Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1340 Accident

In the pitch-black cave, the air blowing from nowhere brought a biting chill. The cold and smooth stone walls were extremely humid, and the water vapor condensed into water droplets on the moss on the roof of the cave, dripping downwards.

A woman was lying on the floor of the cave, her eyes closed tightly as if she was asleep.

The moment water dropped on her face, she suddenly opened her eyes as if she had been greatly frightened. Then he quickly got up from the ground and assumed a vigilant posture.

She wanted to pull out the sword from her waist, but found that it was not on her body. He wanted to release magic, but found that he had not mobilized any magical elements around him.

What happened?

The woman looked at the extra pair of bracelets on her wrist that did not belong to her, and knew that her power was restricted by this magic item.

So how did I get here?

Memories flooded into the woman's mind at this moment. She remembered that before she came here... she should have received an important nobleman, Earl Faulkner, at the Shangjiang Palace.

The woman who wakes up in this strange cave is Joyce. After waking up from a coma, she began to recall what happened before she fell into a coma.

Earl Faulkner is an important figure in the Shangjiang military and the commander-in-chief of the Shangjiang City garrison. In addition to being responsible for protecting Shangjiang City, Count Faulkner is also good at discovering and cultivating war heroes. Shangjiang's rapid military expansion has continuously expanded the base army recruited. To command this army, heroes at all levels are required to form a command system so that the army can exert its combat effectiveness.

Earl Faulkner played an important role in the formation of the army at Shangjiang.

Moreover, Earl Faulkner is also very prestigious among the high-ranking nobles of the Shangjiang people. He is Joyce's elder and the cornerstone of Joyce's rule over the Shangjiang people.

Therefore, when Count Faulkner wanted to introduce a very potential crusader hero to Joyce, he was immediately summoned by Joyce.

At that time, Da Liang had just left here. In order to be alone with Daliang, Joyce transferred his personal guards to create a space for the two of them to be alone.

After Count Faulkner came in, all the personal guards were not in place yet, and Joyce was still looking forward to tomorrow.

Joyce lost the vigilance she should have at this moment, and there were major holes in her protection.

The assassination began at exactly this time.

The crusader heroes brought by Earl Faulkner suddenly attacked without waiting for the Earl to introduce themselves. The energy of the holy flame that had been accumulated since entering the door suddenly burst out. The moment he drew his sword, his body turned into an afterimage, and he cut off Count Faulkner's head with one sword, and then he arrived in front of Joyce.

In Joyce's shocked expression, the holy flame swept across and shattered the table in front of her, then enveloped her completely, and the long sword pierced her heart.

Joyce's last memory was of Count Faulkner's body being consumed in the holy flames.

The pain in her heart ended Joyce's memory, and there was a sword wound in her chest. The long sword used by the assassin was definitely a very powerful weapon. It easily pierced the royal dress made by a master alchemist that Joyce had been wearing. The dress's own defensive capabilities and defensive array did not have any effect. effect.

But Joyce knew that although the assassin's sword pierced his body, it did not pierce his heart. Otherwise, he would have no chance of surviving under such a fatal attack.

It’s just...where is this place?

Who saved me?

Who imprisoned me again?

Faced with many strange things, Joyce, who had a calm demeanor, did not show any panic. Even though she can't use her powers now, she still stands like a king, not a prisoner.

Joyce raised his proud chin and said to the darkness: "I am King Joyce of Shangjiang City... No matter who you are, I would like to express my gratitude to you for saving my life when I was in danger.

If you want a reward, I won't skimp on anything within my control if I can give it. city and my people need me, please let me go. "

Joyce's voice echoed in the empty cave, but there was no response for a long time, as if she was the only one here.

But Joyce knew that the person who saved and imprisoned her was here... At this time, Shangjiang's ceremony to establish the empire was about to begin, and the entire main world was waiting for the moment when she announced the establishment of the first empire in the main world.

And Da Liang….

How anxious would he be if he was assassinated and disappeared?

"Hey! Hidden guy..." Joyce shouted: "Why did you save me and why did you imprison me? No matter what you want from me, you won't get anything if you can't hide it."

"I'm not hiding, it's just that you can't see me because I'm so small."

A loud voice sounded beside Joyce, and then a ferocious scarlet eye with a vertical pupil suddenly opened on the wall behind her.

The eye was larger than Joyce's entire body.

Then the "walls" squirmed and the whole cave shook. Red light lit up in the "stone cracks" on the "wall", and the stones that made up the "wall" gradually turned into red scales. The eyes that had just startled Joyce rose rapidly. When "it" turned its head, a huge creature appeared in front of her.

The red light seemed to come from hell and illuminated the entire cave. In front of Joyce, an extremely huge python was looking down at the humans in front of him with its mountain-like head lowered. Its body was coiled into a ring, surrounding Joyce in the middle, like a stone wall when it was motionless.

Joyce had never seen such a creature. But she could feel that even if her power was not imprisoned, her strength was far inferior to this terrifying giant python.

The giant python and the fear from the bottom of his heart made Joyce suddenly guess the identity of the giant python.

Recalling the big hole that appeared in the palace hall when William died and rescued Angela, Joyce said to the giant python: "Are you the Dread Lord Ergus?"

Ergus was very proud to be called out by name. He spit out snake letters and said to Joyce in a contemptuous tone: "You are very discerning... Yes, I am the devil who spreads fear, the third lord of hell in hell. King Ergus..."

Unexpectedly, before Ergus finished speaking, Joyce said again: "Didn't you abandon Satan and run away during the battle in the Hell Furnace? How did you end up here?"

Ran! Abandon Satan!

This is probably the biggest stain after Ergos became the Demon King. It is simply a past that is unbearable to look back on.

Now he has been scarred by such a small human being.

Ergos was aroused with anger. He opened his mouth and bared his fangs and swallowed Joyce. He wanted this human being to know what the consequences would be if he angered a hell lord king with a bad temper.

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