Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1316 Post-War Meeting

"...Tell NJ City the news about the elves sending us food?"

Fury felt that his head couldn't keep up with the boulder's thoughts. If he didn't want this batch of food, he could just tell the elves not to transport it here... Why would he let the elves continue to transport food while also sending the entire food transport information to NJ City?

Isn't this a trap for allies?

Jushi replied: "NJ City knows that we are short of food, but it may not be able to calculate the extent of our food shortage. Originally, I was a little worried that our retreat after seven days would make NJ City relax its vigilance, but now that we have this batch of food, The situation is very different.

As long as NJ City knows that this food is being transported, they will definitely find a way to destroy this food in order to prevent us from besieging NJ City for a long time.

At the same time, the NJ city defenders will know that we really have no food.

The retreat after seven days will become a matter of course and will not arouse any alertness from the other party... Only then can we steal the city at night.

As for the loss of elves? The elves gave us this food so that we could capture NJ City. Since the result is the same, they don't need to consider the process. After all, a long siege consumes too much of our troops, so this is the fastest and most labor-saving way. "

Fury was really convinced by Big Stone Mind, but he still asked: "If we just throw the map into NJ City, will it arouse the suspicion of the defenders?"

Jushi hummed: "Who in this world would think that the orcs, who are jealous of food, would give so much food to the enemy? Don't worry... the defenders of NJ City will guess that it will be given to them. This information comes from anyone, but they will never doubt us, nor will they doubt the elves."

Furious said assuredly: "I will find assassins to enter the city now."

In NJ city.

After a day of fighting, the defenders were exhausted. Howard asked the second line of troops on standby in the city to take over the defense of the city wall, while allowing the troops outside the city to enter the city.

The orc army that was able to fight in the daytime war gave in and retreated, and the soldiers in the sub-city who directly engaged the orc soldiers outside the city played a major role. You must know that they are fighting against the land battle tank-like Beamon and the bloodthirsty orcs led by Beamon without the ultimate creature. Looking at the comparison of strengths between the two sides, this persistence is a miracle.

The army outside the city completed its mission, and combined with the long-range power on the city wall, it inflicted great damage on the attacking orcs, and they also suffered heavy injuries. They really used their bodies to prevent the orcs from taking a step forward.

Howard kept his promise before the war and let the troops outside the city enter the city to rest. According to the current state of this army, they no longer have the strength to fight against the orc army. It is better to let them become a third-line army and supplement them in the next war. A gap in the city wall.

When the troops outside the city return to the city, the walls of NJ City will directly face the orcs' front, and future battles will only become more difficult.

Howard and his generals were in his command room, checking and improving the city wall defense system overnight based on the day's battles.

"We are very grateful to the prophet for helping us fight against the orc great shaman's divination in this important war. There were no major dangers in today's battle, and the prophet's divination played a vital role."

Howard has always maintained due respect for the mysterious prophet invited by Daliang. He knew that the orcs' divination skills could sometimes produce unexpected emergencies, and the city defense battle was the last place where emergencies were needed.

Howard recognized the prophet's strength and the role he played in this war.

The prophet leaned on his crutch and said: "Duke Daliang and I are very good friends. He helped me fulfill my greatest wish and saved my life. I hope that Shangjiang can always remain prosperous, and I am willing to work for Daliang." The Duke and Shangjiang City dedicate my strength."

Howard then began to summarize the gains and losses of the battle, pointing out the mistakes made in various defensive stages during the battle.

“Overall, I am very satisfied with today’s battle. We defeated the orc army in the stone wilderness. For an ordinary level 13 city in the main world, this is definitely a brilliant victory.

In the next battle, the fear of higher planes will not appear in our warriors. As long as we have the courage to fight against higher planes, then we will know what kind of power we have.

I believe we can still repel the orc attack tomorrow, and the same will happen the day after tomorrow...

The Rock and Rampage would admit their defeat and give up on the city that had disgraced them. "

Howard's words were impassioned. He wore demon armor and exuded the power of a high-ranking demon. All the demon nobles and deputy city lords who attended this meeting were extremely excited.

Yes... before the battle began, no general of the NJ city defenders would have imagined that they could fight such a beautiful battle against the orc army in the stone wilderness.

As a result, the orcs attacked for a whole day and could not even touch the walls of NJ City.

This must be the greatest humiliation to Warchief Boulder and Warchief Fury.

Facing the attack of the two golden tents in the Stone Wilderness, the weak defenders of NJ City achieved the most dazzling performance in the history of the entire main world.

Every noble in NJ City feels the honor that this victory has brought to their family, and no longer thinks that cities in the main world are inferior to high-level planes.

Their warriors will also die and their armies will be defeated.

The morale of the NJ city defenders was unprecedentedly high. From nobles and generals to soldiers and civilians, everyone believed that victory belonged to the great NJ city.

Howard was very happy with the high morale of his subordinates.

In this war, whether NJ City can defend the city with the weak defeating the strong, morale is the most critical factor.

After another encouragement to his subordinates, Howard said: "The orc army will not be reconciled to today's defeat. In the next battle, we cannot be overly arrogant because of a victory in the battle.

On the Yangtze River channel on the west line of NJ City, the orcs are trying to block our river. Cargo ships from upstream are no longer able to navigate, and supplies supporting the river have also been significantly reduced. Logistics personnel must manage every support we receive, especially war equipment, which is our main weapon against the orcs' advanced units and heroes.

The Duke of Mars played very well at Zijin Volcano and continued to remain vigilant enough. Although the orcs tried to use magic to cool down the offensive line, their logistics could not last until they captured the Purple Mountain.

Duke Da Liang, I hope you can continue to take on the task of scouting the orc army garrison. Try to minimize the time you spend out of the city, increase your flight altitude, and immediately find a way to retreat once you find that the orcs are ambushing you. "

Daliang nodded and said: "Yes, sir... I will be careful."

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