Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1321 Food Robbery

The release of the meteor shower requires the caster to maintain a supply of magic power for a period of time. Once the supply of magic power is interrupted, the magic cannot be released. Moreover, Daliang was very afraid of Shi Fei's "sniper attack". His health and defense in the human priest state were far inferior to those in the Lie Flame Commander state, even when he transformed into a sinful angel.

On the battlefield in Hang Z City, Shi Fei used "sniper" and a set of archery combos to kill a crystal dragon. Although there were many factors that caused the killing of a crystal dragon, Shi Fei's attack power was really very strong. Some people said that the newly equipped bow and arrow in his hand might be an artifact.

Daliang felt that this possibility was very high. He had already obtained two artifacts. Shi Fei, a reborn person, must know some strategies for rewarding artifacts. Now that he is so good in the dreamland, he can still do it by going through the back door, using his mind, and getting one or two artifacts... right?

Da Liang didn't dare to try Shi Fei's archery skills to see if he could kill him instantly.

Especially if Shi Fei still has the "sniper" skill.

Fortunately, the frontal attack went smoothly. Shi Fei did not attack Red Copper, and Red Copper led the cavalry all the way up. They broke through the Centaur defense and rushed in through the gap in the Elf defense position.

The War Trampler put down his lance and started charging with two swords, sweeping away all the elven soldiers in the gap, kicking over the grain truck blocking the road, and supporting the following dark cavalry to go up the mountain.

The offensive and defensive battle turned into a melee. The elf magicians carried out indiscriminate magic bombing on the gap area. Soon, an assault team composed of terrifying knights broke through the obstacles and rushed towards the elf magicians.

The cavalry invaded and set fire to the grain carts they encountered.

The elves struggled to block it, but they lacked heavy infantry, war equipment, and capable cavalry. The temporary group defense could not withstand the collision of the heavy cavalry.

The elves' army dissipated like snow melting under the impact of the cavalry.

Shi Fei knew that if he didn't do something, the elven army would be wiped out, and all the food for the orcs would be destroyed.

But if they want to prevent the incoming cavalry from destroying the food, Shi Fei and his elf envoys must go to war.

And where is Da Liang? What other powers does he hide?

Daliang was afraid of Shi Fei, and Shi Fei was also afraid of Daliang. He didn't know what other trump cards Daliang had, but he knew that as long as he took the elf to fight, he would be in an extremely disadvantageous position, and it was not up to him how to fight.

The battlefield space was blocked... In the direction of Hang Z City and NJ City, the defenders on the Shangjiang side suddenly launched a counterattack to contain the high-level heroes of elves and orcs.

This is a joint operation, a comprehensively planned ambush. Revealing the trump card may very well lead to death! was really strange to be ambushed this time.

The elf's decision to support the orcs with food was an impromptu decision. The transportation route was determined that night, and he led the food transportation team to leave Hang Z City the next day.

Daliang gathered such a fast-attack army at this location, and it was obvious that he knew this was the path he was going to take.

This is definitely not intelligence obtained through the development of insiders in the Dominion Legion. The people in the Dominion Legion don't know which way they want to go. It was not that the march on the road was discovered by people from the College Alliance, because Daliang did not have time to mobilize troops from Shangjiang.

Eliminate the impossible, and the remaining result, no matter how incredible, is still the correct answer.

Daliang knew that the elves were going to give a batch of food to the orcs before the food left Hangzhou City, or when it had just left Hangzhou City, and he accurately grasped his route to transport the food.

The only people who know this route are King Wadsworth, Bavaria, himself and the orcs.

It is impossible for King Wadsworth and Bavaria to give this information to Da Liang. The remaining result is...this information was deliberately leaked by the orcs.

What do they want to do?

Shi Fei really couldn't believe that the orcs actually sold themselves like this, even selling the food they gave them. The orcs must have been full to support themselves!

But Shi Fei couldn't think of any other possibilities, so he had to accept this fact.

So what is the purpose of the orcs?

Shi Fei didn't think that the orcs leaked the food transportation information to harm themselves. If they had this intention, they could wait until they had received the food before using their dirty tricks. Moreover, Shi Fei didn't think he had anything to do with the orcs. In order to kill him, he asked them not to even take food.

The remaining possibility is...the orcs don't want this batch of food.

The orcs don't want food... This is definitely a joke that will make you laugh out loud.

But just like what he had just thought... After eliminating all possibilities... Shi Fei suddenly had the illusion that he was playing the wrong game... Was there something wrong with the settings?

There are no setting bugs in the Heroic World, nor are the orcs suffering from anorexia.

The elves must have sent food to NJ City, but they hindered some of the orcs' plans. The orcs cannot ask for this batch of food, and they have to let NJ City destroy this batch of food... to create the illusion that the orcs are short of food.

The orcs' food shortage is...the truth, everyone knows it.

Shi Fei slowly put things together. Although he still couldn't figure out what the orcs planned to do with the food, it must be related to the attack on NJ City.

So why are you trying so hard to protect food? Even if the food is finally delivered to NJ City by luck, it will still cause trouble for the orcs.

They even cheated their allies, these orcs are really bastards.

Seeing his side's already defeated battlefield, with so many subordinates dead, Shi Fei's heart was bleeding. But now that he knew that the orcs didn't want this batch of food, there was no need to continue fighting. After all, the ones who died were all his direct subordinates.

"Retreat, abandon all grain trucks, and retreat to the direction of Hang Z!"

Shi Fei retreated.

The elven army abandoned all the food and retreated from the other side of the hill, leaving the trucks full of food behind. The elves, who were not burdened by food, moved very quickly. They got into the mountain forests suitable for the elves' fighting environment and evacuated in an orderly manner towards the defense line of Hang Z City.

The entire war took just over an hour from the time the War Tramplers started charging to the time the elves took the initiative to retreat.

This ambush battle ended with Daliang's victory.

The cavalry set fire to all the food carts left by the elves, and the entire hill was ablaze. Fires shot into the sky and black smoke filled the sky.

Da Liang was flying in the air, looking at the direction of the elf's retreat from a distance, feeling an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

"You're just running away now? Are you too cowardly like Feishanzoushi?" In a big battle, especially against a heavyweight master like Feishanzoushi, Shu Xiao was very unhappy that he didn't play. She flew next to Da Liang and complained: "The elves fought very aggressively at first, but why did they withdraw so quickly? If I were to command this elven army, I would have to fight until there is not even a single soldier left. That would be satisfying."

Daliang chuckled and said: "The victory has been decided. If we fight again, the entire army will be annihilated. I have fought against Fei Sha Zuoshi many times. When it is time to attack, he will attack fiercely, and when it is time to retreat, he will never hesitate to be sloppy. If you are like you In a war, no matter how big his possessions are, they will be destroyed.”

Shu Xiao pouted and said in dissatisfaction: "Don't look down on me, I didn't give you any of your property..."

"I am different from Fei Shazongshi..." Daliang answered Shu Xiao casually, but continued to look at the direction of the elf's retreat, feeling that Shi Fei's battle was too anticlimactic.

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