Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1320 Rushing into the formation

As the strongest assault force in the Blackfire Territory's military order, the War Tramplers led by Red Copper rushed at the forefront of the cavalry.

All the war tramplers raised their lances and charged at the unclosed parts of the elven formation. Behind them were the undead terror knights, dark knights and human champion knights who were also heavy armored cavalry.

Behind them are the black elves and dark cavalry that form a cavalry wave.

The darkness swept up the hillside.

At this time, there was still a gap in the Elf Legion's defensive circle that had not been blocked. The centaurs tried their best to drag the grain cart, trying to seal the position. The elven archers on both sides of the gap fired arrows at the oncoming cavalry at the fastest rate of fire. The dense arrows in the air were like locusts, hitting the heavy armor of the knights and making a tinkling sound.

The elven military mage released magic at the front of the cavalry's charging road. Barriers formed by quicksand traps, fire demon walls, and earth magic. Use all available methods to delay the enemy's charge.

Many charge cavalry were stopped by various traps.

The road ahead is getting narrower and narrower, and the speed of the cavalry is gradually slowing down.

We must not let the elves seal the final gap!

This is the death order given by Daliang to Red Copper.

As a hero transformed from the undead Dark Knight, Red Copper will fulfill Da Liang’s instructions without reservation. Seeing that the cavalry he led fell into the "quagmire" of magic traps, Red Copper summoned some heroic war tramplers to his side.

"War Tramples"

War trample is the characteristic skill of war trample. It can be released by heroic-level war trample, which can impose a mounted combat status on surrounding heavy cavalry units. When this skill is released, the weight of all heavy cavalry with war trample status will increase, making them more impactful. At the same time, the strength of the mount's four hooves increases. In addition to adapting to the increased weight, it will also produce a heavy blow effect.

The heavy cavalry on the front line used trample while running. Red Copper's cavalry command ability allowed all the heavy cavalry to step on one step at the same time. The slope of the entire hill began to shake as the cavalry ran, and the ground shook and the soil sank, burying the trap. Red Copper led the cavalry to destroy the wall of fire and smashed through the earth wall...

The earthquake affected the accuracy of the elven archers, and the arrows fired from the front became scattered. The vampires hiding behind the heavy cavalry took off together.

Tens of thousands of bats transformed into vampires formed a dark cloud in the sky, and then divided into two torrents, one on the left and one on the right, swooping towards the elf shooters.

The Pegasus Knights of the Elf Legion came into action, and the battle in the air reached its climax in a short time.

Then the giant dragons from both sides entered the battlefield one after another.

Magic bombards each other.

Shi Fei, who commanded the defense of the Elf Legion, drew his bow and aimed at Red Copper, who was leading the cavalry on the front line. He could tell that this was a cavalry commanding hero who was good at commanding cavalry units in combat. If he can be killed, the combat effectiveness of Daliang's cavalry will definitely be reduced by 20% to 30%, and our side will have the opportunity to complete the entire defensive front.

However, Shi Fei has not used the "sniper" skill to attack Red Copper.

Because Da Liang hasn’t appeared yet…

Shi Fei had seen the fighting prowess that Daliang displayed when fighting Fury in NJ City. He could transform into a level 15 evil angel, and he could survive attacks from level 16 heroes in a short burst.

Moreover, the shower of meteors and fire released by Daliang in that battle was really terrifying. If Daliang was allowed to release this large-scale magic here, this batch of food would be burned completely.

You must keep the "sniper" skill, which is used to deal with Da Liang.

Shi Fei reluctantly took back his bow and arrow, and at this time Red Copper had already led the cavalry to the front of the gap.

"Let the unicorn lead the centaur to countercharge, push the cavalry down, and buy time to seal the gap..."

Shi Fei issued the order but didn't know if this attack would be effective. In this case, placing heavy infantry units with high defense outside the gap is the best solution.

However, the dwarves have separated from the elves. The vacancies of the dwarves are filled by the elves' new unit - Sword Dancer. This is a high attack speed output unit that cannot stop the charge of heavy cavalry. The other heavy infantry type of the elves is the deadwood warrior. The deadwood warrior's root entanglement skill is definitely a nightmare for the cavalry type. However, the walking speed of the deadwood warrior is really too slow, so they can only stand and defend. used when. Shi Fei's mission this time was to transport food. If he took the dead wood warriors with him, it would take more than ten days.

Therefore, in order to ensure the marching speed, Shi Fei did not bring the dead wood soldiers with him this time to transport food.

In the end, it happened that when heavy infantry units were needed to resist the line, there were no soldiers available.

Letting the unicorn charge with the centaur was really a helpless move.

The elven unicorns rushed down the hillside from the gap, and behind them were centaurs wielding spears.

The cavalry belonging to the two sides collided in front of the elven defense line.

As level 11 unicorns and level 12 unicorn beasts, they are still capable of fighting against war tramplers, terror knights, and dark knights of the same level. Although they cannot defeat them, they can survive for a while.

Two high-level cavalry charged past each other...injuring each other, and then each faced off against the enemy's subsequent cavalry.

The unicorns faced the seventh-level dark cavalry of the black elves, while the war tramplers encountered the first-level centaurs of the elves.

At level 12 vs. level 1, a war stomper has the same body structure as a centaur, but a war stomper is at least twice the size of a centaur. Moreover, War Stompers are heavy cavalry, while Centaurs are nothing more than light cavalry.

Among the same level, the centaur can be said to be the strongest unit at level 1, but when faced with the war tramplers... they were trampled directly.

The unicorns who went into battle were caught in the tide of dark cavalry and could not turn back. They could only lower their heads and rush forward, either breaking through the enemy formation or dying inside. The Centaur simply used his life to slow down the War Trampler and buy time to seal the gap.

The charging cavalry kept approaching the elves' defense line. The vampire withstood the double attacks of the Pegasus Knight and the Elf Archer, desperately trying to stop the Elf from sealing the gap. Whenever they get a chance, they cut the chains connecting the grain carts and push the heavy grain carts down the mountain...

The giant dragon swooped down at low altitude and breathed hot dragon breath at the grain truck...

A large number of soldiers died every second on both sides of the offense and defense, but no one gave in.

This is the junction of NJ City and Hang Z City. Although Daliang has blocked the surrounding space coordinates with the hidden night, it does not take long for the orcs and elves to support the air force, but Daliang does not have any backup.

If you want to complete the task of robbing food, you must be fast and attack quickly regardless of losses.

Even... Da Liang did not hesitate to use red copper as bait to attract Shi Fei's "sniper"...

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