Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1350 Debate

After Daliang finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall instantly dropped to the bottom.

Michael remained expressionless, looking at the messenger from the main world in front of him, wondering if he should immediately announce an attack on Shangjiang.

And what I have to admit is... if the main world really has the will and determination to fight for the entire plane for freedom, then the good camp must also be prepared to fall into the quagmire.

If you don't pay attention to this quagmire, you may drown yourself.

But the dignity of the archangel did not allow Michael to make any concessions in this situation.

Da Liang's heart was beating.

The purpose of his coming was to prevent Yunzhong City from using force against Shangjiang. And the strategy against Michael cannot be as convincing as it is against Metatron.

Michael was able to force Lucifer to fall into hell and plan this plane war. She was definitely not a follower of rules. She was a king who survived the law of the jungle.

Showing weakness will only trigger her greater desire to attack.

At this time, we should not follow Michael's lead. We should be like a calf facing a lion, daring to show its horns head on. Let her know...want to eat me? Be prepared to have your teeth chipped and your claws worn down.

Daliang also looked at Michael, not giving in to his momentum.

For a moment, the tension was tense, and the two planes could clash at any time out of loyalty.

At this time, Metatron, who had been silent, said: "It seems that the two of you cannot reach a consensus for the time being... I suggest Mr. Daliang stay here temporarily, and by the way, consider what consequences will be brought to you once the war starts.

I will also discuss with the Archangel how Yunzhong City should face what is happening in the main world.

After all, this is related to the interests of multiple planes, and it cannot be perfectly solved by this simple meeting. "

Metatron eased the atmosphere of the negotiation in real time, giving both sides a step to end the dispute.

"Yeah..." Daliang said smoothly: "I'm here to resolve the misunderstanding. The First Empire of the main world has no intention to be an enemy of any plane. Please Archangel Michael can understand the demand for freedom in the main world, the world of heroes and the The main world can completely coexist in a friendly manner."

Michael glanced at Metatron, and then said to Daliang: "You stay in my fortress for now. I still need to know more about the main world."

A guard angel walked to Daliang's side, and Daliang saluted Michael: "I just want to visit this great sky fortress, and I look forward to meeting you again."

Da Liang left with the escort angel.

Michael turned to Metatron and asked: "Do you think the establishment of an empire in the main world will bring more benefits than disadvantages to us, or will the disadvantages outweigh the benefits?"

Metatron thought for a while and then said: "Before coming here, I had a conversation with Daliang, and I also recognized some of the things he said to me at that time.

Without the threat of the good camp, the main world and the evil camp would never come together.

The prosperity of the main world is based on order. The sense of honor given by aristocratic thoughts maintains the stability of this system, while the chaotic thoughts of hell destroy the aristocratic system.

I think...if we can face up to the rise of the main world and recognize the legitimacy of the first empire in the main world, the Five Color Flag Alliance should be more willing to move closer to us.

Excessive coercion will create a sense of crisis in the Five Color Flag Alliance, forcing it to move closer to the evil camp. "

Michael nodded slightly listening to Metatron's analysis, but she did not agree with Metatron's point of view: "If it is Satan who controls hell, we don't need to worry about the Five-Color Flag Alliance coming together with hell. But The one who controls hell now is...Lucifer.

He is very patient and makes the best decision for himself.

Hell supports Shang Jiang, which represents the interests of the main world... Shang Jiang and Hell have reached a mutually satisfactory result. Shangjiang did not dare to openly support Hell militarily, but funds and resources may have been sent to Furnace City.

At this time, if we support the first empire in the main world, not only will we not get what Hell has obtained, but it will also accelerate Shangjiang's control of the main world and accelerate their growth in strength.

Hell's access to funds and supplies will cause our siege of Furnace City to fail this time.

Once the first empire of the main world is consolidated, it will balance the strength difference between us and the evil camp. The three camps will continue this war until the divine plane opens. You see, we've lost the obelisks of the Realm of Death, and the advantage is shortening.

And when divine power comes, I need to be the first to contact God or become a god in order to preserve the survival of the angel race. "

The research on becoming a god is out of control, making Yunzhong City's survival pressure even more pressing.

Metatron knew why Michael said this to her... She hoped that he could actively assist her in winning the war, rather than passively participate.

Cloud City needs real unity.

But Metatron said: "Cloud City is now a kite flying in the storm, and I am the only string pulling the kite. We don't know what the future is and what the divine plane is. Yours My responsibility is to lead the Angel Clan to find a way out of the storm; and my mission is... to pull you back when the Angel Clan loses control.

We all know...the good camp does not have the ability to start a war with the evil camp and the Five Color Flag Alliance at the same time, especially when the main world begins to become independent and rise.

Archangel, to this moment I still do not believe that war is the only solution to this crisis. Facts also proved that Yunzhong City did not control the overall situation as planned.


At this moment, Michael suddenly became less powerful. As Metatron said, the planar war was a real mess. None of the main battlefields go as planned, this is true for the Kingdom of Death, and this is true for Hell as well. Now the main world has suddenly become independent, which directly affects the future resources of the good camp.

"But how can we solve it without fighting? Persuade Lucifer to give up his research on the divine plane?

How can this be!

His dream is to overthrow me and lead Yunzhong City. Becoming a god is his only chance.

And... I have stayed at this level of power for too long. I can feel that there is only a thin film between me and the higher power. Only by opening the divine plane can this thin film be eliminated.

For Lucifer and I, what can God really bring to our world? What does it matter! "

Michael's tone was calm, but his will was very determined... No one can stop the opening of the divine plane, and when the era of theocracy arrives, Yunzhong City must use war to put the Angel Race in the most advantageous position in the world... …Become the sole ruler of the entire plane.

The world seemed to let out a long sigh at this moment.

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