Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1317 Food Transportation Information

Throughout the night, the NJ city defenders maintained the highest level of vigilance, and it was not until early in the morning that the singing from the orc camp gradually faded away.

Under the shining light of the Supreme Angel's Arbitration, NJ City spent a peaceful night.

Early the next morning, the NJ city defenders entered combat readiness as quickly as possible. The loaded artillery and ballistae were adjusted to the best angle for firing, and the city walls were lined with long-range soldiers called Magic Girls and melee soldiers who prevented the orcs from ascending the city.

All warriors are equipped with the best armor and weapons. There are no more troops of our own outside the city. The defense of the city wall will undergo a major test...

But just when Daliang stepped onto the city gate and was about to apply to Howard to go out of the city for investigation, he found that it was unusually quiet outside the city.

Looking from the city wall, there is a smooth road in front of the city gate. On the battlefield that should have been noisy, there was not a single orc in sight. The sun illuminated the wilderness south of the city, and only the orc camp could be vaguely seen on the far horizon, as well as wisps of rising smoke.

The orcs don’t seem to be planning to continue attacking the city today?

Daliang leaned against the crenellations of the city gate tower and asked Howard in a low voice, who was observing the enemy camp with a telescope beside him: "Your Majesty, why didn't the orcs go to war?"

Howard observed the orc camp carefully, and then said: "The Great Chief of the Rock is a very clever commander in the Stone Wilderness. He must have seen that our morale is strong today, and a forced attack on the city will not have the results he wants in the end.

High morale can easily decline when there is no battle. In particular, nervous and boring waiting will cause morale to drop rapidly, and then various mistakes will occur. For the NJ city defenders, they have not experienced a war of this scale and are more likely to make mistakes when they have nothing to do. "

Daliang carefully wrote down the experience of commanding troops taught by Howard, and then asked: "Then what should we do? The entire city's army is waiting for the war. If the orcs never attack, will we just keep waiting like this?"

"Of course we can't wait like this. This is tantamount to giving the initiative of the war to the orcs. We can't let the soldiers in the city retreat to rest. We are a weak force. If the orcs suddenly attack, especially if the Behemoth Holy Beast leads the charge, we will The soldiers re-entered the city. When they were adapting to the rhythm of the battlefield, the Behemoth Holy Beast had already hit our city wall." After analyzing various countermeasures, Howard said: "Open the city gate and let the hell war horses and hell three-headed dogs be sent out respectively. A brigade leaves the city...

Since waiting is a bit boring, let's have some fun. Order the hell war horses and hell three-headed dogs to charge towards the orc camp in the open space in front, and then return two kilometers away from the enemy camp.

Just like this, charging back and forth, retreating and inviting battle.

If the orcs can't bear to rush out to pursue them, let the hell horses and hell three-headed dogs return to the city. They are both cavalry units, and two thousand in number can easily withdraw into the city.

If the orcs can't hold back, "scaring the orcs away from fighting" will actually maintain our morale.

In short, try to find a way to find something for your soldiers to do on the battlefield... When these two brigades get tired of running, they will switch to two brigades. "

Following Howard's order, the suspension bridge at the south gate of NJ City was lowered and the city gate opened. A brigade of hell horses and a brigade of hell three-headed dogs passed through the city gate and the suspension bridge in sequence, and then formed an attack formation outside the city and rushed towards the orc camp in the distance.

The hell horse has a body similar to that of a unicorn, but its body is colored like red-hot coals, and a single horn that looks like a dog-leg knife grows on its forehead.

The three-headed hellhound is an advanced unit of the hellhound. They have three dog heads and are agile. They can perform well in single combat or group fights.

The combination of the Hell Horse, which is good at straight-line charging attacks, and the Hell Dog, which is good at running and fighting, gives Hell a powerful cavalry combination.

After this mixed cavalry army left the city, amid the cheers of the friendly troops on the city wall, it ran faster and faster, setting off billowing smoke behind it.

Howard and Daliang stared at the galloping cavalry, when a demon noble walked over quickly.

"Sir, Duke... We have just received a very urgent military situation. Please come to the command room."

Military emergency?

Howard and Daliang glanced at each other, then followed the demon noble into the command room located in the city gate building.

After seeing that there were no outsiders here, the demon noble took out a map and a note and said: "At dawn, an unknown high-level assassin broke into the city wall I was responsible for defending.

The assassin did nothing but left this thing behind and left. "

Howard took the map and note from the demon noble. He read the note first and then handed it to Daliang calmly. Then he said to the demon noble: "You did a good job in this matter...but the authenticity of this information is not yet clear." Confirm. Don’t say anything when you go back, just keep an eye on the defensive zone you are responsible for.”

The demon noble left the command room under Howard's instructions, leaving only Howard and Daliang in the room.

Howard spread the map on the table and asked Daliang: "Your Majesty, Duke, what do you think?"

At this time, Da Liang had already read the information on the note. He turned over the back of the note. After finding no other information, he released a flame and burned the note to ashes.

"Hang Z City is not too far from NJ City. The elves invited the orcs here just to fight. If they knew that the orcs were going to run out of food, no matter how unwilling they were, the food would definitely be given to the orcs.

If this information is true, after the orcs get this batch of food, it will be very difficult for us to fight the city defense battle.

The fact that the orcs did not attack the city today probably has a lot to do with this batch of food. With food in hand and no worries, they can slowly look for our omissions. "

The elves wanted to give the orcs food, which was unexpected but reasonable. After Daliang got this information, his first thought was how to prevent the food from arriving. However, he also carefully noticed something questionable. He then asked Howard: "It stands to reason... If the elves want to transport food to the orcs, they will definitely escort it secretly. There will definitely be very few people who know about it... So who sent this information to us, and what is his purpose?"

Howard looked at the map on the table, which marked the route for the elves to transport food. The twists and turns were some remote roads, which could effectively avoid the discovery of the transport team during this war-torn period.

"There are many reclusive strong men like the Prophet hidden in this land. They are unwilling to destroy their peaceful lives and join this fight, but their hearts are still on our side.

Perhaps it was such a hermit who got this information.

But no matter who gave us this information, this batch of food must not be transported to the orc camp. "

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