames in the Flame Temple still did not provide Daliang with much information. Looking at the map in his hand, he saw that all the Torch Towers in the Iron Shoe Kingdom had been beaten by him.

Nothing useful has been obtained... How can a fire elemental creature that coexists with the Flame Temple take his body out?

Confused, no progress made.

Is it really necessary to go to the elemental plane to find the secrets of the Flame Commander from the ruins of the Neptune Emperor?

A somewhat illusory idea flashed in Da Liang's mind, and then an important news came, causing him to immediately abandon this retreat and return to the Shangjiang City Palace as quickly as possible.

The entire Five Color Flag Alliance and all the important figures in Shangjiang City gathered in King Joyce's imperial conference room. Daliang, as Duke Feichen and the imperial prime minister of Shangjiang City, sat next to Joyce.

There was silence in the conference room, even the King of the Hill who came back from the battlefield was silent.

As the host of the imperial meeting, Daliang read through the newly obtained intelligence, and then said to the King of the Hill: "Your Majesty, the King of the Hill, do you really think that the Stone Wilderness is ready to intervene in our war with the Dreamland? "

The King of the Hill looked at all the heroes who had turned their attention, then pointed to the map spread out on the conference table and said: "Yes, I think the orc army in the Stone Wilderness is very likely to support the Dreamland...

Now the war between us and Dreamland in the main world has come to an end, and the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army has conquered all the surrounding elven cities controlled by Dreamland. The last elven army is besieged by us around the West Lake and can be destroyed at any time.

After this battle, Shangjiang can directly control the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. From now on, we can capture everything from the north, west, and south.

It's just... Recently, many orcs from the stone wilderness have appeared in the orc city-states around us.

I think there's a chance that Stoney Wilderness will support Dreamland. "

After the King of the Hill expressed his guess, Daliang looked at Joyce beside him, and then asked the King of the Hill: "From the beginning of the plane war to the present, the orcs in the stone wilderness and the swamps in the swamp have The tribe has never had a large-scale war. The orcs have been fighting civil war in the stone wilderness. Even if they appear in the main world, they rob once and leave.

What makes your Majesty make the inference that the orcs will participate in the war? According to the information obtained by Shangjiang City, the number of stone beasts who appear in the orc city-states of the main world is not large.

Not enough to threaten Shangjiang City. "

Joyce added at this time: "Your Majesty the King of the's not that we don't believe in your judgment. It's just that Cloud City didn't intervene in this war, so why would Stone Wilderness help Dreamland?

We have not yet invaded the homeland of Dreamland, and at this stage of the war, we have no plans to invade Dreamland for the time being. The orcs want to attack us...the army can't do this, and it won't do them any good. "

The King of the Hill explained: “In previous plane wars, as the Elf King of Black Iron City, I fought jointly with the orc army in the Stone Wilderness many times.

Before the orcs launch a large-scale attack, they will definitely send shamans to conduct divination on the battlefield and choose the path of victory arranged by the gods to launch the attack.

The few orc warriors who appeared in the surrounding stone wilderness were actually there to protect the shaman. The more shamans come, the more attack routes they choose, and the greater the scale of the war.

According to my judgment on the number of these shamans, the orc army that is about to attack Shangjiang City this time comes from at least the two golden tent orc armies. "

There are basically seven rulers in each of the eight racial planes at the beginning of the game.

The Kingdom of Death is divided into spheres of influence by the Holy See; the Endless Labyrinth is divided into seven countries; the City in the Clouds has seven supreme angels headed by Michael.

There are seven golden tents in the Stone Wilderness, and the owner of each golden tent is a 16th-level orc warchief. The great chief manages the chiefs of each tribe under his control, and each chief has several shamans under him, who are responsible for divination of all activities of the orc tribe.

The orcs in the Stone Wilderness really like divination, and they will ask the gods for divination in almost everything they do. Moreover, orcs are very pious. As long as the divination shows an answer, no matter what the result is, the orcs will grit their teeth and swallow it.

Being cute and silly is probably why the ferocious orcs belong to the good camp.

During war, orcs will also perform divination one or more times, which requires a shaman...

Divination of small things can be done by anyone anytime, anywhere, and the results are completely random. But shamans are different. They really have the ability to divine the correct answer. In other words, when the shaman divines the result, the process of this part of the game will develop according to the result of the shaman's divination.

Outside of the game, this is a causal weapon, which is very scary.

Even in the game, the shaman's divination skills are amazing.

If the King of the Hill's guess is true, with so many stone wilderness shamans appearing around Shangjiang City, just divining the attack route can turn the defense system around Shangjiang into a sieve.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, the shaman's ability cannot be underestimated.

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