Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1296 Player Participation

NJ City has entered a state of war. The large-scale war plot of the NJ City Defense Battle is open to players. At the same time, all city teleportation arrays in the war zone are closed to players. The entire NJ City war zone has entered the most realistic war environment.

The war plot in the game is an exciting adventure for players. Every uncertain event experienced on the battlefield represents an unforgettable game experience. Whether they die on the battlefield or obtain trophies on the battlefield, for players, it is an unforgettable highlight in the colorful game process.

At this stage of the game, players' levels have reached a bottleneck. Levels 30 and 40 are considered to be the level of a finished hero, and level 50 is far away. At this time, the strength of individual players is mainly affected by skill level and equipment level. Most people are in a position below level 13. A few more levels or a few lower levels will not have much impact. If you want to take a step forward, you must Professionalism plus a bit of luck. Therefore, except for a few advanced players who are still leveling up desperately to stay ahead of the level, most players no longer engage in boring leveling, but experience the colorful game world and use this place as a social place.

Just do whatever tasks you encounter, practice life skills, run some game industries, interact with NPCs, or even walk or sail. You will gain experience and your level will rise unconsciously. As long as they don't die too many times in a short period of time, many players don't mind participating in some more dangerous game activities, especially passionate open-ended story missions such as large-scale wars.

The war between the Five-Colored Flag Alliance and the Dreamland, although the scale of the battle is not too large in the overall game environment, is the war plot that attracts the most attention in the Chinese game area.

Countless players, guilds, and legions are active on the battlefield, accepting war missions issued by the Five Color Flag Alliance Army and the Dreamland respectively. Players can gain considerable experience and rewards while experiencing the excitement of war.

However, due to the influence of the Northern and Southern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone, the players participating in the war also have their own supporters.

Shangjiang City is the home of the University Alliance. The wider the influence of Shangjiang City, the higher the university can go and expand its status and appeal in the game. Therefore, under the operation of the College Alliance, players who tend to support the Northern Lords Alliance are basically doing combat missions issued by the Five Color Flag Alliance Army.

Feishanzushi, who leads the Southern Lords Alliance, has a very high status in the dreamland. At the same time, if Shangjiang City wins this war, it will definitely increase the arrogance of the Northern Lords Alliance. Now the northern and southern lords of the Chinese game zone are allied to cooperate with each other externally to fight against the American game zone, and they are also competing with each other internally.

The northern lords alliance was too powerful, which the southern lords did not want to see.

Therefore...whether it is to support Flying Sands or to protect their own interests, the Southern Lords Alliance supports the Dreamland.

But after the war plot started, the Dreamland was defeated again and again by the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army, and the army in the main world was almost completely wiped out. Seeing Shangjiang continuously expanding its territory and unifying the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Northern Lords Alliance felt very happy.

They have passed this war and started some plot missions in Shangjiang City. The stronger Shangjiang City is, the higher the level of plot missions it will release in the future. High-level plot missions represent high profits.

Compared with the northern lords, the southern lords in the Chinese game area are very unhappy.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Dreamland Elf Army was somewhat compromised due to the guest army's battle, from the beginning to the end of the war, the Elf Army was suppressed by the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army, completely unable to live up to the title of the second largest plane of the good camp.

As a result, the Southern Lords Alliance invested a lot in the war, but saw no gains.

Seeing the last elven army in the Dreamland being driven out of Hang Z City and trapped on the line of West Lake, the southern lords were no longer willing to send their own legions to fight this doomed battle.

At this time, Feishanzushi, who had disappeared for a while, summoned all the lords, army commanders, and grand guildmasters of the Southern Lords Alliance to hold a meeting in his Dragon Star Territory.

Hundreds of players representing the terminal strength of the Southern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone gathered in the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion in the Dragon Star Territory.

The appearance of Feishaozushi stabilized the panic and dilemma of the Southern Lords Alliance. Shi Fei, who was sitting in the main seat, motioned to Banyue Mao to turn on the magic projection behind him, and a map of the Shangjiang War appeared on it. Shi Fei said without looking back: "Dreamland has just put down the dwarf rebellion, but at the same time it was not prepared for the sudden attack of the Five Color Flag Alliance, so it suffered several defeats.

However, these were minor defeats and had no impact on the overall strength of Dreamland.

Now that the Dream Realm has completed preparations for combat against the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, the strongest elf king, the owner of Bauhinia City... King Wadsworth will personally lead the assembled elf army into the main plane battlefield to retake Hang Z City first. , and then attack Shangjiang all the way to Bi.

In addition... under my persuasion, as allies of the good camp, the orcs in Stone Wilderness also agreed to send troops to assist Dreamland in attacking Shangjiang. The orc armies of the Boulder Golden Tent and the Furious Golden Tent will attack NJ City from the west, and then march east toward Shangjiang.

This time it was a joint battle between two high-level planes, the Fantasy Realm and the Stone Wilderness. Regardless of the strength of the high-level heroes or the basic army, the orcs and elves allied forces far surpassed the Five-Colored Flag Alliance Army on the Shangjiang battlefield.

This battle... Shangjiang has no hope of winning. If they invite the evil camp to join the battle, the good camp will definitely fight a full-scale decisive battle in this narrow area.

As the main battlefield in a war of this level, Shangjiang has no possibility of survival.


At this time, the Half Moon Cat quietly interrupted Shi Fei's words, possessed him and said something in his ear.

During this period, the big guys attending the meeting were whispering to each other.

If the Stone Wilderness really supports the Dream Realm and helps the elves fight against the Five-Color Flag Alliance Army as Boss Fei said, then the strength comparison between the two sides on the Shangjiang battlefield will undergo earth-shaking changes.

At that time, as long as you attack behind the elves or orcs, you can make a big fortune just by picking up and cutting grass.

At this moment, everyone was looking at Fei Sha Zuoshi and Half-Moon Cat intently. They saw smiles on Fei Sha Zuoshi's faces. It was obvious that the intelligence network of the Dominion Legion had obtained important good news.

Sure enough, after listening to Half-Moon Cat's report, Shi Fei said: "According to the latest intelligence... the orc army in the Stone Wilderness has truly entered the main world on a large scale, and now the Boulder Chief and the Furious Chief are leading their armies to the main world. Heading to NJ City.

I now want to return to King Wadsworth as soon as possible and follow the elf army into the battlefield of Hang Z City in the main world.

The next meeting will be chaired by Ban Yue Mao, the deputy commander of the Dominion Legion. She will tell you your respective tasks, and then...

Let's meet at the foot of Shangjiang City! "

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