Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1341 The most expensive person

However, Ergus stopped when he was about to swallow Joyce into his mouth.

Joyce stood there... her power was imprisoned, she couldn't avoid Ergus at all, and she didn't even think about avoiding it. She just stood there, not wavering in any way because of the python head falling like a meteorite.

Feeling the sulfur-smelling purgatory heat coming out of Ergus's mouth, Joyce tapped the python fangs in front of him that were as thick as pillars, and then said with a smile: "Erges, you don't have to scare me. You rescued me from the assassins of Yunzhong City and imprisoned me here. You will never kill me easily. I am valuable to you.

Therefore...give up your pride as the hell lord king. In the hell led by Lucifer, the seven hell lord kings do not have the Dread Lord.

The era of Satan has come to an end. You are now just a wandering level 16 hero, and neither the good camp nor the evil camp will let you go.

what do you want from me? Please hurry up... I still have very important things to return to Shangjiang. "

Ergus raised his head again. He really couldn't kill Joyce, otherwise his plan would not proceed. However, Ergus did not let Joyce gain the dominance of the conversation. He said: "The important thing? Is it the establishment of the first empire in the main world? This is indeed a major event that can cause a sensation in the entire world. If we let You succeeded...the main world has really embarked on a path that has never been taken before this time."

"How do you know we are going to establish the first empire of the main world?"

Shangjiang's plan to establish the first empire in the main world was carried out in a very secretive manner. Because once this matter is leaked, it will definitely be obstructed by all parties to protect their interests in the main world.

Therefore, the only people who knew about Shangjiang's plan to establish an empire were those heroes who were qualified to participate in the imperial enlargement meeting. This celebration held in Shangjiang was not in the name of establishing an empire. The external publicity of the celebration is to boost morale.

Seeing Joyce's surprised expression, Ergus said, "Do you know where this place is? Right below the Shangjiang Palace... During the time I was lurking in Shangjiang, I was here. An underground labyrinth was built. Now everyone thinks that I am hiding in the abyss of hell, and absolutely no one thought that I would return to the underground of Shangjiang.

The reason I'm lurking here is to catch you.

But your protection was too tight, and Holy Bella kept going up the river, giving me no chance to kidnap you. also allowed me to find out a lot of secrets.

Establishing the first empire in the main world is just one of them. What happened between you and Daliang... I also see clearly, which strengthens my determination to capture you.

Today I finally got my chance.

Michael actually sent her holy left wing Isaiah to assassinate you, and when your defense was at its weakest... she used the angel's most gorgeous skill, Holy Flame.

So I used a clone to block Isaiah's assassination for you in time, and then Isaiah's holy flame wiped out everything, including the traces I left.

Now everyone knows that you are dead, killed by an assassin sent by Yunzhong City. "

Joyce finally understood the entire process of the assassination and why he was here. Joyce shuddered to think that there was a big boa constrictor peeping at him all the time in the palace.

"You said... Michael sent an angel to assassinate me? Why did he do this? The devil cannot be trusted. Are you deceiving me..."

"Human, you see clearly... I am not a demon." Ergos moved his body and then said: "Why Michael assassinated you, I don't know. But I know Isaiah, the only one who was taken in by Michael." An angel who is a disciple. In the last plane war, Isaiah was really dazzling, shining brighter than Holy Bella. It was predicted that he would become the supreme angel under Yunzhong City.

It's just that Bella is already at level 16, and Isaiah still wears the sacred prefix.

You are my prisoner, there is no need for me to deceive you on this point, and... I don’t like to lie to people unless I have to. "

Joyce had some guesses about Michael's purpose of assassinating him. It must be that the Five Color Flag Alliance has created a sense of crisis in Yunzhong City.

Now... his "death" will cause major omissions in the entire plan to build the empire, and will intensify the conflict between Shangjiang City and Yunzhong City. Joyce said anxiously: "Erges... I'm very grateful to you for saving me.

But I have to go back soon!

I promise you as the royal family of Shangjiang that I will never forget your life-saving grace and I will definitely repay you.

Please let me go..."

Joyce's pleading look brought a smile to Ergos's lips. He joked: "Do you think Shangjiang can't survive without you as the king? Do you think Daliang will declare war on Yunzhong City because of your death?" ?

you are wrong.

King Joyce died, and Shangjiang soon had a new king. You are just a puppet controlled by Daliang. If one puppet is gone, he only needs to replace it with another one.

Now that your palace is occupied by someone else, your lover is planning a new plot.

You have left nothing behind in the Holy Flame, and soon this city will forget you. "

At this moment, Joyce raised his head and stared into Ergus's eyes, and said in a firm tone: "Just now you said you didn't like lying, and now you are lying to me.

I know Da Liang. If he promises me, he will definitely do it!

He said he would never give up if he protected me.

And you just know what happened between me and Daliang, and you are determined to catch me. You must want to exchange me for something from Da Liang? If I am just a puppet of Da Liang, I will be worthless in your eyes if I lose my throne. "

Ergus's smile froze instantly: "You are really a difficult woman...Okay, I'll tell you what I want to do, and you will know sooner or later anyway.

You are indeed very valuable.

There is a prop in Daliang's hand that makes me very afraid. During the War in Furnace City, the reason I finally left Satan was not because I betrayed him, but because Daliang was on the battlefield. He convinced Angela to join Lucifer, and he also had the ability to seal me. There is no point in me staying on the battlefield...

You can let me exchange that prop from Da Liang.

In addition...the Demon King of Deception, Beelzebub, and the Demon King of Greed, Misuka, are both in the hands of Daliang. This is the fundamental reason why Angela surrendered in fear.

I think you should be worth the price of two devil kings in Daliang's heart.

Maybe I can be a little more greedy and replace the prop that controls me. "

Joyce didn't expect that Da Liang had so many things in his hands that could shock the world. When she heard that Ergus wanted to trade for herself, she couldn't help curling her lips: "In your eyes... I can actually trade for three hell demons. I may be the most expensive person in the world!

Do you think Da Liang will change? "

"I think he will," Ergus said.

Joyce couldn't help but be delighted when she heard the affirmative answer. This is not the joy of being able to escape imprisonment, but the joy of knowing one's own value in Daliang's heart.

But Ergus said: "I don't plan to trade you now..."

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