Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1289 Arrangement of Troops

After a series of wars, the land controlled by Shangjiang has been greatly expanded.

To the west, Nanjing City, the sub-main city of the Level 13 Hell Tribe, was included in the control area. The city lord of Nanjing City was Duke Mars, who had sworn allegiance to King Joyce. At the same time, Lucifer announced the lifting of control of Nanjing City.

To the south, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army has captured the level 12 elf city of Hangzhou.

To the north, the Shangjiang occupation zone extended across the Yangtze River into central Jiangsu.

Now the Five Color Flag Alliance has stopped its expansion, ended its attack on the Dreamland Elf Army, and switched to a defensive state as quickly as possible.

The enemy Dreamland Elf Tribe, they also have a quite powerful Elf Army in the forest near West Lake in Hangzhou City. The elven army is commanded by a 16th-level Golden Dragon Elf King. He has understood the law-level power, which can effectively alleviate the deterrent effect of Qianli and Amber's combined skill "Dragon Glory" on the elven dragons.

The enemy Stone Kuang Beast Tribe has not yet mobilized a large number of troops to the main world, but small groups of orc armies have appeared in the north, west, and south of the Shangjiang control area.

If the orcs intervene in the war, they must attack from these three directions at the same time.

The dwarf rebels who insisted on fighting guerrilla warfare in the Dreamland also conveyed important information to Obsidian City: the elves' encirclement and suppression of the dwarf rebels was weakening. A large number of elven armies gathered towards the dreamland city that was connected to the elven cities around Shangjiang by plane teleportation arrays. Among them, the main city of Bauhinia has the largest army, and King Wadsworth is very likely to personally command this war against Shangjiang City.

It can be said that there will be two golden tent armies participating in the battle in the Stone Wilderness, and the orc and elf coalition may have four to five level 16 heroes appearing on the battlefield.

The only level 16 heroes currently on the battlefield in the Five Color Flag Alliance are King of the Hill and Holy Bella.

After Duke Joshua explained the Shangjiang defense plan, the King of the Hill said: "The Elf Army hiding in the forest southwest of Hangzhou City is led by the Golden Dragon King Hopes. When the Dreamland began to shift to the offensive, They will definitely fight for the city of Hangzhou with all their strength and attack from the south towards the Yangtze River.

If King Wadsworth also comes to the main world, he will most likely appear on this front.

I can defeat Golden Dragon King Hopes, but I am no match for King Wadsworth. If I want to stabilize the retreat speed on the southern front and resist step by step... I need the help of Holy Bella. Holy Bella and I block the southern line. With the cooperation of Qianli and Amber, we can stabilize our defense even if three Elf Kings join the battle.

The Yangtze River blocks the northern line of the upper Yangtze River. The hurried orc army does not have the ability to fight across the river. This should not be their main attack direction. I think Duke Joshua can be a competent defensive commander on the northern line.

When the elves mainly attack the southern line and the northern line is blocked. If the orcs want to quickly invade Shangjiang City and rob them, their main force will definitely be on the western front. Nanjing City will first collide with the orc invading army. I don't want Nanjing City to be captured prematurely. The level 13 sub-main city must bleed the orc army here to show its role. .

However, the orc army will have two 16th-level warchiefs participating in the battle, and we must send 16th-level heroes to fight against them. As the Lord of Hell, the Demon King of Destruction cannot appear in this war, so one of the Purple Shirt Clan Chief and the Red Baker Clan Chief must defend Nanjing City.

As a result, our defensive capabilities in the rear will decline significantly. "

The Purple Shirt Patriarch and the Red Baker Patriarch are both very powerful level 16 heroes. One of them can rely on the strong city in the level 13 Nanjing City to fend off the two orc chiefs for a period of time.

The problem is...the three dragon lair planes and Obsidian City all need to be guarded, leaving only one level 16 hero behind. Once there is an emergency, there will inevitably be problems in defense.

Daliang said at this time: "Leave the defense of Nanjing City to me. Although I cannot participate in the battle as the 16th-level World-Destroying Demon King, I have a supreme angel under my subordinate.

If the orc warchief who comes is not too strong, relying on the defensive system of the level 13 city, he should be able to hold on for a while. "

Another supreme angel!

Only then did the members of the Five Color Flag Alliance remember that there seemed to be a supreme angel among Daliang's subordinates, a 16th-level hero...

She had appeared in the Despair City War. When the Purple Shirt Patriarch, the Red Baker Patriarch, and Holy Bella besieged the Pain Demon King Buck, Buck's army attacked desperately, trying to rescue their king. When the defenders of Despair City had no troops to send, a supreme angel holding an artifact suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Then the forbidden curse of divine attributes descended...

To this day, those who participated in that battle still clearly remember the sound that resounded throughout the sky.

"In the name of arbitration, I carry out the 'final sanction' on good and evil in the world."

At that time, the purple-shirted patriarch and the others suspected that it was a 16th-level supreme angel, but under the power of the forbidden curse, they were fighting Buck again. No one has time to verify it.

Later, Daliang didn't say anything, so no one took the initiative to ask, and they never saw the supreme angel again.

Now through the Great Light, the existence of the supreme angel has finally been confirmed.

If you include the 16th-level hero who led a team of alchemists to study the divine plane in the Boneyard, Da Liang himself has also reached level 16. As the hidden main alliance in the Five Color Flag Alliance, the Black Fire Leader actually has three level 16 heroes.

Not counting overall strength, in terms of the number of level 16 heroes, Daliang's Black Fire Leader has more heroes than the three giant dragon clans combined.

Daliang's strength aroused a wave of admiration. The existence of a new level 16 hero gave the members participating in the meeting more confidence in winning this war.

Holy Bella, who also attended the meeting but did not speak much, has been sitting in the rest area reading the book in her hand. When she heard that there was a new supreme angel, she couldn't help but ask: "There is a supreme angel among your subordinates. Is it the one who released the forbidden curse in Despair City? Who is it?"

Daliang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who she is, you can call her Arbitration. The Arbitration Angel and I will go to Nanjing City to support Duke Mars. We will block the main force of the orcs there and cause a certain degree of damage to the invaders. s damage.

I hope Shangjiang can use this time to complete more construction of the defensive system.

I also wish His Majesty the King of the Hill and Lord Holy Bella a wonderful battle in Hangzhou City. "

Currently, there are people in charge of the three battlefields on the northern, western, and southern fronts of the Yangtze River. The ultimate goal of the three battlefields is to demoralize the first wave of the orc army and the elven army, kill the enemy troops, and delay time.

Then, through successive resistance with stepped tactics, the three armies completed the rendezvous with the main army on the outer front of Shangjiang.

Finally, a decisive battle was formed.

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