Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1347 Visiting Yunzhong City

Now that Dragon Warriors are recognized by the system, it means that there is an upper limit for the level of creatures in the main world, and it was opened due to the establishment of the first empire of the main world.

Now that research and development has begun, success is not far away.

Daliang is really looking forward to what the Dragon Force Warrior will look like in the end. Because after the Dragon Power Warrior is successfully developed, he will get the corresponding building drawings, and he can directly build and recruit them without considering the level of the Judgment Leader.

Da Liang closed his information channel.

The joy of receiving the reward could not dissipate the sadness of losing Joyce. This time he was going to visit the Cloud City where Joyce was killed, so he had to try his best to control his emotions.

Only by saving yourself can you find the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to Yunzhong City.

Daliang led the members of the envoy, rode the golden royal griffon, and entered the world of heroic spirits through the plane portal opened in the air.

At this time, Joyce had left the underground of the kingdom and arrived at the dock on the Shangjiang River. She changed into an ordinary captain's clothes, wearing a triangular sailing hat, and her face was covered with a hazy scarf.

The entire port was celebrating the founding of the empire, and the Oath floated in the air, launching magical fireworks one after another into the higher airspace.

No one recognized the assassinated "dead" King Joyce standing right next to them.

Watching Da Liang riding the royal griffon and disappearing into the plane portal in the air, Joyce turned and walked towards a three-masted warship parked on the dock, and said to a man next to him who was completely hidden in a blouse: " Let's go, Ergos... There is no sea in hell, and you certainly have no experience of sailing on the ocean.

Believe me...there is nothing greater in this world than the ocean. "

"I just feel like the humidity on the ocean makes me uncomfortable."

"Hahaha... you're going to love it."

Joyce kept his agreement with Ergus and did not reveal his identity to anyone. They purchased a fully equipped three-masted warship, then raised the sails and slowly sailed out of the Shangjiang port.

【Ding! You completed the epic plot mission of establishing the first empire in the overworld and played a central role in it. 】

[You gain experience...]

[You gain skills...]

Joyce regretted not establishing the first empire of the main world herself, but this did not affect her contribution in this epic plot.

The plot mission has not failed, the title of king is still there, and Joyce, who participated in the establishment of the first empire, naturally received her share of rewards.

Rewarded experience, skills, and achievements allow Joyce to grow in strength by leaps and bounds. Although she didn't reach the point where she could comprehend the rules and become a level 16 hero, it did allow her to go from an intermediate level similar to level 15 to a peak level similar to level 15, and enter the sprint towards level 16.

Joyce's powers, however, remain completely imprisoned.

Ergus did not realize that her strength had risen to a new level, nor did she know what kind of route she would be taken to.

Joyce began his journey of transformation, and Daliang also flew to Yunzhong City with his mission.

This is the first time that Da Liang has come to this most powerful city in the entire plane as an envoy. The angels have already formed a welcoming formation in the air, and a supreme angel personally flies in front of the welcoming team.

"Duke Feichen..." The person who led the team to welcome Da Liang was the supreme angel Meredith, the most beautiful angel in Cloud City. He looked at the visitor in front of him with rather cold eyes. The attendant who arrived early to hand over his credentials must have informed Yunzhong City that Daliang was now the prince of the first empire in the main world. But Meredith still calls Daliang Duke, obviously not recognizing the legitimacy of the first empire in the main world.

Before Meredith could say the rest, Daliang immediately corrected him: "I am now the prince of the first empire in the main world... I also know that Yunzhong City cannot accept the establishment of an empire in the main world for the time being. We are coming to Yunzhong this time The city is to solve this problem. Lord Metatron sent you to welcome us in such a grand way, and you must also be thinking about solving the affairs of the main world.

But if you are here to welcome Duke Feichen of Shangjiang, please forgive me for not being able to accept this identity and enter Yunzhong City.

However, I can go to see Lord Metatron in a private position or status involved, just a visit from a friend. "

Daliang knows that Meredith is the hawk of Cloud City. She and Metatron sit in Cloud City together and manage the rear of the Angel Legion. It must be Metatron's order for Yunzhong City to welcome the delegation led by Da Liang, but Meredith obviously does not want the delegation from the First Empire of the Main World to enter Yunzhong City.

As a prince or a duke, as an envoy, Daliang could not make any concessions. If you want to see Metatron, you have to use another method.

Visiting as a friend, Meredith really has no way to stop Daliang from entering the city.

Meredith made way to enter Cloud City, and Da Liang asked the envoys to stand by outside the city, and flew into Cloud City alone on a royal griffin.

In the Circle of Ten Thousand Flowers, Da Liang jumped off the back of the Royal Griffin and met Metatron, who was thinking about the clouds outside the city.

"Lord Metatron..."

The Circle of Ten Thousand Flowers is a circular garden located on the edge of Yunzhong City. It is surrounded by white stone pillars and has several circular flowerbeds filled with flowers of various colors.

Daliang walked up to Metatron and saluted very respectfully.

Metatron nodded and returned the greeting to Da Liang, and then said: "Let me first congratulate you on establishing the first empire of the main world... This is simply a feat that shocked the entire plane, even more shocking than the outbreak of plane war.

After all, plane wars have broken out many times..."

Daliang was very happy about Metatron's attitude. He asked, "Sir, are you willing to support the first empire of the main world?"

But Metatron said: "This is just my personal attitude. I will not say anything publicly before Yunzhong City expresses its attitude. Now that Yunzhong City has encountered some difficulties, it should maintain the unity of its position.

Therefore... if you want to be recognized by me, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

You should go see Michael. "

Da Liang saluted Metatron again: "I am very satisfied to get such an answer from you. I will go to the battlefield of Furnace City to see the Archangel Michael, but I came to Cloud City first because I want to get there first. Let’s hear your insights.”

Metatron smiled and said: "You still want me to arrange this meeting between you and Michael... After all, Michael will not publicly meet the prince of the world's first empire, and you will not go up to the river. Go see him as a Duke."

Da Liang knew that everything was as expected by Metatron. He asked Supreme Meredith to come out of the city to greet him in such a high-profile way. His real purpose was to prevent the First Empire's mission from entering the city, not on this sensitive issue. Show your attitude.

It was also determined that Daliang would not come in as a duke, so he could only meet him here as a personal friend.

Friends... everything is easy to talk about.

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