Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1311 Chapter 473 Stalemate

Several short spears were ejected and flew in a straight line. The Cyclops directly in front had already picked up the stone ball and charged up. The short spear passed over a Beamon whose head was smashed by a cannonball, passed over the charging Wolf Knight and Ogre, passed through the hand ax spinning in the air, and finally penetrated into the body of the Cyclops.

The Cyclops, who was pierced by several short spears, died instantly. His body fell down holding the stone ball, crushing many big-eared monsters to death.

The crossbow turret killed a Cyclops, but as a highly lethal war instrument, the crossbow was also a key target for the Cyclops. While the demon infants were stirring the gears to reload the heavy ballista, a stone ball fell from the sky and hit the ballista fort accurately...

Most of the ballistae, whose defense power and attack power were not proportional, were shattered by the stone ball, and the ballistae crews also suffered heavy losses.

The artillery hero who narrowly escaped with his life immediately dispatched a team of demon infants from the hidden soldier cave after releasing a healer for himself. They cleared the wreckage as quickly as possible, throwing all the unusable ballistae and the corpses of their companions from the fort into the city.

The new heavy-duty ballistae was pulled up from the city by a hoist. This ballistae team used the fastest speed to regain its combat capabilities.

The catapults on the inside of the city wall kept throwing stones out of the city.

On the city wall, the magic girls hid behind the crenellations to gather magic energy. From time to time, flying axes flew by, and huge rocks smashed the crenellated walls. When the magic energy gathered into a fireball in her hand, Mo Ji immediately stood up and threw it at the orcs attacking the city.

Countless fireballs kept pouring down from the city wall.

The magic eyes on the city wall and the magic tower inside the city launch large-scale magic towards the battlefield. Some heal the injuries of our own warriors and increase beneficial status; some directly form offensive spells on the orc army.

chain lightning

burst flame

Ice magic

death ripple

The covering magic continues to wash the floor.

The shamans of the orc army did not allow the magic of the defenders to kill their own warriors. These orc spell-casting heroes followed the attacking team and waved the flagpole hanging the tribal totem. The burst of blood power gives the orc warriors incomparable courage and combat effectiveness, and various defensive magics provide good spell defense for the entire attacking group.

Therefore, despite the strong long-range firepower of the defenders, the orc army still rushed to the vicinity of the city wall after paying heavy sacrifices.

Howard, who was guarding NJ City, was not prepared to allow the orc army to easily attack the city wall. He deployed a sizable army outside NJ City in front of the lava moat.

This army is composed of elites from the ten sub-cities of NJ City. They form an isolation zone and are the first line of defense of NJ City.

The heavy armored troops are in the front, the long-range troops are at the back, and the flying troops are at the end and move with the driver.

The city walls provided them with long-range fire cover. When the close combat was about to begin, all the magic towers on the city walls turned to provide magic support for the army.

Walls of fire burned outside the city: mines were laid to blast approaching orc warriors into the sky.

Beamon fell into the quicksand trap and struggled under the swallowing of the quicksand; the Wolf Knight, who rushed too fast, hit the force field shield and fell from the back of the warg.

The fireballs on the city wall never stopped, harvesting the lives of the orc warriors.

Various restrictive magics and tactics squeezed the orc army's offensive space, allowing them to advance only through narrow roads. When the orc soldiers finally rushed to the front of the defenders' formation, they found that there were not many friendly troops around them, but instead they were all enemies.

In front of the city wall, the defenders of NJ City created a local advantage.

The dead wood warriors entangled the enemy with tree roots, and the human swordsmen chopped off the enemy's head. The savage bulls of the Swamp Tribe galloped in front of the formation in groups. Their bodies had hard scales, and their sharp horns could easily pierce the bodies of the orcs. Special skill: Death Gaze, some ordinary orcs who look into their eyes will die without warning.

The tauren swung their battle axes, and the vampires lay on the orcs and sucked their blood to replenish their own blood.

Swamp monitor, dragon fly, dark knight, corpse witch, knight, griffon, Medusa, evil eye, ogre, three-headed dog, hell horse, iron man, mage, elf archer, Pegasus knight...

Dozens of arms from each race shine brightly, fully displaying the characteristics of each race.

Under the three-dimensional attack from above and below, the orc army fell in pieces under the NJ city. However, the huge casualties did not deter the orc warriors. They continued to maintain an offensive posture, using spells or their bodies to level every trap. Beamon is trusted by the orcs. They withstand most of the heavy fire damage, use huge power to break the force field shield, and step on the fire wall with the soles of their feet. Even if the cannonballs smashed his bones, the crossbows penetrated his body, and the fireballs that kept hitting his hair were ignited, he would fall forward even if he died, paving a way forward for the soldiers behind him.

Every orc has the blood of offense flowing, and it is this kind of rush that is not afraid of life and death. They destroy the obstacles set up by the defenders bit by bit and lengthen the fighting area.

With the increased contact area, the orc army's numerical advantage can be brought into play.

Above the military line, the battle became more and more intense, with both sides fighting on the same line. The defenders could not retreat even a step, because behind them was the lava river, and retreating would lead to death. Howard's order to them was to hold on for one day. If they wanted to withdraw into the city wall with their lives, they had to fight tooth and nail first.

The orcs also worked hard to break the city. There were defenders in front of them desperately resisting, and in the sky were cannonballs, crossbows, fireballs, boulders, and magic blasts that washed the ground. The defenders concentrated their use of long-range weapons and spells, forming a fire coverage area at a distance of one hundred to two hundred meters in front of the city wall. The orcs want to send a warrior up, and at least one warrior will die on the way.

But the soldiers sent up could not threaten the city wall.

If you cannot attack the city wall, you cannot disperse the long-range firepower of the defenders. If you cannot disperse the long-range firepower of the defenders, you cannot effectively attack the defenders in front of the city wall.

It seems like an endless loop.

On the continuous battlefield, countless orc warriors died in this narrow fighting area.

Faced with this tactic of the defenders, the only way for the orc army was to continuously send soldiers into this meat grinder-like battlefield. The garrison outside the city cannot be replenished, and if one dies, one will be lost. If the defenders want to maintain the thickness of the key battle lines, they can only shorten the battle lines by gradually adding troops from other places. As a result, some city walls will lose the protection of the defenders outside the city.

At that time you can attack the city wall.

The orc army is not afraid of attrition, but is afraid that the war will drag on for too long and that they will end up fighting hungry.

As the offensive and defensive battle in NJ City continued to reach new climaxes, Daliang returned to the city with his reconnaissance team.

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