Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1318 Chapter 480 Holy Isaiah

How credible is an unknown grain shipment information?

Is this information sent by a hermit who is anxious for justice? Or was it a conspiracy jointly arranged by elves and orcs to lure NJ City into sending troops to steal food so that they could be ambushed and eliminated?

But no matter which possibility it is, NJ City cannot afford to gamble.

Yes or no, we must attack as soon as possible, because this batch of food has already set off from Hang Z City. Even if it goes slowly, five days is enough for the elves' food transport team to walk from Hang Z City to NJ City.

If NJ City wanted to ambush this food transport team, it would have to mobilize enough troops, and also find a way to avoid the orcs' detection and intercept the food transport team.

In terms of time, there is not enough time.

As for who to send to complete this mission, Daliang did not hesitate and said: "Leave this mission to me. I have a black elf cavalry in Songjiang City, and I can also borrow a vampire army from Jiading City. We set off from Songjiang City and headed westward. Suzhou City and Wuxi City bypass Taihu Lake, and then the grain transport team can be intercepted at Yixing City on the middle line of Hangz City and NJ City.

When I attack the Elf food transport team, NJ City and Hang Z City must attack the orcs and elves at the same time to prevent them from supporting the Yixing battlefield. "

Howard agreed to Daliang to carry out this mission without much consideration. In fact, he could not think of a more suitable candidate than Daliang. Because of the mobilization of troops to form a grain-stealing force, Songjiang City and Jiading City, located to the west of Shangjiang, are the most convenient and richest cities.

Both cities belong to the faction of Daliang, and another person may not be able to command the black elves and undead.

Howard said: "This task is left to you. Bring your team and be sure to destroy this batch of food for the orcs."

Outside the city, the hell horses and three-headed hell dogs continued to provoke the orcs. The orcs, on the other hand, continued to close the camp tightly, making it clear that they would never go to war today. The hunter sets a trap and waits for the prey to step into the trap.

Daliang left NJ City with the last investigation team and went to Songjiang to mobilize the Tramplers and Trackers Legion commanded by Red Copper on standby. The two main cavalry armies of the Black Fire Territory, with fifteen thousand knights, will complete this joint operation for the first time.

Red Tong led the cavalry out of Songjiang City and then headed towards Jiading City in the north at full speed.

After arriving in Jiading City, Marquis Stanley happily lent Da Liang 10,000 vampires, 4,000 dark knights and 1,000 terrifying knights.

The two armies merged into a mixed regiment of 30,000 elite cavalry and airmen. Under the leadership of Daliang, they headed west along the north bank of Taihu Lake toward Yixing City.

In order to prevent this march from being detected by the players on the Elf side, the College Alliance specially sent a reliable team of players to conduct early detection and guide the direction of Da Liang's army.

The army of all cavalry and air combat units is moving very quickly. It is expected that it will take a day and night to reach Yixing City, and then there will be about a day for rest, reconnaissance and setting up an ambush.

Shi Fei has already set off from Hang Z City, escorting the food to support the orcs to NJ City. Since this land belongs to Shangjiang's sphere of influence, the entire food transportation process must be cautious. Not only must it avoid NPCs who are close to Shangjiang City, but it must also not let the Northern Lords Alliance know about its food transportation route.

The army escorting the grain was Shi Fei's direct army in Bauhinia City. This originally second-line army was promoted to the main army due to its military exploits after experiencing the Black Iron City War.

The number of the legions was strengthened, reaching a full strength of 40,000.

Due to Shi Fei's expertise in archery, elven archers accounted for a large proportion of his legion, numbering approximately 10,000; those responsible for the logistics of the entire legion were 15,000 centaurs; the others were Pegasus knights, deadwood warriors, Unicorn, green dragon, golden dragon; there are also five magic groups led by level 15 elf envoys.

Shi Fei's army has very powerful long-range blocking capabilities. At the same time, due to the existence of unicorns and elf envoys, it also has a considerable advantage in magic confrontation.

In order to prevent players from discovering the existence of the food transport team, Shi Fei did not mobilize his subordinate player legions to follow him. Instead, he asked the dominator legion to separate a group of reliable players, led by the Wings of Dreams to scout the route ahead. .

Now is the climax of the large-scale war plot in Shangjiang, and the fighting in NJ City and Hang Z City is fierce. Almost all the surrounding players are doing war missions around several large cities, so it is difficult to see traces of players in the wilderness. Occasionally, when I encounter an individual player, I am immediately led back to the city by Dreamless Wings.

Shi Fei led his grain transport team to advance secretly, but he didn't know that he had been betrayed by his allies. Daliang had led his army to lay an ambush circle in front of him.

Isaiah is Michael's holy left wing. He and the former holy Bella form Michael's holy wings and command Michael's guardian angels.

Unlike Holy Bella, who gradually became a holy right winger from an ordinary angel, Isaiah has a very high talent since he was born in the birth pool. He was born with golden wings and was between the archangel and the holy angel. At that time, it was the most intense moment of the last plane battlefield. The front line controlled by Yunzhong City was in urgent need of additional troops. Isaiah was given high hopes when he was just born.

So Isaiah was directly promoted from Archangel to Holy Angel, and then was sent to the front line battlefield.

In the battle against Hell, Isaiah showed the same potential and ability as expected. He grew rapidly during the war and became a star among the angel race.

It can be said that Isaiah has been shrouded in various auras since he was born. After the plane war ended, he was recruited by Michael to teach him personally and became Michael's trusted angel.

In this plane war, Michael formed his own holy wings and directly appointed Isaiah, who had only experienced one plane war, as his holy left wing. His status was higher than that of the veteran Holy Bella. It can be seen that she had a high regard for Isaiah. How much attention is paid to it, if angels also have a noble system, Isaiah is the noble among the nobles.

And before Holy Bella advanced to the supreme angel, all the angels in Cloud City thought that Holy Isaiah would become the eighth supreme angel in Cloud City.

But when the news that Holy Bella became the Supreme Angel reached Cloud City, Isaiah, who was the Holy Left Winger, was greatly touched. He always wanted to prove in front of Michael that he was as good as Holy Bella.

This time, Holy Isaiah secretly came to Shangjiang City under the order of Michael.

At this time, the entire Shangjiang City's attention was focused on the NJ City battlefield and the Hang Z City battlefield. All the transportation capabilities of the entire city were at full capacity to transport materials to the two battlefields and the second defense line.

The merchant ships in the Shangjiang Port are like crucian carp crossing the river. Some of these supplies were bought with money, and more were free support from the city-states in the main world.

This military confrontation between the main world, the dreamland, and the stone wilderness is really exciting. Although the city-states in the main world did not openly support Shangjiang City, various supplies were secretly sent here.

Some cities sent troops directly.

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