Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1310 NJ City Attack and Defense Battle

Da Liang completed a world-shaking appearance, and all star players became dim at this moment.

Everyone stared at the battlefield in front of them, watching the collisions between Daliang and Fury with pilgrim-like eyes. The blazing red spear pierced the sky, and the fluctuations of the war cry caused turmoil in the world. Daliang, Shu Xiao, and Gao Feng swirled colorfully around Fury's huge body, attacking, defending, healing each other, and increasing their status. They exerted their strongest abilities to contain this level 16 hero here.

The five purple dragons continued to use magic to attack the defensive wind wall constructed by Beamon. The storm was weakened layer by layer, and some magic had penetrated...

However, without the interference of meteors and fire showers, the second wave of attack groups sent by the orcs and the supporting thunderbirds were also approaching the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Can't wait any longer.

Daliang was also paying attention to the entire battlefield while fighting.

Now that Fury has gone to war, he's not sure whether the boulder will also enter the battlefield. If all two level 16 heroes from the orc army come over, the Arbitration Angel will definitely join the battle.

A premature outbreak of level 16 war is not what Daliang wants to see.

In a battle with level 16 combat power, NJ City is the weak side. This is an enemy-occupied area, and the support of the orc army is convenient, but the army of NJ City is far away and cannot quench their thirst. Once the top battle breaks out here, Daliang must ask other level 16 heroes to come for support, which disrupts the entire Shangjiang battle plan.

Creating changes in defense is Shangjiang's strategy in this war.

Anyway, Fury's strength has been tested and forced to pretend... It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is time to retreat.

"All team members, gather fire... to remove space interference and prepare to evacuate."

Daliang, Shu Xiao, and Gale used their strongest combat skills at the same time, with thunderous explosive bombs hitting the head, Shu Xiao hitting Fury's legs with hot-blooded combos, and Gale ramming his head into Fury's waist.

The purple dragon that attacked the Behemoths also used its special skills.

For a moment, the entire sky was dyed into colorful brilliance.

Then a dazzling bright light swept across, followed by a roar that penetrated the sky, a shock wave spread around Beamon Team's position, and then a mushroom cloud steamed up...

It was as if a nuclear bomb had detonated here.

It can be seen that once the purple dragons are allowed to release their magic to their heart's content, they can really show their power to destroy the world.

The power of magic continued to squeeze and expand. Lightning, thunder, and fire flashed in the mushroom cloud. Explosions again and again caused several cyclones to be generated in the entire airspace.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!" Da Liang did not expect that Zilong's attack power was so explosive. The collision effect caused by the mixed magic turned into a magic explosion, which was as powerful as a forbidden spell-level magic. power. Released in such a small range, I wonder if the Behemoths at the center of the explosion can withstand such an attack. But now was not the time to test the outcome of the battle. The strong wind knocked Fury off course, and Daliang and Shu Xiao immediately retreated.

The purple dragons also put up force field shields to block the impact of the magic explosion, and quickly escaped from the battlefield. While retreating, he continued to add ingredients to the magic explosion.

Explosions occurred one after another, and the raging and out-of-control magic caused the entire sky to become distorted.

"Open the gates of hell!"

Under Da Liang's order, the space system Zilong released the interference to the surrounding space coordinates. As for the orcs, in order to be able to teleport reinforcements, they also weakened their control over space.

At the hell portal in the Judgment Territory, build a teleportation channel as quickly as possible. As the dark red portals opened frequently in the sky over the battlefield, Da Liang led the reconnaissance team to successfully leave the fighting area.

The magic explosion continued to erupt. The meteorite was split and torn apart by the air current as soon as it took shape; lightning carried flames, turning the debris into fire rain; black smoke and dense fog formed thick clouds.

At this time, furious roars spread across the entire battlefield.

Attack! Attack! attack! Flatten NJ City!

The orc army let out a thunderous war cry together, and the sound waves soared into the sky.

The attack and defense of NJ City officially begins.

The orcs stretched out a military line several kilometers long outside the south wall of NJ City. Under the orders of Big Rock Chief and Furious War Chief, the orc army that had completed preparations for the war marched toward the city wall together.

The Behemoths led the front line of the orc army to charge, and more than ten bulges were gradually formed during the run. Then the Wolf Knights rushed out from the connection point of the attack group and charged towards the wall of NJ City.

The Cyclops followed the first attack group with the Orc Ax Thrower, who was also a long-range unit. After entering the shooting range, the Cyclops threw the polished stone ball towards the wall of NJ City. The orc ax throwers continued to move forward among the attacking team, and at the same time threw the hand axes they carried forward to suppress the defenders' long-range troops and provide cover for their own charging warriors.

The ogre follows Beamon.

Most ogres are not equipped with too strong armor. Orcs advocate offense and think that heavy armor is a burden. Maces and heavy axes are the favorites of ogres. Each of them showed green skin, strong muscles, and arms as thick as human thighs. Several inches long fangs were exposed from the mouth, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light.

Under Beamon's back, the ogres formed a green beast tide. They charged without fear of death. Even if they were trampled to death by Beamon because they rushed too close, not a single ogre slowed down or changed their direction.

The battle cry goes on and on, the charge goes on!

Facing the attack of the orc army, the well-equipped NJ city defenders also quickly launched a counterattack.

Amidst the roars, the artillery sprayed flames and thick smoke, shooting solid iron balls at the advancing orc warriors. This is the most powerful city defense weapon, and a few low-level soldiers can operate it.

Even the ultimate creature is unwilling to expose itself to the muzzle of the artillery, and does not dare to use its body to directly catch those direct projectiles.

At this time, the Behemoths who led the orcs to charge became the best targets for artillery. Even if the fired shells were dodged by Beamon, they would still leave a trail of corpses in the orc charging group.

Ballistae and catapults also joined in the attack on the orcs, their primary targets being the boulder-throwing Cyclops. Several heavy ballistae were aimed at the Cyclops in the distance under the operation of a group of demon infants. Among the orcs covering the land, the tall Cyclops was as easy to identify as Beamon.

The composite bow arm was pulled apart under the agitation of mechanical gears, and a short spear as thick as a forearm was placed in the launch slot.

A group of heavy ballistae aimed at a Cyclops, which had just thrown a boulder against the city wall, and then picked up a stone ball brought by the big-eared monster from the ground.

Bang bang bang...

Under the command of a hero with artillery skills, several heavy ballistae were fired at the same time.

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