Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1325: Back to the Carnage (Wish all my book friends a happy Spring Festival and always smile

Orcs are a fighting race, which means they are very brave and warriors on the battlefield. However, their strategic and tactical thinking levels appear to be petty.

The reason is that the orcs never take the initiative to participate in plane-level wars. He only sends troops to fight after being hired. How to fight and why to fight are all matters considered by the employer. The orcs only need to contribute as thugs. Indirectly, the orcs did not understand opponents who were not of their own race, and their war thinking remained at the level of civil war.

However, the civil war fought by the orcs in the stone wilderness is a confrontation between tribes, and there will not be much conflict between the golden tents. Tribal-level wars are similar to city-state wars in the main world, which results in orcs generally lacking a sense of the overall situation.

In the Stone Wilderness, after an orc tribe defeats its enemies, it will definitely hold a carnival, because the orcs' ideas are so simple and direct.

Boulder is a rare commander-in-chief hero in the stone wilderness, but he also has the limitations of the orcs' war thinking. This time he used the orcs' methods to infer what his opponent would do, without considering what level the opponent was. war commander...

He couldn't see the huge gap between himself and the commander of the NJ City garrison in terms of war command capabilities. As a result, after using my brain a little bit, I made a big mistake.

Therefore... when the orc army first retreated from the battlefield of NJ City, then turned around in the middle of the night, marched quickly, and returned to the gates of NJ City at dawn, they were still facing a city where the defenders were well prepared.

The density of artillery fire was no less sparse than that of yesterday's siege; the number of defenders on the city wall was not reduced at all; the damaged walls were repaired overnight.

The supreme angel in the sky is still in place, using the holy light to inspire every warrior who is trying to defend the city.

Fury, who led the team to charge against cannonballs, stones, and crossbows, discovered that there was something wrong with the way the script was opened... Shouldn't the defenders of NJ City be celebrating at this time? Why are they still on the city wall?

Why is it different from Big Rock's idea?

Looking at the smoke and dust kicked up by the charge of the orc army behind him, he looked at the various attacks coming intensively from the front. Furious knew that no matter what happened that caused the NJ City defenders to "know" his battle strategy, he could not stop at this time.

As the great chief of the orcs, since he has charged, he must rush forward unstoppably.

Furious aimed his charge at the gate of NJ City. Behind him were groups of Behemoth Holy Beasts. He was confident that no one in the world could block their frontal impact.

As long as we can break through the city gate and enter the city, the war will be over.

But when Fury approached the city gate, the gate of NJ City suddenly opened. After resting for a night, the Crystal Dragon in its prime state rushed out. Then a white light fell from the sky. The Arbiter Angel used a sacred strike to stop the furious charge. The light shield withstood the furious claws. The crystal dragon overturned the Behemoth Holy Beast. The purple dragon flew in the air and released its magic downwards...

Since the war began in NJ City, the top battle finally started in the open space outside the city gate. The ultimate fighting power of both sides was fighting on this less than one square kilometer of land. One side wanted to enter the city, but the other side refused to give in.

The horns of the orcs sounded across the land, and the tide of orc warriors rushed towards the solid wall of NJ City.

The battle started along the wall... The orc army that was originally preparing to steal the city had no plan to storm NJ City. This time they had no tactical arrangements, main attack, or coordination, and were all relying on instinct to fight. As long as you can get close to the wall alive, find a way to climb up.

When the Arbitration Angel went into battle, Daliang also pushed his position to the front line of the city wall. The giant stone has not yet appeared on the battlefield, and he wants to provide backup for the Arbitration Angel.

The attributes, skills and tactics of the angels are very comprehensive. They are not the strongest in any one attribute, but they can always exploit their corresponding attribute advantages based on the enemy's weaknesses.

No one can resist the furious frontal attack, but his huge size not only gives him strength, but also makes his body look clumsy. Julian and Juliet, who make up the Arbitration Angel, are both heroes known for their speed, so the speed and flexibility of Arbitration Angel are much higher than that of Fury. Moreover, the Arbiter Angel is not squishy, ​​and its defense and strength can compete with Fury at critical moments.

The arbitrator holding the Angel Alliance entangled Rage. The lethality of the top-level artifact made Rage dare not expose his back to the arbitration and attack the gate of NJ City.

The crystal dragons cooperated with each other to block the impact route of the Behemoth Holy Beast. Although their number is less than that of the Behemoth Holy Beast, the crystal dragon's super high magic resistance allows the purple dragon to unscrupulously use indiscriminate powerful magic to clean the battlefield. land.

The Behemoth Holy Beasts ran around all night, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. There was no way to open up the situation in the battle against the Crystal Dragon.

The ultimate battlefield...Arbitration Angel, Crystal Dragon, and Purple Dragon are very reliable.

Other fronts... This disorderly attack by the orcs may seem ferocious, but the threat to NJ City is not as good as the orderly attack of the past few days.

If the orcs want to win, they must rely on the ultimate battlefield led by Fury.

Standing on the city gate, Howard could certainly see that the orcs were at their wits end this time. As long as they guarded the city gate and fought the orcs who had been running around all day and all night, this attack would not last long.

So Howard pulled out his sword and jumped down from the city gate, then took over a Behemoth Holy Beast and fought it with a set of combat skills.

The coach joined the battle, and the morale of the NJ city defenders was once again boosted.

After learning that the orcs had made a comeback, Duke Mars, who was a little frightened by last night's celebration proposal, also came to the battlefield. After seeing Howard also participating in the battle, he immediately led all the heroes in NJ City who had reached level 15 to rush out of the city and fight against the Behemoth Holy Beasts.

With the addition of heroes and continuous artillery support, the city gate's defense is more stable.

Daliang continued to fly in the air with his team, looking at the fierce battlefields everywhere, taking careful precautions... As long as the boulder did not appear, they would never move.

"A bunch of idiots!" Shi Fei, who crossed Hang Z City and followed the elven army to Shangjiang City, couldn't help but cursed after learning that the orcs wanted to attack NJ City: "You tricked me, I admit it... I thought you had something in mind. The awesome strategy can capture NJ City, and for the sake of tactical deception, you can ruthlessly direct the enemy to burn your own food. What a classic tactic this would be. In the end, I thought about all the possibilities, but I never expected that you would fight like this.

What do you think? Do you think that if you withdraw without food, the enemy will not be on guard against you? What kind of brain circuit is this!

Not to mention that NJ City has a war commander who is definitely a plane-level war commander. Even Da Liang would not be able to relax his vigilance when he sees you retreating...

You obviously have to follow the tactics we have planned for you, accept the food we support, take your time, make some sacrifices, and win with strength, but you still have to use your brains...

Sigh... I'm really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but I'm afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Trapping your allies and burning your own food is definitely the most shameful war. "

Shi Fei felt that he could no longer complain about the allies he had found... He hoped that the orcs could learn from this lesson and not change their tactics at will when attacking Shangjiang.

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