Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1290 Duke of Mars

South J City.

From the beginning of the game to now, Daliang has finally adapted to a Western fantasy-style game, with city names bearing oriental place names. In fact, there is nothing the game official can do... The main world is based on the real earth. If there are a bunch of cities with Western names in the Chinese game area, the game will have no way to be launched in the Chinese game area.

This is not only the case in the Chinese game area, but also in other game areas.

Fortunately, after the initial discomfort, the players felt that the names of these cities were very friendly and gave them a sense of belonging.

NJ City is a 13th-level hell city, with 10 sub-cities under its jurisdiction, including five eighth-level cities, three ninth-level cities, and two tenth-level cities.

As a secondary main city in hell, NJ City was once the main opponent of Shangjiang City. The two cities fought many wars over control of the upper and lower reaches of the river. At that time, Shangjiang's strength was at its peak under the rule of the former King of Donghai. In the battle against NJ City, he quickly gained an overwhelming advantage, forcing the ruler of NJ City, Duke Mars, to admit Shangjiang. Jiang's control over the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

However, as the former King of East China Sea aged, Shangjiang entered a turbulent period, which also made Duke Mars a little ready to make a move.

But before NJ City could take any hostile action, Shangjiang immediately broke out after a dazzling alternation of power. After King Joyce ascended the throne, Shangjiang City soon had the strength to compete with a high-level plane.

The changes were so fast that without much reaction from the Duke of Mars, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army led by Shangjiang went to war with Dreamland. At the same time, King Joyce's surrender letter was also sent to the hands of the Duke of Mars. .

At that time, there were two elven cities in the NJ City sub-city that were occupied by the dreamland. The Duke of Mars did not give Joyce any reply. He wanted to rely on the army of Dreamland to block Shangjiang's annexation and maintain the independence of NJ City.

But Duke Mars did not expect that the army of Dreamland would be so unwilling to fight. The two elven cities were successively attacked by the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army, and NJ City was directly exposed to the soldiers of Shangjiang City.

Even the Dreamland was defeated, and Duke Mars no longer had the courage to resist. He sent a letter of surrender to King Joyce, and NJ City became an important part of Shangjiang's ruling area.

Since the Duke of Mars surrendered voluntarily, King Joyce kept his promise and did not deprive him of his title. This level 13 hell city is still under the rule of the Duke of Mars.

It is close to Shangjiang and the Five-Color Flag Alliance. The Duke of Mars was really high-spirited. He actively gathered his troops and prepared weapons and supplies for the war. Prepare to follow the footsteps of Shangjiang's expansion and fight all the way to expand territory and win more benefits.

What makes Duke Mars strange is that after NJ City was merged into Shangjiang, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army not only stopped advancing westward, but the main force retreated towards Shangjiang.

At the same time, the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army remaining in the NJ City area is also actively building fortifications...

Switch from an offensive stance to a defensive stance.

The sudden change made Duke Mars aware that... a powerful enemy that even frightened the Five-Colored Flags Alliance was coming soon.

What should we do with NJ City, which has just been merged into Shangjiang City? Looking at the layout of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army... it is obvious that NJ City will be the front line in this defensive battle...

Just when Duke Mars didn't know where NJ City would go at this time, Shangjiang sent Duke Feichen.

Duke Flying Dust?

NJ City and Shangjiang City are really very close. The Duke of Mars really knows the name of this legendary Duke Flying Dust. It can be said that every time there is a major change in Shangjiang, the figure of Duke Feichen can be seen in it. From the promotion process of Duke Feichen, we can also see... what role he played in the rise of Shangjiang.

Now Duke Feichen is the imperial prime minister of Shangjiang and the most trusted nobleman of King Joyce.

What does he want to do when he comes to NJ City at this time?

No matter what Duke Mars guessed, he immediately and grandly welcomed Daliang into NJ City.

Accompanied by Duke Mars, Daliang has been inspecting this 13th-level secondary main city since entering NJ City.

NJ City is a hell city. The hell city's ability to transform the environment makes the entire land a volcano and lava landform. The famous Purple Mountain is a super volcano on the edge of NJ City. It erupts all year round. Red fire clouds cover the sky and the entire city is shrouded in scattered red light.

Magma flows down from the crater on the top of the mountain, and the tributaries converge into several magma rivers in the city, and then surround the entire NJ city in the middle, adding a natural barrier to the city's defense.

To the north of NJ City is the Yangtze River. If the orcs in the stone wilderness do not have strong water power in a short time, Shangjiang City can continuously transport supplies for the defense of NJ City through the Yangtze River water transport.

When Da Liang was simply thinking about how to defend NJ City, he and Duke Mars arrived at the city lord's palace in NJ City.

The Duke of Mars is a 14th-level creature of the Hell clan. He has a strong body and red horny skin. On his forehead was a pair of horns as thick as fists, and his eyes were full of confusion and cunning. His individual strength has reached level 15, and he is a ruthless character...

But after the plane war broke out, Duke Mars could no longer be ruthless, and the devil's tail no longer fluttered.

As the master of NJ City, Duke Mars sat on the main seat in the conference room of the City Lord's Mansion. He looked at Da Liang, who was sitting next to him, and the archangel who had followed him into the conference room behind him.

There was another person wearing a smock to hide his appearance, who also followed Daliang into NJ City. Just when this mysterious man was about to follow Daliang into the conference room, he was stopped by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion. But Daliang insisted on letting him attend the meeting. Forced by Daliang's identity, Mars let the unknown person in.

After this man came in, he sat quietly next to Daliang, so that Duke Mars could not see through his identity.

After a slight pause, Duke Mars said: "Mr. Duke Feichen, you are King Joyce's most trusted nobleman and the Prime Minister of Shangjiang City. I am very happy for your arrival.

It is only because it is war time and my city is preparing for war in preparation for King Joyce that a ceremony befitting your status is not held for the Duke.

Please excuse me. "

When Daliang entered the city, he saw the army gathering outside NJ City. The army of hell was full of evil and violent beauty at all times.

"My coming to NJ City this time was indeed a bit too sudden. It was my mistake not to inform the Duke in advance. I am very satisfied with the reception NJ City has given me.

Due to time constraints, I will directly explain my purpose of coming to NJ City this time..."

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