Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1365 Raging Flames

Lieyan was furious, and he struggled in the game with the goal of defeating Daliang. However, every time he thought he had gained a substantial improvement in strength, he would look at Daliang and find that he had been left behind again.

He had witnessed Daliang's battle in NJ City. Although the time was short, Daliang was already able to compete with level 16 heroes.

This represents the pinnacle of player strength.

The pinnacle that other players can only look up to.

Raging Flames found that his goal had become out of reach.

However, at this moment, watching a large number of magic mages enter the battlefield of Sunshine Plain, Lieyan Kuangteng seemed to understand where Daliang's strength came from. It is impossible for Daliang to grow up to the point where he can fight against level 16 heroes just by relying on Shangjiang's mission. It can be said that all game masters, most of their strength comes from high-level planes.

The Enchanted Forest is a higher plane than the higher planes.

Rumor has it that Daliang has been developing in hell. The hell portal and the transformation of the sinful angel seem to confirm this. But if you think about it carefully, the really scary thing about his spell-casting ability.

Lieyan Kuangteng recalled the moment when he was killed by Daliang for the first time. The spell he released hit Daliang and had the effect of invalidating the attack. There is also his famous skill. At the beginning of the game, he mastered the "Meteor and Fire Rain" that players could not solve.

Every time Daliang takes action, he displays all kinds of dazzling magic, which is not only gorgeous but also very powerful.

Does this mean that... Daliang has entered the most advanced magic palace in the game world since the game started beta testing?

The appearance of these magic mages seems to confirm the speculation of the violent flames.

There is also the miraculous rise of Daliang in Shangjiang. Without sufficient background and the support of a powerful force, how could Daliang have risen to the top all the way from an ordinary player to a grand duke... No, he is now a prince. .

This incredible thing, if you add Daliang's identity as an agent of the Purple Dragon Clan in the Magic Forest, everything will be explained.

The Magic Forest came into contact with Shangjiang through Daliang, and then established the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Lieyan Kuangteng thought he had seen through everything and guessed where Daliang's strength came from, and he yearned even more for Zilong's magic academy.

If you want to become a strong man who can challenge Daliang, you must start by walking the path he once walked.

The plan quickly took shape in Lie Yan's mind. He first anonymously introduced the Magic Forest to the players, and then asked Daliang to disclose the process of recruiting magic mages in the name of the players.

It doesn't matter if Daliang says it or not. The purpose of Raging Flames is to muddy the water in this pool.

Magic mages and magic schools are enough for players from all over the world to concentrate their efforts on conquering Fairy Garden. There is strength in numbers, and I believe that when the number of players in Fairy Garden increases, someone will definitely find a way to enter the Magic Academy. Even if the Magic Academy really doesn't recruit students, as long as enough people push for the task, the door of the Magic Academy can be opened.

As long as the Magic Academy recruits people... There is no secret in this kind of multi-organization strategy task, and the strategy will definitely be widely circulated.

When the time comes, Raging Flames will naturally be able to follow the guide and enter the Magic Academy.

The more players enter the Magic Academy, the thinner the resources that Daliang once had exclusively will be divided. As for how Raging Flames stands out among so many player students?

That depends on talent.

Lieyan Kuangteng has an intuition that Zilong's magic academy can allow him to be reborn and reach a new level.

After sending the message, Lieyan, who was in the magic forest, walked deep into the dense forest surrounded by a fighting team. He was wearing a white magic robe and held a long-handled magic wand. The exposed skin has a cyan color... Anyone familiar with academic warlocks knows that this is a symbol of the body's elementalization.

The "origin" of the magic mage was revealed to the public by unknown players. Coming from the Magic Forest, there is a new unit trained by the Purple Dragon Clan personally. All players are full of expectations for the combat effectiveness of this unit.

Shu Xiao, who asked Da Liang to disclose the process of obtaining the Magic Mage from unknown players, spread his angel wings and flew in the air, scoffed: "Why should we disclose our unique military unit to the public!"

Magic Mage Vincent rode a golden dragon and flew next to Shu Xiao. He saluted Shu Xiao and then said: "I am Vincent, the commander of the Magic Mage Legion and the Strategic Magician Group. I came here on the order of Lord Daliang." Go to war.

Now that 5,000 magic mages and 1,000 magic mage heroes are all in place, please Lord Broken Moon accept the command. "

Shu Xiao opened his command panel and moved the magic mage army to his command sequence.

At this point, the Judgment Leader has completed preparations for battle on the Sunshine Plain.

The spears are like a forest, and the battle flags are like clouds. Countless magics were released into the sky, and then exploded into fountains. Area-of-effect magics fell on the battle formation like rain.

Seeing that Balance City on the opposite side also started to add magic blessing before the war, Shu Xiao said to Vincent: "I didn't see angels or other ultimate creatures in the army of Balance City.

To prevent Cloud City from intervening in the fight, we don't use the ultimate creature first.

Let your mount Golden Dragon return to Sunshine City to be on standby. This battle will be different from the previous ones. "

Vincent obeyed the order and summoned a royal griffon. After he changed his mount, the golden dragon flew towards Sunshine City. At this time, Sunshine City has angel legions and dragon legions on standby at the same time. If Balance City dares to use the ultimate creatures to join the battle, they will come from behind.

Vincent, who was holding a staff and sword and riding a royal griffin, asked: "My lord... how to fight this battle?"

"Battle first! I'll go first!" After saying that, without waiting for Vincent to answer, Shu Xiao flew towards the open space between the two armies. Along the way, the magic below rose one after another, and layers of status were applied to Shu Xiao's body. Vincent, who was unaware of the situation, also applied a layer of Fire Shield to Shu Xiao.

Shu Xiao came to the front of the formation, his angel wings stretched out, and his whole body floated in the air. She showed her angel sword and shouted loudly and arrogantly to the troops of Balance City: "I am Judgment Leader Sunlight City human knight Suiyue, who dares to fight with me?"

Shu Xiao's voice really shocked everyone's eyes.

In what era is it still a one-on-one battle in front of the formation, or is the main general going out into the formation?

Do you know how much impact the death of the general will have on the outcome of the entire war? Balance City is a level 12 city in the world of heroes. The number and quality of its heroes are higher than those of cities of the same level in the main world.

Shu Xiao is very strong in the player level, but in the overall game world rating, coupled with a set of top-notch equipment, he can only be regarded as a level 15 at best.

Is it too much to trust someone with such strength to play one-on-one? And will Balance City play with you?

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