Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1326 Ground to Air

After learning the true intentions of the orcs, Shi Fei basically had no hope for the outcome of the war in NJ City. Sneak attack warfare is about attacking the enemy unprepared and in one go. The defenders of NJ City did not relax their vigilance. The orc army fought all day and all night without rest. If they could break through the fortified city, then the sun would really be rising from the west.

The orcs must have run out of food, and they will not be able to sustain this attack for many times. For supplies, the orc army will definitely come to the elves...

Send them food, they sell it to their teammates and burn it, then come back and ask for it.

This battle was really hot!

But... I have to give it. Letting the orcs starve will directly affect the final battle of siege on Shangjiang.

Shi Fei can only bite the bullet and go to King Wadsworth again... The last time the food was robbed has affected his evaluation in the heart of King Wadsworth, and now he has to ask for more for these orcs who cheated his teammates. A batch of grain, I really don’t know what King Wadsworth will think of him.

In order to support the war in NJ City, the elves gave all the food they had stored with the army to the orcs. Now the Dreamland is urgently transporting food to the main world. The Ling family does not have much leftover food!


Shi Fei was worried about the orcs as their ally.

NJ City Battlefield.

The orc army has passed its initial madness. After a wave of charges failed to break into the city, the orcs' attack began to show obvious weakness. Furious and the Behemoth Holy Beasts were blocked outside the city gate. Faced with the blockage of the Arbitration Angel, Crystal Dragon, Purple Dragon and the defending heroes, the ultimate power of these orcs not only could not move forward a step, but also continued to be blocked by the city wall. Heavy ranged fire attack.

As the intensity of the orcs' siege decreased, more and more artillery began to fire cannonballs at the Behemoth Holy Beasts, and the purple dragons' magic poured out like a waterfall.

The boulder was mixed among a group of Cyclops. He looked at the entire battlefield and couldn't understand... How did the NJ city defenders know that they wanted to steal the city?

Looking at Jushi, his plan was flawless.

In order to act realistically and confuse the defenders, he even designed to burn the food provided by the elves.

There were no flaws in yesterday's retreat, but how come the NJ City defenders were still so tight in defense?

This is not logical!

Now the furious charge was blocked outside the city, and the disorderly attack failed to accomplish anything. Fatigue began to affect the performance of the orc warriors, and they were driven away from the city wall bit by bit.

If we don't do something, we really have no choice but to give up on capturing NJ City and head east to join the elves.

Jushi looked at the city gate in the distance, and then at the elite enemy team flying in the air that was not involved in the battle. They obviously prepared it for themselves...a hero who can transform into the city's top 15th-level sinful angel, five purple dragons with their own specialties, a human knight with strong defense and a human priest as auxiliary support.

This combination was able to match Fury in the battle a few days ago, and was strong enough to compete with a level 16 hero.

The boulder lifted a stone ball from the ground, and the heroic Cyclops around him also held the stone ball and prepared to throw it.

Now, their positions in the air were far beyond the range of the Cyclops, but under the influence of the boulder, a circle of light spread out at the feet of these heroic Cyclops.

A derivative skill of regular artillery, ultra-limited artillery halo.

Master level accuracy (increased accuracy)

Law-level ballistics (changing the flight arc of the projectile within a certain range)

Rule level end tracking

Law level siege and armor breaking

Advanced burst

Advanced Juli

Eagle eye, lock positioning...

Earth magic energy injection, fire magic energy injection...

In order to increase the attack effect, the giant stone applied layers of skill status to himself and the Cyclops participating in anti-air attacks. Rays of brilliance covered the bodies of these giants.

Daliang and his team were prepared for the boulder. They avoided the air combat battlefield and kept flying at a certain altitude. More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at the battlefield and scanned the battlefield, wary of enemy ground raids.

Cyclops' size makes them very conspicuous. During the siege, the Cyclops gathered into small groups to engage in heavy firepower confrontation with the city wall defenders. They were scattered throughout the battlefield and could not clearly locate the boulder.

But when pieces of magic apertures repeatedly covered a team of more than twenty Cyclops, Da Liang immediately determined that the boulder was at that location, and his intuition told him...the boulder was about to attack his team.

"Attention all team members, we found the location of the boulder... The opponent is about to launch an air attack on us, and the whole team has entered a defensive state. Maintain the flight altitude and pay attention to avoid attacks from the ground!

Broken Moon, lead the team to protect Zilong..."

The purple dragons immediately began to cast spells...

Master Level Fire Aegis

Master Level Body Care Stone Skin

Master level airbending and thaumaturgy (reduces damage from long-range attacks and increases the chance of evading long-range attacks)

Master attack acceleration

Master Image (Create a target image, possess all the target's attack power and attack skills, and disappear after being attacked.)

Master-level space curvature (distorting part of the space, causing deviation in the positioning of the other end of the curvature)

Master Level Force Shield

Master Air Vortex

Master Summon Air Elemental

Zilong used spells to impose a defensive state on the team layer by layer, and also established several air defense systems.

With the use of the master level mirror image, the purple dragons mirrored the purple dragon mirror body with the same skills as themselves. These mirror bodies not only have all the skills of the mirror target, but can also confuse enemies on the ground and share long-range firepower.

Then there are hundreds of air elements (third-level elements) scattered in the lower airspace. Their task is to intercept the stone projectiles fired up.

Shu Xiao led the knights to ride the giant dragon to guard the side of the purple dragon, and used the protective shield wall to provide lateral protection for the team.

Other priest players ride dragons to higher airspace. Their task is to check everyone's status at the beginning of the battle, increase blood or provide magical auxiliary support.

The two fighting groups in the sky and on the ground regarded each other as attack targets. They used the fastest speed to maximize their offensive and defensive capabilities, forming two groups of light exuding seven colors.


Jushi, who had completed the battle preparations in advance, led the Cyclops to attack first. Stone balls were thrown into the sky one by one by the giants, and various attack states were imposed on these upward-moving stone balls.

With loud explosions, the stone balls under the influence of multiple law-level states broke through the sound barrier and shot towards the sky. The earth magic is strengthened so that the stone balls will not break apart during the punch, and the fire magic is strengthened so that the stone balls burn.

The stone balls soaring into the sky were like meteorites flying in reverse direction, rushing towards the elite team in the air along curved trajectories.

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