Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1323 Retreat

After Daliang sent the troops who had robbed grain back to Jiading City and Songjiang City respectively, he immediately returned to NJ City.

After a day of fighting, the orcs chose to rest on the second day.

The walls of NJ City and the outside of the city were pockmarked, and some places turned into chaotic tidal areas due to the excessive release of magic energy, forming elemental vortices that could not be approached.

A few bold players roam the battlefield, collecting valuable items. From time to time, a player war breaks out because of a certain piece of top-notch equipment or material.

This is a plane war, no matter who wins or loses, there is no winner.

Howard already knew yesterday that Daliang burned the food given to the orcs by the elves. This is really great news for NJ City.

As NJ City's defenses are destroyed, weapons reserves are depleted, and soldiers are lost and tired, future battles will only become more and more difficult to fight.

Howard didn't know how many more orc attacks NJ City could experience. Maybe in the next battle, the orcs would rush into the city.

"You did a very good job..." Howard kept staring at the orc camp when there was no fighting. He said to Daliang: "We are facing a fighting race. If the orcs have enough food, their fighting will be better." The ability should be above that of the academy and on par with the elves.

To deal with the orcs, we must find a way to deal with food.

Now the orcs opposite us have no way to get enough food in the occupied area, and the elves probably won't be able to get a second batch of food. We have already won half of this battle. As long as we defend the enemy's siege again, the orcs will have to join the elves. "

Daliang was very optimistic about the upcoming war. He said: "Before coming to NJ City, I went back to Shangjiang City. An uncountable number of city-states in the main world are fully supporting our war.

Our battle here is removing fear of the higher planes throughout the overworld.

The main world is ready, and Shangjiang is also ready.

Our city will usher in its most glorious moment since its founding. "

Shangjiang City is his home for Howard, and he went to hell to protect the city that his entire family protects. This city left Howard with beautiful memories, but also gave him endless pain and even more nostalgia.

Now, under the leadership of a new king, it is embarking on a great path.

"I should thank you..." Howard, with infinite emotion in his heart, said to Daliang: "Actually, you are the one who should wear the crown most, but reality can only make you an uncrowned king.

I hope you can treat Joyce well. She is a good child and the royal family has failed her... was my brother and William who failed her. "

Daliang looked in the direction of Shangjiang and said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will protect our city just like you and Joyce. We will win this war..."

The day passed so peacefully. The orcs stayed in their camp to accumulate strength, and the NJ city defenders mobilized the entire city to seize every minute to strengthen the city's defense.

The next day, the orcs continued their fierce attack on NJ City.

The two armies once again competed on the narrow line of the city wall, long-range versus long-range, melee versus melee, and magic filled the sky.

The Behemoths withstood various attacks, led the orc warriors through the cooled magma moat, and crashed into the wall of NJ City. The unsteady defenders fell down along with the loosened stone bricks, and a gap opened in the city wall.

The following Cyclops pushed the attack line further forward. Some of their troops threw boulders to suppress the heavy firepower on the city wall, while some picked up orc warriors and threw them against the city wall.

Most of the orc warriors hit the wall, and a small number were lucky enough to fall on the city wall.

Although these orc warriors who boarded the city in an extreme way were besieged and killed without any support. However, they still caused a lot of chaos. The orc warriors who attacked the city took the opportunity to charge up the city ladder. If the ranged and magical support follow up in time, the orcs, led by the hero, can rush to the city wall.

Of course, the defenders could not allow the orcs to gain a foothold on the city wall.

The demons took the abyss devils to control the sky. They flew along the line of the city wall, resisting the Dapeng's assault from the air, and at the same time replenishing the breached areas at any time.

The demon nobles of NJ City and the deputy city nobles fought on the front line of the battlefield. In order to defend the last city of their homeland, countless nobles and heroes died on the battle wall.

The orcs rushed up and were beaten down again and again.

Howard mobilized every military force in his hands to firmly control the city wall.

The Unicorn of Doom that Daliang rode, Gale, stood together with the Angel of Arbitration. No matter how fierce the battle was on the battlefield, they stayed firmly in their positions, allowing all defenders participating in the battle to see them.

They are the ultimate force in NJ City, deterring boulders and rage.

Daliang did not participate in the battle, but under his dispatch, the Judgment Legion came to the NJ City battlefield. The Northern Lords Alliance also mobilized many main legions from the Pacific battlefield.

Players have become an important force in the defense of NJ City.

Shu Xiao led the air crew to assist the NJ city defenders in controlling the sky. The five purple dragons were temporarily transferred to Shu Xiao's command sequence under Da Liang's order...

Fighting was everywhere... Zijin Mountain and Shangjiang River were also attacked by orcs.

The entire front is in danger, and it seems that the orcs will be able to break through NJ City's defense system and rush into the city in the next moment.

But the defenders had no way out, and no one thought about a truce or retreat at this point in the war. The defenders were all red-eyed, and their high morale seemed to have given them a bloodthirsty state.

This is no longer NJ City's own war, this is about the honor of the main world, the honor that the NJ City defenders fought with their own blood.

The war continued like this from morning to night. The defenders withstood all the attacks of the orcs. They guarded all the breached gaps, blocked the enemies outside the city with their bodies, and did not let a single orc enter the city.

The defenders' perseverance paid off in the end.

In the evening, the orcs were once again driven back.

This is a real retreat…

The orc army, which was exhausted and unable to break through NJ City, did not return to its camp as usual. They first withdrew from the battlefield, and then headed west collectively. When night fell, the orc army disappeared from the sight of NJ City.

Have the orcs given up attacking NJ City?

Regardless of their fatigue after fighting for a day, the defenders immediately sent out air power to follow and detect the orc army, and at the same time sent personnel to inspect the orc camp.

The orcs were literally heading west. At this time, the elves had completely occupied Hang Z City, and the entire army was marching towards Shangjiang City. The orcs' route happened to meet up with the elves.

The people who were investigating the orc camp also quickly received the news.

There was no food in the orc camp, but there were many abandoned wounded soldiers.

According to the news from the wounded prisoners, the orc army has been reducing the food supply in the past few days. Only the soldiers who participated in the war could eat enough. The soldiers who did not participate in the war had half the food, and they, the wounded soldiers, had half the food.

Today, all the rations for the wounded soldiers have been reduced, and they have not eaten for a day.

The orcs really ran out of food.

They really couldn't fight anymore and retreated...

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