Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1305 Blocking

Thunderbirds have the talent of thunder and lightning magic, and the thundercloud just now was released by these heroic thunderbirds. Arcs of electricity light up from time to time inside the Thunderbird flock. It can be clearly felt that these Thunderbirds are blessed by a certain state. Their flying speed is very fast, reaching the level of ordinary ultimate creatures.

But the speed of the blast is faster.

Daliang looked back at the team's situation and saw that Beamon's first wave of momentum in pursuit had been dampened, and his speed was no longer so fierce but gradually weakened. After all, Beamon is not a creature born with the ability to fly. They consume magic power when fighting in the air, and their size determines the consumption of magic power.

As long as he maintains his current state, Behemoth must return to the ground as soon as possible if he doesn't want to die.

Whether or not these thunderbirds can be dispersed before the reconnaissance team arrives will be the key to victory in this encounter.

"Charge over!" Daliang gave the order to Gale: "Your mission is to keep charging and use the Burning Road to burn these Thunderbirds severely. I will leave the ordinary Thunderbirds to you, and leave the heroic ones to me. …”

"It's the lord!"

Hayate lowered his head, pointed his horn forward, and charged towards the Thunderbirds while releasing a series of fireballs.

And Da Liang unfolded the wings of the fallen angel and separated from the back of the wind.

Holding the Dark Sky Sword, he summoned the fallen angel Solomon from the Hero Order, and then used the Fallen Coincidence Rune.

The bright and fallen angels merged into the sinful angels.


Magical Skill: Wings of Darkness.

Master level fallen energy strike.

The master level flame field unfolds.

Daliang, who transformed into a sinful angel, possesses dual master-level skills: master-level fallen energy and master-level fire magic. When the magical skill in the Dark Blazing Sky Sword is activated, it will cause continuous fallen energy damage to enemies within the range. The flame field that Daliang learned is a continuous fire attribute damage to enemies within the range.

Holding the hell artifact in his hand and possessing the Fallen Coincidence Rune, Daliang's combat power exploded in a short period of time, reaching the 16th level in strength.

This is the capital that Daliang dares to take on the task of resisting the 16th-level orc heroes. He has participated in many level 16 battles and knows how to fight level 16 heroes. With the assistance of the five-headed purple dragon and the mythical priest, Daliang was confident that he could resist a level 16 hero for a while until support arrived.

Because Mie Shi robbed the obelisk tower of Yunzhong City, Daliang tried his best to avoid exposing the strength of Lieyan Commander, but his main hero status...

I've been hiding it for too long, it's time to let the world know how awesome I really am.

The biggest difference between the NJ City battlefield and other wars Daliang experienced was that this war took place on the main plane. The base camp plane is a vast area with few players. If Da Liang wants to conceal his existence, he can do it if he is careful.

But the main plane is different. This is the main activity place for players. The NJ City battlefield once again involved a three-party battle between the Five Color Flag Alliance, Dreamland, and Stone Wilderness. It can be said that not only the players in the Chinese game area are paying attention to and actively participating in the plot of this war, but the whole world is watching here at this moment. Shangjiang’s victory or defeat in this war is related to the strength comparison between the northern and southern camps in the Chinese game area, and is related to the whole world. The decision-making of players around the world is related to the trend of the confrontation between China and the United States in the game zone.

Daliang and Feishauzushi are the two flags of the Chinese game zone. No matter how fierce the fight is in the Pacific, they have never appeared. The two of them didn't even participate in the "Strongest Heroes" competition, and now that they appear together in this war plot, it can be seen how important this war is.

Daliang on the battlefield in NJ City and Shi Fei on the battlefield in HangZ City are the two brightest focuses in the world at this time.

When Daliang rushed out of NJ City on the unicorn of doom, Gale, the eyes of the world were fixed on him. Countless player organizations are staring at the live video provided by intelligence personnel at the moment, using all algorithms to record the various values ​​​​exhibited by Daliang, in order to know what level Daliang's strength is.

During the boring wait, the orcs finally launched an ambush on Daliang's reconnaissance team.

Looking at the interlocking attack teams, no one in the audience could escape from such a well-organized ambush.

Although Da Liang reacted quickly and led the team through the thundercloud that had not yet formed; he avoided the abdominal impact of the pursuing Behemoth; he destroyed the space teleportation array; he blocked the pursuit from behind.

But the two flocks of thunderbirds encircling the front seemed to be unsolvable.

Daliang rode the wind and rushed towards the Thunderbirds, trying to clear the way for the reconnaissance team... but he was given too little time.

Gale's charge only bought more than ten seconds at best. The reconnaissance team was approaching at high speed, and the two groups of Thunderbirds were close to completing the encirclement. The Beamon group is following and attacking, and the second wave of attacking groups is also catching up at high speed.

As long as Daliang's investigation team pauses for a moment, they will immediately fall into a tight siege.

A critical moment.

Da Liang may have the strength to challenge these two groups of thunderbirds single-handedly, but trying to find a way out in more than ten seconds... is absolutely impossible.

If the five purple dragons are surrounded and killed here, the next defensive battle will be extremely difficult for NJ City, which is already at a disadvantage.

In the game live broadcast hall, in the bar, on the big screen in the square, in all places where the Hero World game is covered, countless pairs of eyes are staring at the video. When Da Liang rides the wind and steps on the flames and rushes into the group of thunderbirds, they hold their hands at the same time. Take a breath.

Among the thunderbirds, the lightning stunts that increase speed are constantly flashing. The heroic thunderbirds with a wingspan of 50 meters look so majestic...

At this time, the mist formed by black energy suddenly exploded and spread, and then red flames instantly filled the sky.

Black and red mixed together to form black flames, enveloping the entire flock of thunderbirds.

what's going on?

Players who originally expected a wonderful battle found themselves seeing a black fire burning in the sky. Everyone doesn't know what happened inside the black fire, and who released the black fire.

Only a few ashes could be seen being blown away from the black fire.

Neither Bright nor Swift Wind came out of the Black Fire, nor did a Thunderbird come out of the Black Fire.

Looking at the dust flying around the black fire, the audience seemed to understand something.

At this time... a sinful angel with metal black wings stretched out from his back rushed out of the black fire in the sky. He held a black long sword in his hand and rushed straight towards another group of thunderbirds without any pause.

The speed is like black lightning piercing the sky.

But Hayate also rushed out of the black fire. He rushed behind the Evil Angel in a few steps, then lowered his head and lifted the Evil Angel onto his back.

The charge unfolds and the speed explodes...

Swift Wind loaded into the Thunderbirds once again.

Then the scene that just happened happened again, and black flames burned in the sky again.

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