Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1339 Dawn

Yunzhong City Hell Expedition Force Furnace City battlefield.

After assassinating Joyce, Holy Isaiah escaped as quickly as possible before completing the blockade of Shangjiang Palace. The whole process showed his strength and fighting talent to the fullest. Holy Isiah, who is favored by all angels and can be promoted to a level 16 hero, naturally has the corresponding abilities.

Taking off the disguise of a crusader, Holy Isaiah put on angel armor and proudly displayed his angel wings.

Then he walked into Michael's Cross Sky Fortress with a triumphal attitude.

The metal boots hit the smooth floor, and the rhythmic crisp sound echoed in the open hall. Michael is sitting on the innermost throne, waiting for the arrival of his divine left wing.

"Great Archangel." Holy Isiah knelt on one knee in front of Michael, his wings folded to show his respect for the Archangel: "Under your instructions, I have successfully assassinated Shangjiang's master Joyce. The power of the holy flame left no trace and no body of hers.”

"You used the Holy Flame?" Michael expressed doubts about Holy Isiah using this angel's unique skill to assassinate Joyce.

Holy Isaiah replied: "Joyce's guard is very powerful, and I only have a very short time to take action. If I want to annihilate Joyce, the holy flame is the best way."

Michael's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she directly pointed out the lie of Holy Isiah: "Using the holy flame is the best way, but it is not the only way. Isiah, I know you very The reason for using Holy Flame is Bella. She understood the Law-level Holy Flame and became a level 16 hero, which has a great influence on you."

Holy Isaiah lowered his head and confessed: "Yes, I use the Holy Flame because of Holy Bella. When you formed the Holy Wings, you selected Holy Bella, who is good at using Holy Flame, as your Holy Right Wing, and taught me Holy Flame and become your holy left wing.

I know you want me and Divine Bella to be your blazing wings.

Now Holy Bella understands the law-level holy flame, but she betrays you and makes you sad. I just want to set myself on fire and become what you want me to be. "

Michael withdrew his oppressive momentum and said to the loyal Holy Isaiah: "You are doing a stupid thing to use the holy flame to provoke Holy Bella. Since she has understood the law-level holy flame, she was once with you. My sacred wings, I will definitely guess that you are the one who assassinated Joyce.

Then you know that it was me who sent you to Shangjiang.

Assassinating one of the main allies in the Five Color Flag Alliance will make our already bad relationship even more tense. "

Holy Isaiah said: "Dear Archangel! If Joyce dies, Shangjiang will fall into chaos, and will soon be captured by the Dreamland and the Stone Wilderness.

Without the financial support of Shangjiang, the Five Color Flag Alliance will soon decline. This is also the purpose of our assassination of Joyce.

The Five Color Flag Alliance is no longer in danger. Without Shangjiang City, Holy Bella may return to Yunzhong City. "

Michael said: "As long as you know the result... That's why I didn't punish you. And there's nothing wrong with letting Shangjiang know that this was done by Yunzhong City. The main world has been a little disobedient during this time. , the destruction of Shangjiang will make them obedient.

It's just...your performance on this matter showed me that you still have a lot of shortcomings.

Since Joyce is dead, her heroic spirit should also have arrived in the world of heroic spirits. Go ahead...find her illusory space, eliminate her last concern for this world, and add an outstanding angel to Cloud City. "

Holy Isaiah knew that he was superfluous in the assassination of Joyce, which aroused Michael's dissatisfaction. Although this matter was insignificant even if Shangjiang knew about it and would not affect the overall situation, Isaiah knew that he was jealous of Holy Bella and disappointed Michael.

After accepting the new mission assigned by Michael, Holy Isaiah left hell and returned to Cloud City.

Shangjiang City in the main world.

A ray of sunshine emerged from the sea in the east.

Howard, who was ready to ascend the throne and establish an empire, stood on the tower of the palace castle, overlooking his city.

Word of King Joyce's assassination has been passed on.

The return of King Howard quickly restored order to the city that was tending to chaos. All nobles and deputy city lords swore allegiance to King Howard, and there were no major dangers on the battlefields throughout the Shangjiang Campaign.

Howard's prestige is truly unrivaled in Shangjiang.

Joyce's claim to the throne was the product of compromise between all parties, relying on Daliang to bring together all the forces in Shangjiang through political differentiation, economic coercion, and military threats. If she wants to become a true king, she still needs time to adapt and prove herself.

And Howard really convinced everyone.

It is precisely because of this that the process of power transfer in Shangjiang is simply seamless.

"Your Majesty..." Holy Bella and Howard stood side by side on the terrace of the tower. From here, you can see that the army has controlled the main road of Shangjiang City. Groups of griffons are flying in the sky, and angels stand above the city walls surrounding the city. Formed a big circle. Looking at the city where the celebration atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, Saint Bella said: “Although I know that the celebration cannot stop because of Joyce’s death, seeing all this still makes me very uncomfortable.

She and I are very good friends, and here I once said she would be a conqueror, and it turned out to be so ironic. It made me experience another parting and reminded me of many sad things and lost friends in the past. "

Howard said: "I grew up watching Joyce, and she was a natural leader. My eldest brother wanted her to marry William so that she could help William manage the city.

During the time she became king, I have been watching her. Although she is immature, she is always making progress. I believe she can take on this responsibility, and I am willing to be an unnamed power-hungry demon for her.

Now... my eldest brother, William, and Joyce are all dead, and I am the only one left.

It's as if this throne is cursed.

The next time I kill the king, I may not have the same luck as last time. "

Holy Bella said: "I can feel that your strength is growing rapidly, and you are already infinitely close to level 16. The assassin who killed Joyce is no longer a threat to you. Only a level 16 hero can put you in danger.

As long as you stay alert, even I can't kill you in a short time.

As for the assassin who killed Joyce... When Daliang was there, I didn't say that I knew the angel who used the Holy Flame. "

There was not much surprise on Howard's face, as if he knew that Holy Bella was hiding something, and he said: "You don't need to tell me. Since I know that I am an enemy that I cannot fight against, knowing too clearly will only affect my judgment.

Let Daliang handle this matter...

He thinks it’s time for us to take revenge, so we’ll take revenge! "

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