Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1291 NJ City

After hearing the news brought by Da Liang, Duke Mars only felt that the heat of the lava could not dispel the chill in his heart.

Regarding the sudden change in strategy of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army, Duke Mars initially speculated that Dreamland would increase its troops on the Shangjiang battlefield. Increase the number of troops in the dreamland? The Duke of Mars is not too worried. For the Five Color Flag Alliance, which can compete with a high-level plane, defense is just for better offense.

As long as they guard against the edge of the magical realm, the Five Color Flag Alliance Army can turn from defense to offense and continue to advance triumphantly.

But now... Da Liang told him that the orcs in the Stone Wilderness were going to join the war...

These are two base camp-level planes!

Does Shangjiang City have the strength to play two high-level planes at the same time?

The Duke of Mars thought it was negative.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance has the means to restrain the giant dragon in the dreamland, which limits the performance of the golden dragon and the green dragon. This is why the Five-Color Flag Alliance can fight so smoothly.

The ultimate creatures of the orcs are the 13th-level Behemoth and the 14th-level ancient Behemoth, as well as the 15th-level Behemoth Holy Beast. If they are not dragons, they will not be affected by "Dragon Glory".

Behemoth is a land-fighting creature and cannot fly. As a design balance, Behemoth's ground combat ability is very outstanding. The Crystal Dragon charge tactic often used by the Five Color Flag Alliance is about to face a tough opponent.

And the orcs also have a 16th-level warchief...

It can be said that if the orcs in the Stone Wilderness join the battle, Shangjiang City will be in a position to be crushed. As the western border of Shangjiang's ruling area, NJ City will bear the brunt and encounter the strongest enemy offensive head-on.

The Duke of Mars does not believe that he can defend NJ City. This is a losing war. From the moment Shangjiang prepared to provoke Dreamland, this failure was doomed.

Sadly... NJ City will become the first batch of burial objects in Shangjiang.

As an old rival of the former East China Sea King, Duke Mars is not a guy without vision and incompetence. He could clearly see the difference in strength between the two sides in the war. This battle... If Shangjiang could not find qualified helpers, he would definitely lose.

So Duke Mars asked: "Your Excellency, Duke Feichen... Since the dreamland has invited the Stone Wilderness to join the war, which ally did we recruit from Shangjiang to support us in winning this war?"

Daliang said: "We have no allies. We have to fight this battle on our own. We ourselves are our own allies. This is also the purpose of King Joyce sending me to NJ City.

According to our analysis of enemy tactics, NJ City will first face the attack of the Shikuangkuang Beastmen army. It is expected that... there will be two main forces of the Orc Golden Account attacking NJ City from west to east.

King Joyce ordered me to come to NJ City to assist the Duke of Mars in defending NJ City.

We must consume the orc army's strength to the maximum extent under NJ City to gain time for Shangjiang City to prepare for a decisive battle on the outside. "

After hearing about the strategic role of NJ City, Duke Mars was very dissatisfied and said: "Let my NJ City be used as the first line of defense to block the front of the orc army?

Lord Feichen Duke... Do you know what will be left in this city after this battle is over?

This level 13 city is likely to disappear from the map!

Why does King Joyce want my city to pay such a price? Use the destruction of NJ City to delay the destruction of Shangjiang City!

This war was wrong from the beginning. We are all independent city-states, and Shangjiang should not have annexed us. I think... the best solution now is for Shangjiang to give up his control over the annexed city-state and take the initiative to negotiate peace with Dreamland.

Everything is restored to its original appearance. "

Da Liang could hear that Duke Mars was timid about the war that was about to break out. For city-states in the main world, fighting a base camp plane is already a very crazy thing. Now adding another base camp plane is too crazy.

It's natural to be afraid.

Daliang was assigned to come to NJ City to help in the battle... Actually, he didn't have much confidence. It's just that when things got to this point, we had to fight and fight.


Would Stoney Wilderness, who came for the money, agree?

Daliang knew that he had to appease Duke Mars. Only if the ruler of NJ City was willing to fight here could the entire NJ City's defense system be operational and the NJ City's army be able to fight.

Otherwise, with the small number of Five Color Flag Alliance troops here, fighting in the wild, they would not be able to withstand even a charge from the orcs.

Daliang patiently said to Duke Mars: "I know that NJ City will definitely suffer heavy losses in this war. But please remember, Duke, that you have pledged allegiance to King Joyce, and it is you who fight for His Majesty. honor and obligation.

Shangjiang City now shoulders the heavy responsibility of whether the main plane can escape the control of the higher plane, so no matter what kind of enemy we encounter in this battle, we will continue to fight.

There are only two outcomes to this battle, victory or destruction.

But no matter what the result was, all Shangjiang left in the main plane was honor. Even if Shangjiang disappears because of this, as long as the city still exists on the main plane, this history will be recorded and sung forever.


At this time, Duke Mars stopped Da Liang from continuing to persuade. He pointed at his face and said: "Duke Feichen... don't use the false noble honor of the human race to deceive me. Although I am a noble, I am also a devil.

The oath to me is not as binding as you think, and honor is the devil's ridicule.

Let me tell you... if I can see the hope of victory, even if there is only a little bit, I will follow Shangjiang to fight. But facing the dreamland and the stone wilderness, I don't see any hope of victory for the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army.

I'm sorry... If Shangjiang insists on dying, my city and I cannot be buried with you.

When the orc army arrives, I will surrender... Lord Duke, you can leave now. Before the orc army arrives, you are safe within the limits of NJ City. "

Daliang didn't expect that his famous talking skills would be put under fire here. Then I thought about it, saying that I was talking about noblesse responsibility and family honor to a devil, I was really talking to a bull.

Even a demon on the main plane is a chaotic and evil creature.

Just like hell... when dealing with demons, the last word is to use hard fists.

Daliang smiled awkwardly, and then said to the mysterious man sitting next to him: "It seems that I was right to invite you here specially.

I think you and the Duke of Mars should be old friends who have known each other for many years.

If he doesn't listen to me... he should listen to you. "

When the Duke of Mars said that he wanted to surrender, he remained on guard. He can activate the hidden magic circle and escape from here at any time. Even if a level 16 hero takes action, he is confident that he can leave unscathed.

Then just hide until the orc army arrives.

Duke Mars stared at the reaction of Daliang and his group, and then he saw the man who had been covering his appearance slowly lifting the hood attached to the blouse.

After Duke Mars saw the man's appearance clearly, he stood up in surprise, pointed at the man and shouted: "Howard, why are you here!"

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