Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1322 Siege

Although facing the inevitable defeat, Shi Fei took the initiative to retreat in order to save his elven army. This decision was indeed understandable, but Daliang always felt that the end of this war was a bit strange.

The amount of food burned all over the mountain is not a small amount. The orcs were waiting for this batch of food to attack NJ City, and the elves must have cut themselves hard by supporting this batch of food. This is related to the supplies for the entire war. Even if Shi Fei knows that he is going to lose, why does he still have to hold on for a while, right?

Maybe if you hold on for a while... the elves and orcs will send reinforcements.

Shi Fei himself did not show up, nor did his elf messenger. The purple dragons that were left unused by Daliang were left with no place to use them.

Daliang was ready to fight Shi Fei with all his strength, but now he felt as uncomfortable as a punch on cotton.

Shi Fei really withdrew, and a big battle ended hastily like this.

Maybe he is really afraid of being wiped out here... After all, he still has a war to fight in Hang Z City and a war in Shangjiang City. Without the army, he will get a lot less on the battlefield.

Daliang always felt that there was something uncomfortable in this war, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He could only explain it by Shi Fei's reluctance to fight all the troops.

Fortunately, regardless of the process, this batch of food, which is extremely important to the orcs, will not be delivered to NJ City.

It can also be seen from this food transportation that the food carried by the orcs will not last for a few days. As long as NJ City persists, the orcs without food will move west to join the elves and eliminate the elves' logistics.

This place is between NJ City and Hang Z City. Although the defenders of the two places have all attacked to contain the orcs and elves in order to coordinate the battle here, it is still too dangerous to stay here.

A huge shower of meteors and fire covered the entire hill.

Then the whole army retreated.

Under the cover of personnel from the University Alliance, Da Liang's army quickly disappeared into the wetlands on the north shore of Taihu Lake.

In the jungle where the elves retreated, Shi Fei watched from a distance as the meteors and fire showers ignited the entire hill. This time, all the food he was responsible for transporting was destroyed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Failure in the mission... will definitely affect King Wadsworth's evaluation of himself.

However, Shi Fei knew how to explain to King Wadsworth, and when the orcs implemented their plan, King Wadsworth would only vent his anger on these orcs who cheated their allies.

As for whether such a clean retreat of giving up food would arouse Daliang's suspicion?

There will definitely be doubts, but... I can't even guess what the orc is planning to do, so how could he possibly guess it.

After all, the orcs leaked the news and burned their own food. If I hadn't been responsible for transporting food this time, I wouldn't have believed it even if they were beaten to death.

Let the war in NJ City be left to the orcs. My legion will stay on the front line in Hang Z City to gain military exploits.

The news that all the food transported by the elves was burned reached the battlefield of NJ City as quickly as possible.

The sudden air attack by the NJ city defenders had retreated from the sky above the orc camp, and the orc soldiers immediately attacked NJ city.

In order to confuse the defenders of NJ City, the orcs made every effort to attack the city.

Because...what if we really get in?

The heroic orcs charged fearlessly in a bloodthirsty state. The lava moat outside NJ City had been cooled by magic in many places. The orcs put a temporary climbing ladder on the city wall of NJ City.

The artillery on the city wall turret roared continuously, and strings of magic were shot from inside the city to outside the city. The thick smoke and gunpowder smoke covered the entire battlefield with a pungent mist.

The warriors from both sides competed on the front line of the city wall. The orc warriors held the fireballs released by Mo Ji and climbed up the city ladder; the orc ax throwers who lined up below the city suppressed Mo Ji remotely.

The boulders thrown by the Cyclops hit the city walls, and some of the city walls had been knocked open by the Behemoth Holy Beast.

The crystal dragon stood in the gap, resisting the attack of the Behemoth Holy Beast and blocking the orc army from entering the city. Purple Dragon cast spells as quickly as possible, using water magic and earth magic to re-block the gap.

Zilong's terrifying spell-casting ability was fully demonstrated under the cover of the fortified city.

Extend the distance, and each purple dragon is a magic turret.

Various large-scale and highly lethal magics erupted on the battlefield, and various magical elements were like tamed beasts in their hands. Wind and sand, ice crystals, flames and steam, lightning and thunder...

Magical energy rages on the battlefield.

Even though the great shaman in the orc army is trying his best to fight the purple dragon in magic, no one except elemental creatures can compete with the purple dragon in magic. When the orc army attacked the city, it not only had to face resistance from the defenders, but also suffered a large area of ​​magical damage.

Purple Dragon played a vital role in this war.

At night.

Unable to attack the city, the exhausted orcs finally retreated.

The NJ city defenders repaired the destroyed city defenses overnight.

It was such a hard fight...

Even with the help of the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon, the defenders still paid a heavy price. The entire southern city wall was in tatters, with many places being repeatedly smashed into pieces. The forts and magic towers were also destroyed in many places...

Artillery, catapults, and ballistae were consumed in large quantities. Intense use caused more damage to the war machinery than was destroyed by the Orks.

There were also soldiers fighting face to face with the orcs. Facing the orcs' non-stop siege all day long, the defenders were pushed up the city wall one after another. Often with a single magic hit, all the defenders on a section of the city wall would die.

This is a confrontation between blood and will.

After eliminating the fear of high-level planes, the NJ city defenders fought bloody battles in the main world city.

Every day that NJ City and Hang Z City hold on, it is a festival worthy of congratulations for every city-state in the main world. The nobles of the city-states learned about the war in Shangjiang through all the channels they could find. Every time the armistice period came, the nobles of these city-states would hold an all-night banquet.

Although some cities controlled by the good camp could not openly support the battlefield in Shangjiang, the nobles still used various excuses to celebrate.

The nearby city-states sent supplies and troops to Shangjiang, while the distant city-states tore up the Shangjiang war bonds in their hands to support Shangjiang's war of great significance.

The city-states of the overworld saw the power they had in the Battle of Shangjiang. Although they currently do not have the ability to fight like NJ City and Hang Z City, from the bottom of their hearts they expect to have a vigorous battle with high-level planes like these two cities.

They need high-level creatures and heroes to lead them in battle, and they need level 16 heroes to be their strongest backing.

They need a leader to send out a cry so that the entire main world has a flag that can be protected.

All this... Shangjiang has it all.

The main world has reached a critical point that needs to explode.

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