Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1348 Metatron’s Attitude

"I can feel your tolerance, wisdom, and expectations for the future."

In response to Daliang's compliment, Metatron laughed self-deprecatingly: "I don't know whether what I did was right or wrong... Maybe my suggestion to Michael to immediately destroy the first empire of the main world was the right thing to do to Yunzhong City. The right choice.”

Although Metatron is confused about the future, his mind is very clear. The establishment of the first empire in the main world has obviously weakened the strength of the higher planes. At the same time, the Kingdom of Death and Hell took the lead in announcing that they recognized the legitimacy of the First Empire of the Overworld, and they also reached certain deals with these two planes on behalf of the First Empire.

One goes with the other, and the unification of the main world will definitely have a much greater impact on the good camp than on the evil camp. If the Five Color Flag Alliance is fought over by the evil camp, the situation in the entire plane war is likely to be reversed.

No matter how much Metatron opposes the war, he is unwilling to see Cloud City fail in this war.

In this way, perhaps at the beginning of the establishment of the first empire in the main world, curbing their rise before they have much power is the best plan.

However, in order to defeat the first empire of the main world with the Five Color Flag Alliance behind it, the good camp must concentrate its efforts to change the current strategy, which is likely to cause a backlash from the evil camp.

The evil camp is already wooing the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, and it is really forcing the two families to unite, which is very detrimental to the good camp.

Although Metatron invited Daliang in and recognized the first empire of the main world, his stance made him very hesitant.

Daliang said: "Lord Metatron, as long as there is no external pressure, the Five Color Flag Alliance will never change its neutral position and join the evil camp.

Because defeating the good camp will not bring any benefit to the Five Color Flag Alliance. Without Yunzhong City to check and balance hell, the devil will only plunge the whole world into killing and panic.

What the main world pursues is not conquest, but its own prosperity and stability. From this point of view, there is no essential conflict between our thoughts and those of the good camp, but it determines that we and the evil camp cannot ultimately come together.

In fact, we have always avoided getting too close to the evil camp. None of the agreements we have reached with the evil camp are free assistance, they are all transactions of equal value. "

Metatron was deeply convinced by Daliang's words.

The core of the first empire in the main world is Shangjiang, and the ruling class is also human. Although Shangjiang City has drawn a clear line with Yunzhong City, it has not changed their characteristics of being lawful and kind-hearted.

At the same time, the main world is a very inclusive plane. There are close exchanges between city-states. There are no camps and there is no excessive racial hatred.

It can be said that without the pressure of the good camp, the main world and the evil camp would never be able to come together. If there was no such plane war, perhaps the first empire of the main world would be more willing to communicate with the good camp.

Metatron had to admit that the pressure from the good camp on Shangjiang was really too great. Dreamland and stone wilderness besiege people's lifeblood, and during this sensitive period... King Joyce of Shangjiang was assassinated...

Although Metatron doesn't know where Joyce's assassin came from, the good camp definitely has serious suspicions.

In this case, the first empire of the main world did not immediately fall to the evil camp, but sent a delegation of envoys to negotiate to try to repair the cracks with the good camp. It was already very restrained.

This also means that the Five Color Flag Alliance is really unwilling to get involved in the conflict between the good camp and the evil camp.

Metatron asked: "I deeply regret what happened to His Majesty Joyce. Excuse me... have you caught the murderer?"

Daliang replied: "Not yet... The assassins are very strong. His Majesty Joyce worked day and night to resist the attacks of elves and orcs... He was very tired at the time. As a result, he was negligent, and this angry thing happened... …

The Five Colors Alliance is investigating the case thoroughly.

If this thing was done by elves or orcs, the first empire of the main world must make them pay the price. "

Metatron did not know that Michael had instructed Holy Isaiah to assassinate Joyce. He also pointed his suspicion at the elves and orcs who were attacking Shangjiang.

"I don't want to interfere too much in this matter. But out of goodwill, I also hope that you will grasp the measure when taking revenge... After all, whether you are the good camp or the evil camp, the interests are the same."

Then, without waiting for Da Liang to respond, Metatron said: "On how to deal with the first empire of the main world...only Archangel Michael has the final decision-making power.

I can arrange a meeting between you and Michael.

I hope you can convince her..."

Assassinating Joyce is not a trivial matter, and a 16th-level ruler of the plane will probably be involved in the end. Yunzhong City can attack Shangjiang City regardless of the elves or orcs in the main world, but if the First Empire of the main world attacks Dreamland or Stone Wilderness in order to avenge Joyce... No matter who is right or wrong, Yunzhong City will Will not sit idly by.

This has nothing to do with justice, and this plane war has long had nothing to do with kindness and justice.

Da Liang carefully considered Metatron's attitude. At this time, a full-dimensional teleportation door in Cloud City opened. Metatron walked in first, and Da Liang also rode on the royal griffon and followed.

Quick scene switching. The originally harmonious, holy and peaceful Yunzhong City suddenly turned into a violent, terrifying and chaotic hell.

The entire space is a depressing dark red.

Below is an endless river of lava. On the red magma, the two armies relied on small islands in the river and built countless fortresses to oppose each other.

A major war has not yet occurred, but small-scale battles at the fortress level have not stopped. The human army from the World of Heroes and the Hell Legion from the Crucible City were constantly fighting for each fortress and island.

The main force surrounding the Furnace City of Purgatory Abyss is the Angel Legion. The three cross air fortresses and aerial battleships cooperate to surround Lucifer's main force in the middle.

The war with Satan caused Lucifer to suffer heavy losses. In addition to consuming all the supplies, many fallen angels also died in the war.

With resources and numerical superiority, the oppressive fallen angel legion did not dare to easily leave the city for a decisive battle.

Michael was also unwilling to suffer heavy losses and went to storm the defensive Furnace City. Two all-dimensional heavyweight ultimate legions faced each other very patiently.

Metatron, who was teleported to the Crucible Battlefield, landed on the central platform of the largest Cross Sky Fortress with Da Liang.

"For safety reasons, the Cross Space Fortress is not allowed to be teleported directly inside. Please follow me and maintain respect for the Archangel." Metatron folded his wings, passed the hall door opened by the guarding angel, and walked in The interior of the fortress.

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