Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1349 Tit for tat

Michael became the strongest hero in the entire universe after Satan was sealed. She sat on the throne that symbolized the highest honor, leaning back slantingly, with a hint of loneliness in her eyes.

She never took Lucifer seriously. Lucifer can only be regarded as a hero. He is too calculating and careless, and sometimes lacks a little impulse. And to lead a demon, all you need is impulse. It is impossible for the shrewd Lucifer not to know this, but he cherishes the fallen angels who follow him too much and cannot bear to throw them into such a possible decisive battle.

Satan will never consider the life and death of demons. Only demons who are completely immersed in killing are truly scary... Without Satan, there will be no opponent in the world who can match her.

Michael was not worried about what tricks the besieged Furnace City could pull off. After being surrounded for a long time, the prestige established by Lucifer's defeat of Satan will dissipate. The devil will not follow a coward, even if the coward is strategically correct.

However, the establishment of the first empire in the main world was beyond Michael's expectation.

Michael sent Isaiah to assassinate Joyce in order to stop the expansion of Shangjiang and completely disintegrate the Five Color Flag Alliance from this shortcoming.

As a result... King Joyce was killed, and Shangjiang immediately launched King Howard.

This royal family had a very good foundation for ruling Shangjiang, and the transfer of power was smooth. Shangjiang did not have any impact because of Joyce's death. They even followed the situation and established the first empire in the main world!

Assassinating Joyce had no effect.

The establishment of a powerful empire inherently created an irreparable rift with Yunzhong City, and the relationship between sending assassins to kill the king was not so easy to repair.

Before Daliang came here, what Michael was thinking about was...should he get rid of this trouble first?

Michael did not expect that the messenger from the first empire of the main world would come so quickly, and that he would be brought by Metatron. Michael knew Metatron. He was a great mentor, but he was definitely not a qualified commander.

In the face of survival, there is no right or wrong.

But since the messenger from Shangjiang was brought by Metatron, Michael decided to listen to what the other party said first.

"Daliang, the prince and prime minister of the first empire in the main world, met Archangel Michael."

This was the first time that Daliang met Michael. Just like the photos posted on the Internet, she looked aloof and arrogant. Daliang felt the same way when he met Holy Bella for the first time. I think Bella was also greatly influenced by Michael.

Michael is a female angel with long golden hair and wearing elegant armor. Her wings are condensed white flames, which is the effect produced by the artifact Seraph Wings. It also gives Michael the nickname "Seraph" among the player community.

Although his identity is somewhat sensitive, Daliang still introduced himself very grandly.

He stood up straight and looked at Michael fearlessly. But I was thinking in my heart, if she was the mastermind behind Joyce's assassination, can I defeat her?

At least... Michael has no solution now.

When Daliang was observing Michael, Michael was also observing Daliang.

This human being has been extremely active since the establishment of the Five Color Flag Alliance. According to the information obtained from Dreamland, the Duke of Shangjiang is an important diplomat of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and has caused Dreamland to suffer heavy losses in many places.

He participated in the dwarf independence movement, led the dwarves to occupy Obsidian City, and attracted them to join the Five Color Flag Alliance. The war between Dreamland and the Five-Colored Flag Alliance was also caused by him.

Now Shangjiang has established the first empire in the main world. Although he has changed to another emperor, he can still be canonized as a prince, which shows that he has an extraordinary status in the Five Color Flag Alliance.

It also shows that this is definitely a capable human being.

"Daliang...I have heard of you." The aloof Michael looked down at Daliang and said in the tone of a higher creature to a lower creature: "I know what you are here for?

For your purposes, all I can say is sorry.

What the enemy supports is what we oppose... Since Hell recognizes your so-called First Empire, you don't have to ask for Yunzhong City, the World of Heroes, and all the good camps to eat cold food from the evil camp.

Yunzhong City does not recognize the existence of a country in the main world, and we will resolutely safeguard our interests in the main world. Any human city-state in the main world that dares to oppose the rule of the heroic world will be suppressed by us. Anyone who tries to protect these city-states will be listed as an enemy by Yunzhong City.

I have endured the Five Color Flag Alliance for a long time, and I can ignore your conflicts with the Dreamland and Stone Wilderness. But what you are doing in the main world has touched my bottom line.

If we go one step further, there will be only war! "

Daliang was not frightened by Michael. He said calmly: "Do Yunzhong City and the World of Heroes have the ability to start a war with all the human cities in the main world? These are thousands of battlefields.

The journey from the heroic world to the main world is an inter-dimensional battle. Can you withstand the consumption of war?

Even if you can capture some cities, do you still have the troops to control the wild areas? This will be an endless war...

Archangel Michael, the main world is no longer the main world you know. The rise of the main world is unstoppable. "

Michael chuckled and said: "I don't need to open so many battlefields, I only need to win one war. Destroy Shangjiang, and the main world can return to its original state."

Daliang immediately argued: "Can hell be conquered by destroying the Furnace City? Can the magical realm be conquered by destroying the Bauhinia City? Can the angels be conquered by destroying Yunzhong City? When the city-states of the main world have woken up and decided not to be enslaved anymore, the Archangel Do you really think that destroying Shangjiang City can restore the main world to its original state?

The history of the main world all ends in destruction. For the cities of the main world, what could be a more tragic ending than despair? This fire with the hope of freedom has been lit... Anyone who wants to put it out must be prepared to fight it for 100 years, 1,000 years, or even 10,000 years.

Anyway, after the previous plane wars, the main world had nothing to ask for.

At this time, who can be threatened by destruction?

Archangel... I am not here to pray for recognition and recognition. It is enough that the first empire of the main world can be recognized by the cities of the main world. From today on, the main world, like any other plane, is an equal plane. Regardless of whether it is the good camp or the evil camp, we are willing to fully cooperate with anyone who is willing to coexist peacefully with us.

And if anyone still regards us as a low-level plane, they try to use force to return us to the path of destruction.

Then please calculate and accept the price of destroying us...! "

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