Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1295 Pre-war deployment

The orc army in the Stone Wilderness came, and Howard held an emergency military meeting in the NJ City Lord.

Fearing that Joyce would know of his arrival, Howard once again hid his appearance after meeting the Duke of Mars. He used a gray smock to cover the armor he was wearing, and wore a fully enclosed demon helmet on his head. He exuded the aura of a high-ranking demon, so that the demon nobles attending the meeting did not see his true identity.

Just like the meeting in Shangjiang, at the military meeting in NJ City, the eight major races gathered here, regardless of camp or racial hatred, to discuss how to face this invasion of the stone wilderness.

The Duke of Mars also wore a suit of armor and sat beside Howard, helping him control the emotions of the nobles in the meeting room. He first said: "Before the meeting began, I apologized to several city lords. It was I who ordered the destruction Because when I decided to follow King Joyce, your cities were destined to be captured by the enemy.

In order to prevent your city from providing the enemy with supplies to attack NJ City, it is the best way for us to destroy them first.

I don't want to see any dissatisfaction among you now. If we win this war, Shangjiang City will definitely be willing to build a better city for us.

Am I right, Duke Feichen? "

At this time, Daliang was sitting on the other side of Howard, standing up for him as the former Prime Minister of Shangjiang City. Faced with the sudden question from the Duke of Mars, Daliang said with a relaxed expression: "His Majesty Joyce has seen the contributions and sacrifices made by the nobles of NJ City for the royal family. His Majesty will not forget anyone who has meritorious service, nor will he account for it." than his origin.

Just like me... I used to be a pirate, and after making a small contribution, I was recommended to become a baron by His Majesty Joyce, who was the admiral of the Pudong Fleet at the time.

Therefore, you adults do not have to worry that you are not a noble of Shangjiang City and will be looked upon differently by His Majesty Joyce. His Majesty's mind is as broad as the sea.

I promise...whatever you put in now will be rewarded exponentially in the future.

When this war is over, you will find that this war is just a small stumbling block for what His Majesty Joyce wants to do. Our task is to kick this small stone away and follow His Majesty to a better place. High goals.

Don't worry, money is not an issue for Shangjiang City! "

Daliang's words calmed the hearts of all the nobles in NJ City. The reason why the orcs attacked Shangjiang City was because they were interested in the gold coins in the treasury of Shangjiang City, which was the richest city in the world. Rebuilding a few sub-cities is just a drop in the bucket for Shangjiang.

With Daliang's promise, Duke Mars said: "We are the gateway to the western front of Shangjiang City. I believe in Duke Feichen's words and I also believe that Shangjiang City will fully support us. Please don't have any thoughts of conserving your strength. This battle... NJ City is an isolated city, with enemies everywhere outside. Only by fighting hard can you have a chance to survive.

From now on, the man next to me will have full command of this battle..."

After the Duke of Mars concluded the mobilization, he handed over the leadership of the meeting to Howard.

Because Howard concealed his identity, everyone here referred to him as "this adult."

Howard then said to the nobles attending the meeting: "According to the intelligence from the spies, the size of the orc army that invaded the main plane in the Stone Wilderness this time is as expected by His Majesty the King of the Hill.

We will soon face the siege of the orc armies of two golden tents, the Monolithic Golden Tent, which ranks fourth in terms of military strength in the Stone Wilderness, and the Furious Golden Tent, which ranks fifth.

Although the enemy is coming fiercely, including two level 16 heroes, we are not without the ability to fight back.

The Supreme Angel Arbitration Association protects this city, and there is also a squadron of crystal dragons and purple dragons under the command of Duke Feichen, plus those heroes in our army whose combat effectiveness has reached level 14. As long as we firmly rely on NJ City's city defense system and follow my schedule to fight defensive battles, we can completely defend the city and force the orc army to cross us and move westward. "

After Howard finished talking about his general strategy, he began to make specific military arrangements.

NJ City is bounded by the Yangtze River to the north and west, and the Zijin Volcano to the east. The entire land is filled with flowing lava, and only the south is open for easy siege.

The terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack, which is why Howard has the confidence to defend this place.

If you want to defend NJ City, you must first defend Zijin Volcano. Zijin Volcano is a volcano group composed of multiple volcanoes. Lava is crisscrossed and there are hell monsters everywhere. It is a holy place for leveling. In addition, the resources brought out by the volcanic eruption are very rich, so the entire Zijin Volcanic Mountains is divided up by multiple large player organizations, and the Shangjiang University Alliance also has considerable power and influence here.

The important task of guarding the Purple Mountain was handed over by Howard to the Duke of Mars.

The volcanic and lava environment is a terrain that is conducive to the fighting of the hell race, and the combat effectiveness of the orcs in this area has been weakened to a certain extent. Therefore, Howard chose to let the hell army guard the Purple Mountain, forcing the orc army to attack NJ City from the south side. This way Howard could put his elite forces on the south wall and concentrate here to fight the city defense war of attrition with the orc army.

Delay time and consume the orcs' supplies.

The other nobles who attended the meeting were also carefully arranged by Howard to arrange their respective responsibilities. Howard is an old rival in NJ City. He has a very thorough understanding of the abilities of the nobles here. He can easily assign the most suitable tasks to each hero based on their strengths.

As orders were issued one after another, NJ City's defense sections at all levels were deployed without missing a beat.

Finally came the arrangement for Da Liang.

Daliang has a supreme angel in his hands, a 15th-level dragon squadron composed of a hundred crystal dragons and purple dragons, and controls the top combat force in NJ City's defense war.

The use of this kind of combat power determines how this war will turn out.

Howard said to Daliang: "The mission of Duke Feichen is to deal with the 15th-level Behemoth Holy Beast in the orc army... I have fought against such a creature before, and I won by luck.

These level 15 Behemoth Saint Beasts are really strong in melee combat and can easily break through the walls of NJ City, but the crystal dragon feet can withstand the attack of the Behemoth Saint Beasts. Moreover, the Behemoth Holy Beast does not have as strong magic resistance as the Crystal Dragon. If the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon cooperate well, we do not need to worry too much about the threat of the Behemoth Holy Beast.

What worries me is Boulder and Fury. They are both level 16 orc heroes, and they are also very powerful level 16 heroes. It will be very difficult for the Supreme Angel Arbitration to deal with the two of them...

Duke Dust, you have to coordinate the fight against the boulder and the rage. I will join the war if necessary...but it will affect my command of the war. "

Daliang said: "Please rest assured, sir... I will complete my mission and try not to affect you and His Majesty the King of the Hill."

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