Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1309 The Strongest

Just when the furious claws were about to hit Daliang, Shu Xiao arrived in time. She released the protective shield wall in front of Daliang. After a slight pause as Fury shattered the shield wall, the strong wind rushed forward, carrying Daliang and dodging Fury's attack.

Then Shu Xiao used Holy Strike to help Daliang move out of Fury's attack range.

Da Liang ran out, summoned the Fallen Shield on his left arm, swung the Dark Blazing Sword to release thunderous bombs at Fury, and then covered Shu Xiao to retreat safely.

"Apprentice, we are playing a little too big this time... but with so many people watching, we must not give in." Daliang and Gao Feng separated again. He was no longer eager to attack, but covered each other with Shu Xiao and Gao Feng. Share the furious attacks. In the gap of dodging, Daliang said: "Rage is very powerful, has rich combat experience, and is very fast. It's just that when turning around, it's a little slow...

Don't fight hard!

Next, let's fight like this. I will be responsible for attracting Fury's attention from the front, and you will rush in from behind to reap the damage.

Hayate is responsible for responding, maintaining speed and distance, and taking whoever is in danger out of the combat range.

The purpose of this battle is not to defeat Fury, but to buy some time for the purple dragons.

Watch out for the angry claws..."

After suffering a loss at the hands of Furious, Daliang immediately adjusted his tactics. He no longer uses fire magic with powerful attack power to defeat Fury. Instead, he takes advantage of the Dark Blazing Sword's addition to the fallen energy, uses master-level fallen skills to weaken Fury, and at the same time uses the various status magics he masters to interfere. Furious attack.

Daliang relied on his strong spellcasting ability to force Fury to deal with it carefully, and always aimed his main attack at Daliang, which created an opportunity for Shu Xiao to attack.

Daliang, Shu Xiao, Gale and Fury fought together, and the various interweaving coordination and the release of skills and magic dazzled all the viewers watching the battle.

Then they realized that the opponent they were fighting this time was a great chief of the Stone Wilderness. He was a level 16 hero... Furious.

Today's players already have a relatively deep understanding of the game world, and almost all players can casually name dozens or dozens of plane-level rulers.

Fury is a level 16 hero with mid-to-lower strength.

The average strength is for a hero at level 16, but he still stands at the top of the combat power pyramid. Moreover, he is still a Behemoth Holy Beast, and no hero is willing to resist his grasp head-on.

In a game world where level 15 heroes are looked up to by players, level 16 heroes are simply legendary. Most players' knowledge of level 16 heroes is still limited to videos shot by some lucky players and strategies written by them.

Being able to actually take a look at it is enough to brag to your friends.

As for fighting a level 16 hero?

It is also an honor to be beaten to death by a level 16 hero.

But in this sky, Daliang fought against a level 16 hero. Not only was he not beaten to death, but he actually fought vigorously, both offensively and defensively.

Is it the level 16 hero Tai Shui? Or is Daliang too awesome?

Perhaps destroying the Thunderbirds and releasing meteors and fire showers will not allow everyone to intuitively understand what level Daliang's strength is. But with the benchmark of Fury, players can finally position Daliang's strength.

The Evil Angel is obviously a transformed state of Daliang. According to the information obtained from the Sun Messenger, the Evil Angel's transformation has a certain time limit.

In other words... although it is still impossible to determine Daliang's strength in a normal state, the strongest combat power he can burst out is definitely infinitely close to the 16th level, at least the peak of the 15th level, or a level close to the 16th level. .

Are there already such strong players in this game now?

The "Strongest Hero" competition is still in full swing, with hidden masters appearing on the ring one by one. How many players have made a splash in a wonderful and fierce competition, and how many powerful players have set their goal for this competition on the trophy that represents the highest honor.

But at this moment... the word "strongest" seems so ironic.

In fact... Miushi, who is rumored to be the most powerful person in combat, and who may even become the Lord King of Hell, did not participate in the battle; the first person in the game, the first lord, Flying Sands and Stones in the Air, did not participate in the battle... There are many people who are famous but did not sign up. Players participating in the tournament. Everyone knows that "The Strongest Hero" has moisture, but no one talks about it, so players ignore this fact.

Now, Daliang's performance today allows ordinary players to finally know what height the real top players have reached?

The world was silent at this moment. Everyone was watching this battle, watching the black, white, gold, and red brilliance come and go, and their brains went blank.

Da Liang attracted the attention of the whole world, including Shi Fei, who also paid attention to this air battle.

According to the intelligence of the Dominator Legion, Daliang rarely appeared in the Judgment Territory. He left all the development of the territory and the tasks of the Heroic Spirit World to his deputy Suiyue.

According to Daliang's profession, he should take the Yunzhong City mission route. In Shi Fei's previous life, Daliang indeed focused his mission on the world of heroic spirits, step by step into the high-level plot missions in Yunzhong City.

But in this life, various intelligence shows that Daliang's mission route definitely does not take the route of Yunzhong City.

According to Shi Fei's understanding of Daliang, even if there is the Five Color Flag Alliance behind him, it is absolutely impossible for him not to operate in the base camp plane. Based on the strength he occasionally showed, he has definitely been exposed to advanced plots.

In the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Daliang used the hell portal, which shows that Daliang has been active in hell and came into contact with the ruling layer of hell. Therefore, Shi Fei sent people to hell to find out which quest line Da Liang was following.

The result was nothing.

And now looking at Daliang like this, he has replaced the Sun Waiter and become the popular man in front of Lucifer.

He gained the power to dominate the player group in Hell.

But this game is not about how strong an individual is. Wouldn't someone as strong as Satan be sealed? The first monarch of the Kingdom of Death has also been sealed!

An individual's strength is not a strength. This game compares overall strength.

Regardless of whether Daliang takes the Five Color Flag Alliance mission route or the Hell mission route, he is inherently deficient. As long as Shangjiang loses this war, Daliang will only be a very powerful player.

Shi Fei analyzed sourly in his heart, and then forced his attention back to the battlefield of Hang Z City. The battle that took place in NJ City, no matter what the outcome, was just an embellishment before the war.

Daliang doesn't have the ability to defeat Fury, so the rest of the battle will still depend on hard power.

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