Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1314 Retreating Troops

The war in NJ City lasted for a day. After nightfall, the orc army finally couldn't bear the casualties and chose to retreat. Soldiers who have been fighting continuously are too exhausted and need to eat something and rest.

At the same time, Chief Boulder and Chief Furious also discovered that the divination skills of the shamans seemed to have been interfered with, and there were no sudden changes in the entire war that were beneficial to their own siege. Instead, the reconnaissance team sent by the defender not only killed one of their Behemoth holy beasts and three ancient Behemoths, severely damaging the entire Behemoth team, but also brought their own tactical planning to NJ City.

This caused the orcs to be extremely passive when attacking the city.

If the focus of one's attack is in the hands of the defender, then some feint attacks and tactical deception will become ineffective.

The orcs finally knew what kind of powerful enemy they had encountered in the main world.

Boulder and Fury sat around a large campfire in the open-air camp, discussing the lessons learned from today's siege and how to fight the next battle. The entire wilderness was filled with war songs sung loudly by orc warriors. Obviously, the defeat in the daytime battle did not affect the morale of the entire army.

The other three groups attacking the orc army in the east, west, and north of NJ City also received the latest battle reports.

The Western Front is the focus of the Orc army's attack, and it has achieved good results due to its strong military strength. The powerful orc warriors on land easily gained a foothold on the banks of the Yangtze River. They used Cyclops to block a section of the channel, and then sent Dapeng and Thunderbirds to continuously attack cargo ships traveling on the Yangtze River. The route upstream has been completely cut off, and ships coming up the river do not dare to dock at the NJ City Pier without adequate protection.

The orc army that attacked Zijin Volcano encountered the same experience as NJ City. The volcanic environment enhanced the combat capabilities of the hell tribe and restricted the performance of the orcs. The purple volcano defenders occupied several important hilltops, using deployed war equipment and a network of lava flows to severely defeat the attacking orc army.

When the orc army is about to rush forward regardless of casualties, the defenders will use magic to catalyze the volcano to erupt violently, and use simple methods to create a large-area covering bombardment similar to meteors and fire showers. By the way, there will be lava rolling down the mountain, which will blow up the mountain. The orc pushed back again.

The orcs currently attacking Zijin Volcano are using magic to cool down the lava. Of course, the speed is very slow, and it will take some time to achieve results.

The orc army heading to the north gate of NJ City was the worst. When they made a large circle and reached their position, they found that in front of them was the swamp terrain that the orcs hated most. The big and heavy orcs are really difficult to move in the swamp, but on their flanks is the Yangtze River Fleet that is waiting for Shangjiang Baoshan City.

After being bombarded by warships on the Yangtze River, they realized that the orc army in the north of NJ City was not equipped to attack and was already on its way back.

Counting the failure of the frontal battlefield attack and the withdrawal of troops, the orcs' work during the day was in vain.

"Tomorrow, I will lead the Behemoth Saint Beasts to the front. I will definitely be able to break through the wall of NJ City."

After a day of fighting, so many soldiers died, and they didn't even touch the wall of NJ City, which made Fury feel very aggrieved. He looked angrily in the direction of NJ City, grabbed a cow, and tore the cow in half with a pull of his claws. Blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor, attracting a group of big-eared monsters to fight for food.

Furious, he threw half of the cow into his mouth and chewed it, and told the boulder the suggestion of attacking tomorrow. He believed that under the impact of himself and the 15th-level Behemoth Holy Beast, the wall of NJ City could definitely be knocked open.

The single eye on the boulder's forehead was half-open and half-closed. He stared at the bonfire in front of him and didn't know what he was thinking...

After waiting for a while, Fury had already eaten up a cow. Seeing that Jushi didn't have any answer, he said angrily and impatiently: "Do you agree or not?"

Jushi then said: "What do you think of the enemies we encountered today?"

He was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Jushi asked these questions, but he still thought for a moment and replied: "Well... I have to admit that the enemy's combat effectiveness today exceeded my knowledge of the main world. If someone said the day before yesterday I can't conquer a level 13 city in the main world, so I will definitely regard this sentence as a joke.

But today I feel very humiliated.

An elite unit of the enemy swaggered through our garrison. Not only did they escape from my hands, they also killed so many outstanding soldiers.

When attacking NJ City, it can be seen that this defender is definitely not the main force of Shangjiang City.

There must be a very wise commander inside.

Therefore, if we attack tomorrow like we did today, the result is likely to be the same. So... I will lead the Behemoth Holy Beasts to charge, trample the troops outside the defending city, and then destroy the city wall. "

After Jushi waited for Fury to finish speaking, he also said what he had been thinking: "Yeah, I never thought that the powerful orc army could not do anything to a level 13 city in the main world.

Although the defenders received some support from Shangjiang City, the main force was still the city's army.

What does this mean?

This shows that the cities in the main world are far more powerful than we imagined. What they lack is a leader and the determination to resist the higher planes.

Now we are facing a level 13 city. Have you ever thought about... what will it be like when the entire city in the main world stands up and resists us like this city? "

The furious mood gradually calmed down as Jushi told him, and then a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

The wilderness at night still echoed with the war songs of the orcs, but there was silence around the bonfire, with only the crackling sound of flying sparks. The big-eared monsters competing for food also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and slowly and carefully left here.

After a long while, Fury said: "That is a very terrible scene. We have lost the main world that can be plundered, and the food in the Stone Wilderness will only become more scarce."

Jushi said: "The orcs occupy one of the most barren planes, and the stone wilderness cannot support the entire orc clan. We can barely maintain our current prosperity by relying on the resources of the main world.

If we lose the main world, it will be a disaster for the orcs.

This is what the elf named Feishaozushi told me.

I didn't take it seriously at first, but now it seems...this fact is gradually happening. The level 13 main world city in front of us is not a simple hell city at this time. The entire main world is watching here. If we can't even capture such a city, then why should we shock other city-states in the main world?

Therefore, no matter what the price is, we must destroy NJ City and let all the cities in the main world see the consequences of resisting us! "

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