Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1313 Hang Z City Front

Due to the destruction of the city defense system, the King of the Hill did not stop the Dreamland army at the front line of the wall of Hang Z City.

He took the initiative to give up part of the city, attracting the elves to the city, and then relied on the fortifications built in advance to attract the elves to fight in the streets.

In a small urban area, the elves' golden dragons and green dragons were oppressed by the "dragon honor". Although the 16th-level Golden Dragon King relied on his own pressure to allow the dragon to fight within the coverage of "Dragon Honor", the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If King Wadsworth hadn't brought enough level 15 elf envoys, these weakened versions of the golden and green dragons would have been slaughtered long ago.

In the small war zone, the elves in the dreamland had no way to take advantage of their own strength. They could only use refueling tactics. After one army entering the city was crippled, they sent another one in.

The entire forest city was soon reduced to scorched earth by the magic that filled the sky, but the defenders' resistance still did not waver in the slightest.

The mutually constraining planar war situation prevented the dreamland from sending more troops to the main world. Even the 16th-level heroes only came to the two kings, King Wadsworth and the Golden Dragon King, but what they faced was Holy Bella and the King of the Hill.

Holy Bella is a well-known battle angel. After advancing to level 16, she became even more powerful. King Wadsworth thought he could barely resist Holy Bella, but the Golden Dragon King was no match for the King of the Hill.

King Wadsworth did not dare to start the 16th level war easily, so this war could only be won through conventional methods. He believed that Dreamland would definitely be able to capture Hang Z City, but it would require some sacrifices and time.

However, bad news came from the NJ City battlefield.

The orcs attacked a level 13 city in the main world with two golden tents, but they were blocked outside the city and could not even reach the city wall.

"A bunch of trash!"

Even though they both belong to the good camp, the elves look down on the orcs who are in the good camp. These barbaric guys will never take the initiative to help their allies. If you want to invite them to fight, you must pay enough compensation.

The short-sighted Orcs, if it weren't for the Swamp Tribe joining the evil camp, the good camp would never win over the Orcs.

After the good camp wins this war, the orcs will definitely be the first to be eliminated.

This time, Dream Realm really paid a heavy price in order to invite Stone Wilderness to besiege Shangjiang. Not only did they give the Great Stone Golden Tent and the Furious Golden Tent a large amount of food, but they also promised to give the orcs another fortune after they conquered Shangjiang City.

As a result... the elves faced off against the main force of the Five Color Flag Alliance in Hang Z City, but the orcs had nothing to do against a level 13 city.

You know, Holy Bella and the King of the Hill are both on the battlefield in Hang Z City, and the Purple Shirt and Red Baker are guarding the rear of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. There is only an unknown supreme angel and a bunch of miscellaneous people in NJ City.

Can't beat this!

What's even more annoying is that the orc army came to the main world to fight without food. What's the use of giving you so much food! Do they really think that the current main world is still the same as before, allowing them to plunder?

These idiots have no idea why we went to Jiangcheng? It is because it has threatened the control of the high-level plane over the main world.

This world is already different. If we continue to treat it the same way as before, we will die without even knowing how.

The quagmire-like war in Hang Z City has already made King Wadsworth a little anxious. Now he is also considering the war in NJ City and worrying about the orcs, an unreliable ally.

Since the beginning of the war, Shi Fei has been standing by King Wadsworth's side. As a player, he understands the situation in NJ City better than King Wadsworth.

It can also be clearly seen that the commander who directed the defensive battle of NJ City is a very clever commander-in-chief hero.

With the ability of the orcs, it will not be possible to break through NJ City in a short time. They are likely to face a food shortage crisis in a few days.

Therefore, Shi Fei suggested to King Wadsworth: "Your Majesty... I think at this time, we should support our orc allies with a batch of food."

The orcs were invited to join the war by Shi Fei, and his abilities once again impressed King Wadsworth. However, the orc army is really too weak, or the orc chiefs who only know civil war lack the strategic vision of Hongda.

"Give the orcs food? Is this necessary?"

In the early war, the elves lost all the elven cities around Shangjiang. The strength shown by Shangjiang made the elven cities near the battlefield less cooperative. In order to prevent the Elf cities in the main world from rebelling at the critical moment, all the Elf logistics for this war were transported from the Dreamland through plane transport.

The cost of transmission is naturally extremely high.

The elves are very careful about their logistics supplies, so how can they have enough food to support the orcs?

Shi Fei said: "As long as victory can be achieved, some additional war expenditure is necessary. The orcs were blocked in NJ City. I think this is not because they did not work hard, but because they did encounter difficult problems when attacking the city. question.

The orcs did not bring enough food, this fact cannot be changed. At the same time, the lack of strategic vision of the orcs is also known to everyone.

During this critical period, we cannot be angry with the orcs over the issue of food.

If the orcs really run out of food in the NJ City War, they will definitely give up the siege and join us eastward. At that time, not only did we have to provide food for the orcs, but the flanks of the Shangjiang battlefield were also exposed to the eyes of NJ City.

Therefore, we will have to take out this food sooner or later. Why not give it to the orcs now so that they can completely control the western front of Shangjiang City and have no worries in this war. "

King Wadsworth knew what Shi Fei said, but he just couldn't swallow it.

"What a bunch of idiots!"

Wadsworth finally relented... just as Shi Fei said. If the orcs can break through NJ City before the food is exhausted, it will naturally be the best result. But if the orcs really can't defeat even a level 13 city, this orc army will definitely go to the elves to eat the big ones.

This amount of food will have to be produced by spirits, but if it is given later, it will be affected early, but the war situation is very different.

If NJ City really blocks the orc attack, it means that this city has unimaginable strength. Being threatened by such an army on one's flanks will bring great variables to the final battle.

Give it...

King Wadsworth ordered Redbud City to deliver another batch of food to the main world. He provided enough food for the orc army for half a month. Coupled with the storage of the orc army, hunting and frugality, it should not be a problem to maintain consumption for a month.

If the orcs can't capture NJ City in a month, then the Stone Wilderness really has a bunch of waste.

"Feishaozushi, you are responsible for transporting this batch of food to NJ City and handing it over to Chief Jushi."

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