Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1306 Breaking through

The Thunderbird kept wailing miserably amid the continuous attacks from the fallen energy and flame fields.

Black flames wrapped around their bodies and ignited their feathers. The various negative states brought about by the fallen energy eroded their spirits. The Thunderbirds wanted to leave this hellish airspace, but found that the surrounding sky had long been filled with black fire.

Ordinary thunderbirds did not last long in the damage from this double field. They died from the continuous damage, and their bodies were burned to ashes by the flames.

The ashes were blown into the air along with the outward transpiration airflow.

The heroic Thunderbird used various defensive magics as soon as it was invaded by the black fire. The magic ban method can effectively resist the damage of various magical effects.

However, the Forbidden Magic also has an upper limit on the amount of magic damage it can withstand.

To deal with these heroic thunderbirds that were trying their best to withstand the damage of the black fire, Da Liang, who was blessed with the magical skill of the Dark Blazing Sky Wings, charged directly towards them with the Dark Blazing Sword.

Using the alchemy magic scroll, several magic circles unfolded around him.

The Dark Blazing Sky Sword corrodes the enemy's armor and body with depraved combat skills like gangrenous gangrene; the Blazing Spear can easily pierce the enemy's body after being blessed by various magics; and there is also the most powerful single-target attack spell " "Thunder Explosion Bomb", even if his body is covered with magic-forbidden magic, the Thunderbird hero will be blown to pieces by this magic.

Daliang is like a lion that breaks into a flock of sheep, bullying the weak and killing.

But the audience watching this battle felt as if they were scratching their heads.

There were two large-scale black-red fireballs in the sky, one had just unfolded and the other had not yet dissipated. The two range skills enveloped both groups of thunderbirds, but not a single thunderbird came out.

The ashes that continue to float from the black fire seem to indicate what happened to the Thunderbirds, and question marks continue to emerge from the hearts of the audience.

Who is the sinful angel who just flashed across?

Where is Da Liang?

Who released this "field" of black fire that fills the sky?

Were so many Thunderbirds and Thunderbird heroes really slaughtered like this without any resistance?

More than ten seconds passed very quickly, and the tight rhythm of the aerial battle made it almost impossible to breathe. Before the audience could figure out what happened to the Thunderbirds, the reconnaissance team rushed over.

The golden dragons ridden by three mythical priests formed a triangle formation to guide the entire team. They are all human spellcasters. When flying, they continuously release detection and interference magic forward to prevent invisible enemies from blocking them. on the way forward, while also preventing space magic from opening portals along the flight path.

Five purple dragons form a wild goose formation. They provide top, bottom, left and right defense for the entire team, provide various auxiliary magic supports, and when necessary, use attack magic to block the approaching Behemoth.

Shu Xiao and the other two priests have been in the back position. As human knights, they are the strongest shields of the entire team and have always stayed on the front line to bear Beamon's attacks. It is precisely because of their excellent performance that the pursuing Beamon has never succeeded in disrupting the formation of the reconnaissance team.

The orderly defense allowed the team to maintain the best speed and direction. In front of them, two clouds of black fire were getting closer and closer.

Within the fire ball, there was still no thunderbird.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The members of the patrol team rushed through the gap between the two black fires...

The Thunderbirds still didn't show up.

The Behemoths who were pursuing behind them had realized that something had happened to their Thunderbirds. There was also an accident at the last link of the ambush circle. It could be said that the enemy's reconnaissance team had escaped.

But unwilling to give up... the Behemoths did not give up the pursuit.

This is still an area controlled by the orc army. They believe that as long as they can continue to pursue these purple dragons, their commander will be able to organize a second wave of siege.

Therefore, the Behemoths bit the tail of the patrol team and passed through the middle of the two black fire clouds together.

This is what the audience sees at this time.

The patrol team and Beamon's pursuers quickly left, and where was Daliang?

As the protagonist of this encounter, everyone was looking for his figure in the air all the time... until the Angel of Sin flashed by just now, riding the Unicorn of Doom in the wind, stepping out of the cloud of fire, and chasing after Beamon's team. when.

The audience then guessed that this evil angel was Daliang... because the Unicorn of Doom made his first appearance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has been Daliang's mount ever since.

As for how Daliang became the angel of sin.

Like the Sunbringer, he should also have the Fallen Coincidence Rune.

What if Daliang obtained the Fallen Rune, owned the Fallen Angel, and raised the Fallen Energy to a high level? Those are new questions, but there is no way to get the answers here. Now that Daliang has left Black Fire's cover, everyone can finally take a good look at Daliang's true strength. Just now, he easily destroyed two groups of Thunderbirds with heroic units.

At this time, Daliang blocked Beamon's team's retreat...

Could it be that in this situation, he was still thinking... of fighting a counterattack!

Is this possible within orc-controlled territory?

Looking at the strength displayed by Daliang and his team, the audience began to look forward to the next confrontation.

Daliang used all his strength and finally killed two thunderbird groups in time, covering the reconnaissance team and breaking out of the orc ambush circle. But he also saw that the Behemoths were still chasing after them, biting the tail of the reconnaissance team, trying to create an opportunity for a second siege.

"Raise the altitude!" Daliang gave the order to the leading priest, and then glanced behind him.

Without the maintenance of magic power, the two black fire clouds are gradually dissipating. In the lower airspace, the second wave of orc attack groups is rapidly catching up.

Da Liang took out the "Meteor and Fire Rain" scroll and waved it, and one of the fading black and red fire clouds suddenly lit up again.

Meteor Fire Rain Scroll: A spell-casting prop that allows a mage who has mastered the intermediate wisdom spell to cast Meteor Fire Rain, a level 4 fire and earth dual-system magic. (When the hero himself masters Meteor and Fire Shower, the magic power is increased by 25%)

Meteor and Fire Rain is Da Liang's famous spell. In the early days of the game when players could only throw fireballs, the sky-wide rain of fire and meteorites he released shocked many players with evil intentions.

The burning Tottori Coast is still a pain in the hearts of players in the Japanese game area.

This time, the meteors and fire showers were released again, and their power was completely different from before.

Meteor fire rain, like thunderous bombs, is a mixture of fire and earth magic. Now Daliang masters master-level fire magic and advanced earth magic.

The temporary level 15 sinful angel state, the magical skill Dark Blazing Wings, as well as the level and equipment that tops the player group, have piled his attributes to a height that ordinary players can't even see when they look up.

And Da Liang has learned the magic of Meteor and Fire Shower.

The Meteor Fire Rain Scroll can add 25% more power to this magic.

So when Da Liang released this magic. In the black fire cloud, red quickly engulfed black, and the fire cloud rolled and expanded outwards.

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