Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1312 White Hot

As the commander-in-chief of the NJ City garrison, Howard has been on the front line to boost the morale of the entire army. He placed his command position in the gate tower of the main gate of the south city wall and dispatched the troops at any time according to changes in the battle situation. .

His keen battlefield control ability and war experience allow Howard to handle every emergency accurately and quickly. No matter where a problem occurs, he will immediately make adjustments during the battle, and then have follow-up troops to support him.

Weak versus strong, the military disadvantage unleashes all the potential of this commander-in-chief hero. His existence is like giving a family car a super engine and running at a speed that can only be achieved by a supercar. Under his control, the two lines of defense outside the city and on the city wall complemented each other and exerted an effect far beyond 1+1.

The orcs seemed to be pouring troops into the battle line in vain, but the results were minimal.

Soldiers were fighting each other outside the city, cannon fodder roared on the city wall, and rows of magic girls released fireballs. The stones thrown by both sides crisscrossed in the air, and from time to time bursts of magic poured down, causing large amounts of damage to the warriors on both sides.

As the main south gate of NJ City, it has been a key target of the orc army since the beginning of the war. At least two teams of Cyclops heroes concentrated on throwing stones at the city gate, and a guard team composed of Beamon and Orc Priests firmly protected the safety of the Cyclops.

They built high walls in front to resist the fire of artillery and ballistae, and force field shields and magic-forbidden shields blocked them from magic attacks. Under heavy protection, the heroic Cyclops continued to use his skills to throw boulders at the city gate.

The main city gate is under the key protection of the defenders, and a magic tower is specially designed to provide the best magic defense for this section of the city wall. Not only is there a solid magical defense cover covering the entire city gate, but there is also a team of demon mages who use spells to intercept the stone balls thrown at them.

The flying stone balls were shattered, and the debris hit the defensive cover and fell into the lava moat.

The offensive and defensive battle was fierce and stalemate.

Over the city, suddenly several gates to hell opened, and Daliang led his investigation team back to NJ City from the Judgment Zone.

Letting his subordinates find a place to rest, Daliang met Howard at the command position above the city gate.

On the fierce battlefield ahead, in the southern wilderness, the orc army was divided into tribes, and under the guidance of their respective totems, they gathered together and rushed towards NJ City.

The orcs' charge kicked up smoke and dust that covered the sky, and Behemoth and the Cyclops were like moving hills. The orcs also pushed the precious flying units Roc and Thunderbird to the front line of attack.

The battle started from the ground to the air. The abyss devils led the flying troops of the deputy city to block the orcs' aerial attack on the line of the city wall.

The earth was constantly shaking under the magic of shaking the earth and mountains. Stones, fireballs, and ice blocks hit the defensive shield protecting the city gate.

Walking on the slightly trembling city gate tower, Daliang took out the magic crystal that recorded the investigation process, walked to Howard, and said: "Your Majesty, I have completed the investigation of the orc army..."

Howard took the magic crystal and opened the orc army defense map stored inside.

Daliang pointed at the map and said: "Five kilometers away, there is an elite group of orcs gathered here. Behemoths account for a very high proportion. I also saw some Behemoth holy beasts. This should be the central command position of the orc army. , Orc Warchief Monolith and Fury are here.

In addition, the orcs have dispatched varying numbers of troops to the Yangtze River, Zijin Volcano, and the Chengbei Beach. We should notify these three important places to warn against the invasion of the orc army.

Through this investigation, I found that the food carried by the orcs was even less than we thought...

Maybe we should organize a commando team specifically to destroy the Orc army's logistics system. This prompted them to march east to the Shangjiang River to join the elves, who had the food that the orc army desperately needed. "

Howard looked at the Orcs' defense map and could clearly judge the Orcs' main attack direction based on the concentrated locations of each unit. This made it easier for him to judge the Orcs' attack intentions when directing the defense.

After listening to Daliang's suggestion, Howard nodded slightly in thought and said: "The three orc armies attacking the other three sides only need careful defense to block their attack. I will notify the commanders of these three areas, Beware of orc attacks.

As for destroying the orcs' food reserves?

I think it's too risky... Just like the ambush you just encountered, if luck wasn't on your side, you and your team wouldn't have been able to withdraw so easily.

A battle between top heroes outside the city does not fit in with our pre-war plan.

Boulder and Fury will not make this mistake next time. The strategy of NJ City remains unchanged... that is, stick to it, and do not leave the city at will unless necessary. "

Howard was very cautious about defending NJ City. The stretched troops made every soldier very valuable.

NJ City's defensive battle is now very good, everything is under control, and the rhythm of the war is controlled by Howard. Sending an elite team to attack the orc army's logistics, success is nothing more than the icing on the cake, but failure is likely to result in no high-level heroes being dispatched at the critical moment.

If the war continues like this, the orc army can't hold on for more than a week...

Therefore, Howard temporarily rejected Daliang's suggestion.

He then asked about the details of the battle rage.

Due to the distance, Howard did not know how the ambush and counter-ambush battle in the hinterland of the orc army was fought. Only through the battlefield magic detection system can we know that there is a large-scale magic conflict in this battle, and we can also feel the release of violent pressure.

Daliang and his reconnaissance team were able to retreat one by one in the hands of Fury, which really surprised Howard.

During the continuous siege of the orcs, Da Liang explained to Howard the violent process of this battle.

The war taking place in Hang Z City has also entered a fever pitch.

The army defending this forest city is the elite force of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, and there is also a Chongming City elf force led by Duke Joshua.

There are angels, purple dragons, crystal dragons, poisonous dragons...

There are thousands of miles and amber,

There's the King of the Hill, there's the Holy Bella.

Facing the elf army led by Wadsworth, the first elf king in the dreamland, the strength ratio between the defenders and attackers of Hang Z City was much higher than that of the NJ City battlefield.

However, Hang Z City suffered a lot of damage in the last war, and the King of the Hill had to fight a tug of war between the army in this jungle and the dreamland.

As one of the former Elf Kings, the King of the Hill is very familiar with the tactics of the Elf Army in Dreamland. By simply commanding the dwarves, he was able to prevent the elves from advancing in the Black Iron City without air superiority. This time with angels, three major 15th-level dragon clans, Qianli and Amber, the King of the Hill finally had aerial power that was on par with the Dream Realm.

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