Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1294 The orcs are coming

The Duke of Mars can distrust Daliang, but he will not doubt Howard.

Howard's promise gave Duke Mars a reassurance, and also aroused Duke Mars' gambler's mentality of giving it a try. If you win, you will become famous. Follow Shang Jiang to build the first empire in the main world, and become an existence that can compete with the good camp and the evil camp.

Failure... As long as you don't die, there is still a chance to come back.

"Okay... I am willing to hand over the military power of NJ City to His Majesty Howard. I believe that under your command, the army of NJ City can exert a combat effectiveness several times stronger than it is now.

The nobles of NJ City will also fully cooperate with His Majesty's military deployment. Please make full use of all the military power and resources of NJ City to lead us to win this war that can be recorded in history. "

The command of NJ City's defensive battle was finally obtained.

Da Liang suddenly breathed a secret sigh of relief. NJ City is a hell city, and its subordinate armies are mainly composed of the hell army. Howard is the current owner of Hell Despair City, the Hell Lord King. He has experienced the Battle of Despair City and the War of Crucible City, and is very familiar with how to command the armies of hell. Coupled with his war talent that even Satan admired, there was no more suitable candidate to be the commander of the NJ City army except Howard.

Daliang didn't compete with Howard for command...he knew his own trade. He can still manage to command a small-scale war, but as more troops participate in the war, various problems will arise. After all, he was not a graduate of the Military Academy. Facing the attacks of at least two Golden Tent orc armies in the stone wilderness, his commanding methods based on his feelings were too rough.

NJ City's army is at an absolute disadvantage. This defensive battle has a very small command error tolerance. It needs a commander who truly understands war, that is, Howard.

The enemy was approaching, and the Duke of Mars, who decided to resist, transferred the military power of NJ City to Howard's hands as quickly as possible. Howard also immediately started the defense command of NJ City.

And Howard's first order after taking over the command was... to strengthen the walls and clear the fields.

The orcs in the Stone Wilderness come to the main plane to fight, which is an inter-dimensional battle. If any army wants to conduct cross-dimensional operations, the first problem it must face is logistical support.

War consumes a huge amount of materials. Even an undead army that does not rely heavily on logistics still needs a certain supply of materials.

There are two main ways to obtain materials for cross-dimensional combat:

One is brought from the home plane, and as long as the rear supplies are adequately prepared, the supply method of this kind of supplies is the most stable. But...transferring across planes requires high teleportation fees. Teleporting an army is already a very large expense. If you rely on cross-dimensional supplies to supply materials, the cost will be even greater than teleporting an army.

Even if Yunzhong City fights across planes, they are not willing to send all supplies across planes.

Not to mention the poor and scumbag orcs.

It is estimated that the transportation fee for the invasion of the main plane orc army in the Stone Wilderness was paid by the Dream Realm, but the Dream Realm would never bear the material consumption of the orcs during the war. Not only because the elves were reluctant to pay the fee, they asked the orcs to attack Shangjiang City in order to find a thug who would not be able to overfeed the orc army so that they could enter Shangjiang City before the elven army.

At that time, the dreamland was still too far away!

Therefore... the orc army that invaded the Stone Wilderness was bound to be unable to carry too much supplies. They needed to rely on plundering on the main plane to support the consumption of the war.

Supplies on the spot and fighting to support the war are the second supply methods for cross-dimensional operations.

But at this time, the city-states in the main plane are not separate cities. The main base camp planes have completed the control and division of these cities. Once the city is threatened by the orc army this time, for fear of being looted, it will definitely resist desperately and seek help from the high-level planes where they have taken refuge.

The orc army in the Stone Wilderness also wants to attack Shangjiang City as soon as possible so that they can occupy a good position at the dinner table where Shangjiang's wealth is divided. Therefore, the orc army will not disperse its forces to fight unnecessary wars. They will concentrate their troops and attack eastward. First capture the NJ area, and after obtaining supplies here, join the elf army in the Dreamland to attack Shangjiang City together.

After Howard predicted the movements of the orc army, he ordered all deputy cities under NJ City to mobilize.

All troops and civilians from the ten sub-cities moved to NJ City, taking away everything they could. Destroy all the defense facilities in the ten sub-cities, destroy the houses, and burn the materials and resources that cannot be taken away.

All roads outside the city were dug up, and crops in the farmland were burned.

Demolish mills and waterwheels; fill wells; slaughter livestock and let the undead create plague areas.

Howard's order was very resolute. He wanted to give up all the territory outside NJ City and use all the military, manpower and material resources that could be concentrated on the defense of NJ City.

Then leave a ruins for the orc army that is about to arrive.

The orcs cannot find a house to rest here, so they need to use their own materials to build camps; they cannot use the occupied cities to build siege equipment. If they are unwilling to transfer from the stone wilderness, they can only attack the city with human bombs. The effectiveness of the siege was greatly reduced.

They couldn't get food; they lacked convenient water sources; they also suffered from the impact of the plague on the orc warriors.

Howard concentrated his strength while minimizing the combat effectiveness of the orc army.

At this moment, Howard's high command and command level came into play. One order after another was issued from the city lord's palace in NJ City. The entire city was like a tightly coupled machine, operating efficiently and entering a state of defensive war as quickly as possible.

Soon after, the thieves' spies stationed in the surrounding city-states also reported urgent military information.

Just as the King of the Hill had predicted...the orcs of the Stoney Wilds join the battle.

Large numbers of orc armies came to the main plane through the plane teleportation array in the nearby orc city. After they came over, they immediately looted the occupied orc cities. Whether they were soldiers or ordinary orcs, they all merged into the army, and then took away all the supplies they could and left the city.

Several orc armies rushed towards the land of NJ City according to the routes divined by the shamans.

The hungry wolf knights rolled forward like a great tide, setting off billowing smoke and dust on the ground; the rocs and thunderbirds spread their wings of more than ten meters and flew in the air in layers, almost blocking the sky.

The ten-meter-tall Cyclops pulled a transport truck loaded with boulders; the ogre shaman performed a witch dance that inspired the blood of the orcs, and the ogre warriors raised their maces and shouted eager for battle.

Groups of Behemoths and ancient Behemoths move their hill-like bodies. The sharp claws on the huge palms are three meters long, and the blades reflect the light of swords.

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