Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1288 Heart to Heart

Purple Shirt, Red Baker, and the King of the Hill were lost in thought. Thinking about what impact it would have on the Five Color Flag Alliance and the entire plane once Shangjiang established an empire.

The high-ranking nobles who belonged to Shangjiang became fanatical one by one. Even Duke Joshua, who has a very deep city, can't conceal his excitement.

For the nobles of Shangjiang, establishing an empire meant reaching an unprecedented height. They will be firmly remembered by history and become the most dazzling moment of the family. Even if they die in battle that day, they will have no regrets in this life.

Joyce did not immediately express his attitude.

Facing a dreamland and a stone wilderness at the same time, if Shangjiang wants to win the war, he must have foreign aid that is strong enough and will not trigger a siege from the good camp. Looking across the board, no single force is qualified for this role.

But as Daliang said, the power of the main world has been ignored. If you want to unite them into a force, a powerful person must stand up.

Shangjiang meets all the conditions to become a powerful person in the main world. If the power of the main world can be concentrated here, the Five Color Flag Alliance can become an existence that can compete with the good camp and the evil camp.

However, if Joyce wants to become emperor, he must have the support of the allies of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Once Shangjiang establishes the empire and begins to integrate the main plane... the composition of the forces within the Five-Color Flag Alliance will undergo major changes. Shangjiang City will leave the other allies behind in one fell swoop from the Five Color Flag Alliance's treasury, becoming the strongest overall player.

The imbalance of power within the alliance is not terrible. What really worries Purple Shirt, Red Baker, and the King of the Hill is that... Joyce is a human race. She has not understood the rules and is not a level 16 hero, so she will be limited by the lifespan of the human race.

After Joyce dies, what kind of person will her successor be?

To be sure, the odds of being better than Joyce are too slim. If her successor is the same as King William, the glory of the Five Colors Alliance may be short-lived.

Poison Dragon Clan Amber will support Daliang unconditionally, but Purple Dragon Clan, Crystal Dragon Clan, and Dwarf Clan must make longer-term considerations for their own races.

After a while, the purple-shirted patriarch said: "I don't have much objection to the establishment of an empire in Shangjiang City. However, the lifespan of the human race determines that every new emperor's ascension to the throne will start an uncertain era. It may not change; it may It may get better; it may also get worse. Now Shangjiang City is a city-state. No matter what the city becomes in the future, we can make independent choices based on the situation.

And if Shangjiang established an empire and had the power of the entire main plane.

I'm afraid that the alliance will become the alliance of Shangjiang City, and our words will not be as effective as they are now.

King Joyce, Duke Daliang... After Shangjiang established the empire, how the Five Color Flag Alliance will exist is not something we can solve. "

As a 16th-level hero who has entered the final stage of his lifespan, the purple-shirted patriarch has witnessed too many races and forces that rose rapidly and declined rapidly in his long life.

The frequent changes in power are the biggest factor in the decline of these races and forces.

As a player, Daliang certainly won't think about things hundreds or thousands of years from now. He will be very satisfied if the game is not closed during his lifetime.

Therefore, when the purple-shirted patriarch discussed the issue of the empire's successor with him, Daliang couldn't think of any good solution.

However, Joyce said at this time: "You don't have to worry about whether the successors after Shangjiang established the empire will be wise or fatuous.

During the ceremony of establishing the empire, I will confer Duke Feichen as the prince and hold a wedding ceremony with the prince soon.

Even if my lifespan ends at some point in the future, Prince Feichen, who has understood the law and been promoted to a level 16 hero, will always protect our city and our country for me..."

After saying this, Joyce looked at Da Liang. At this moment, her eyes no longer had the majesty of a king, but were full of tenderness and hope for future happiness.

Daliang sat next to the throne and felt the deep affection conveyed by Joyce. He put his hand on Joyce's, looked her in the eyes as well and said, "Yes, I will always protect our city and our country."

Joyce and Daliang's mutual commitment and devotion aroused warm applause in the conference room.

The worries in the hearts of several clan leaders disappeared at this moment.

As a core member of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the members who attended the meeting all knew about Daliang's multiple identities. They knew that he was the Eviscerating Lord of the Kingdom of Death, that he was the Destroying Lord King of Hell, and that he could do anything in the form of the Lieutenant Commander. Understand law-level fire magic and become a level 16 hero.

In fact, just having a fire elemental body would allow him to live for a long, long time.

After Joyce ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Daliang was canonized as a prince and then married Joyce. In the future, the owner of Shangjiang City will be his and Joyce's descendants, so under Daliang's care, there will be no fatuous rulers in Shangjiang.

What the leader of the purple shirt is worried about will not happen.

Shangjiang's ability to integrate the power of the main world is a great thing for the Five Color Flag Alliance.

The purple-shirted clan leader said: "The Purple Dragon clan is willing to support King Joyce in proclaiming himself emperor and establishing an empire with Shangjiang City as its core."

Chief Red Baker said: "The Crystal Dragon Clan is willing to support King Joyce in proclaiming himself emperor and establishing an empire with Upper River City as its core."

Chief Amber said: "..."

The King of the Hill said: "..."

All the nobles from Shangjiang City stood up and congratulated Joyce and Daliang together.

The atmosphere of the meeting was pushed to a new height.

However... all of this is based on Shangjiang successfully completing the predetermined goal and winning the war.

The Dream Realm has not yet used its full strength, and the fighting power of the Shi Kuang Kuang Beast Man is also extremely strong. Whether Shangjiang can complete the tactical goals of all parties in an orderly manner under the attack of the two planes, and let the decisive battle break out on the battlefield he has designed, will determine whether this imaginary empire can be established.

What if the armies of elves and orcs are overwhelming, approaching the city, and directly surrounding Shangjiang City. Then going up to the river to build an empire really becomes a self-pleasure before death.

"Contempt the enemy strategically, and take the enemy seriously tactically."

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army can optimistically discuss various matters related to establishing an empire at the meeting. But when discussing how to fight this war, they are very cautious.

After the strategic direction was determined, a strategic and tactical map of Shangjiang was spread out in the middle of the conference table.

All the members who participated in the imperial meeting stood up and looked at the distribution of enemy and enemy forces on the map from a better perspective.

As the commander-in-chief of the Five Color Flag Alliance Army, Duke Joshua was responsible for explaining the defense layout of the entire Shangjiang control area.

On the map, the army of Shangjiang is sea blue; the army of the elves in the Dreamland is green; and the army of the stone beastmen is earthy yellow.

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