Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1324 Meeting after Victory

In the battle meeting of NJ City, all the high-ranking nobles and city lords who participated in the war gathered together, including the Duke of Mars who also rushed back from the Zijin Volcano defense line, and at the same time brought news of the withdrawal of the orc army from the Zijin Volcano defense line.

Including the orc army that attacked the Yangtze River on the west front, they all retreated eastward.

All reconnaissance and indications indicate that the orcs have run out of food without receiving food supplies. Even the well-fed orcs can't attack NJ City, let alone fight with an hungry stomach.

The enemy no longer has the ability to continue attacking NJ City. Moving east to join the elves is the best choice.

The defensive battle of NJ City ended with the victory of the defenders.

Every hero involved in this war is very happy. Before the war, almost no one thought they could defend NJ City. The orcs in the Stone Wilderness were too powerful. Regardless of the number of troops, hero levels, and ultimate creature strength, they were far higher than NJ City. The original purpose of this war was to delay the orcs' eastward advance and buy time for a defensive war on the Shangjiang River.

But now they have won. They have repelled the attacks of the orc army again and again, using the power of a small city-state in the main world to retreat from the high-level plane. During the war, there were many times when they thought they could not stop the orcs from entering the city, so they just fought for honor with their blood.

Now...the honor belongs to NJ City. They have accomplished something that the entire main world city-state could not even imagine. This war will be recorded in the history of the main world and will be remembered by the entire world and their descendants.

Every noble and hero was very excited and felt lucky to have participated in this war that was enough to add a symbol to the family coat of arms. This was an indelible imprint of the family.

Of course, they also know why they can defeat the orcs.

This is inseparable from the brave fighting of the entire garrison, the unlimited support from Shangjiang, and the purple dragon and crystal dragon sent by the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Especially... they have an invincible commander.

This man who followed Duke Daliang to NJ City allowed both the offensive and defensive sides to see what the art of war command was. When the Duke of Mars first appointed this man as the commander-in-chief of NJ City's defense, many arrogant demon nobles were dissatisfied. But now... every hero admires him.

If any of them had commanded this war, they would have been frightened by the orcs' overwhelming army from the beginning, and they would not have been able to defend NJ City for a day.

But this man led them to complete this miraculous victory.

As the city lord of NJ City, Duke Mars was definitely the happiest person to be able to defend this city. He touched the horns on his head and laughed: "Hahaha... I can't believe we actually won. You are worthy of being a commander-in-chief who has never lost a battle. It is really comfortable to fight under your command. I am grateful for my choice to be a comrade-in-arms with you instead of your enemy...

And Duke Feichen...

If you hadn't led your army to burn the food brought by the elves, my city would have continued to be ravaged by the orcs.

Thank you Shangjiang City for all the support you have given us, and thank you to every hero and warrior who sacrificed for this city...

Thank you to every companion who stuck to the end.

My castle is already preparing a banquet, let us celebrate this great victory together. Tonight... everyone will receive my reward. "

The victorious nobles were very excited, and everyone was ready to enjoy the happiness at this banquet hosted by the Duke.

However, at this time, Howard said: "Masters, Duke of Mars. I am also very happy to be able to repel the orcs in the Stone Wilderness.

But now is not the time to let down our guard. In war, no amount of caution and vigilance can be too much, because historical wars tell us that relaxation at any moment may lead to accidents. "

Duke Mars said: "But the orcs have retreated, and they have no food to attack us again."

Daliang said: "Duke Mars...this gentleman is right. The orcs may retreat and come back; the elves may launch air attacks on us; the World Factory may join the war; if Cloud City suddenly changes its attitude, as long as our space defense is a little better If there is a gap, the Angel Legion can appear directly in our conference room.

This is a plane war, not the previous city-state war against city-state war.

The battlefield environment is far more complicated than city-state wars. Victory and defeat sometimes happen in an instant... Although the orcs have retreated, we have no idea what other enemies are watching us secretly, just waiting for us to relax our vigilance and launch a sneak attack. .

Think about the war that took place in Hell's Furnace City not long ago. Everyone thought Satan would win the final battle, but what was the result?

When we think it's time to relax, we need to be more cautious, because our enemies will think so too.

Gentlemen and adults...the only ones who can really have the last laugh are those troops who have been in a state of combat readiness from beginning to end!

It’s really too early to celebrate now! "

The words of Daliang and Howard made the heroes of NJ City, who were originally stunned by the victory, quickly calm down. They suddenly realized that... this brilliant victory for them, placed on the entire plane-level battlefield, is likely to be a disaster. An ordinary battle.

The relationship between various forces in various planes is far more complicated than city-state versus city-state. In the dark night outside the city, I don’t know what other “beasts” are lurking staring at the city.

The Duke of Mars admired Howard's ability to command wars, and Daliang's image in Shangjiang was that he had commanded and won many crucial wars.

Both of them believed that they could not let down their guard at this time, and the reason was irrefutable to Duke Mars.

Duke Mars solemnly said to Howard: "You are still the commander-in-chief of the NJ City garrison. Will my generals and I resolutely obey your command?"

Howard stabilized the hearts of the NJ city defenders who were impetuous due to victory. It was not that he guessed or realized anything, but he was used to always staying vigilant in war. Not giving his opponent any opportunity to take advantage of him is also an important reason why he can always win the battle.

As for Daliang, he also did not see the strategy laid out by the orcs. He supported Howard because he himself was a person who was good at surprise attacks. He appeared in unexpected places and hit the enemy's vital points with heavy blows. Therefore, when the Duke of Mars was about to hold a celebration banquet, he immediately felt something was wrong. Relaxing at this time would be tantamount to exposing his own weakness. Once an enemy attacks, the heroes attending the banquet are likely to panic and be unable to complete a quick defense...

War is like this, everyone fights in his own way, and the facts you think are not necessarily the facts. Victory always favors those who are prepared.

Howard told the commanders at all levels participating in the meeting: "Everyone will strictly control their deployment when they return home, and all duties and combat readiness will be in accordance with wartime standards.

No private celebrations are allowed until all parties declare an armistice in the Battle of Shangjiang.

Duke Daliang and I will visit various war zones from time to time. Once we find those who violate discipline...

Severe punishment without mercy! "

"Yes! Sir..."

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