Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1366 Fighting General

Robert, the lord of Balance City, wore a fully wrapped knight's armor and rode a royal griffon, flying above his army under the protection of the guards. At this time, in the Balance City army, magic continuously blessed the warriors of all formations with beneficial magic. The gust of wind blew the flags, and they were ready to advance and attack the Sunshine City army at any time.

What Robert didn't expect was that a knight with angel wings actually flew out of the Sunshine City army, provoking and clamoring for a duel in front of the formation.

According to conventional war, Robert didn't need to pay attention to this kind of child's play battle. No one on either side would put the victory or defeat in a heroic duel.

But this is no ordinary war.

There is no enmity between Balance City and Sunshine City. On the contrary, Sunshine City's powerful trade market has allowed Balance City to gain a lot of benefits from it. However, the owner of Yunzhong City, the Archangel Michael, personally issued an order, requesting... to teach Sunshine City a lesson, and to grasp the scale so as not to escalate the war and allow Shangjiang City behind Sunshine City, or even the Five-Color Flag Alliance, to intervene.

Michael did not want the war to expand and affect his real strategic purpose.

Then the lesson... is not to war whose main purpose is to destroy the enemy.

The commander of Sunshine City's army has already arrived. As long as he defeats her, Michael's mission can be completed...

Robert compared the military strength of the enemy and ours. Although his own military strength was superior, it did not have an overwhelming advantage. Even if the whole army attacks and wins, at least 70% of the army will be damaged. If the enemy has more reinforcements, Balance City will have no choice but to continue to send troops to Sunshine Plain. The losses were too great, and the scale of the war was not easy to grasp.

At this time, Balance City and Sunshine City are gladiators on the duel field, chips for the plane rulers to gamble against.

Robert could not disobey Michael's order, but he could make the choice with the least loss within the rules.

He said to the heroes around him: "Fighting in front of the formation is an ancient way of fighting. Victory and defeat greatly improve and reduce morale. Sunshine City Lord Suiyue seems to be very confident in his own strength and chose to use this method to open the battle." this war.

If we don't fight...the enemy's morale will be greatly improved.

Who will kill Broken Moon to make this war end easier? After completing the mission in Yunzhong City, the Archangel will be very happy to give you a reward. "

The task assigned directly by Michael was an opportunity even if it was helpless for Robert. Completed... Balance City can be promoted to level 13, and other rewards are even richer.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. A human priest used flying magic to come to Robert first: "Lord of the City, I am willing to fight..."

The priest is a spellcasting profession among the two major professional categories of the human race. It is not a priest in traditional online games that only has a single function. In fact, in the Hero World game, there is no clear boundary between physical professions and spellcasting professions. All combat professions learn some spells more or less, and the boundaries become blurred in the later stages.

In this game, priest is just a title for the human spellcasting profession.

Robert looked at the priest hero who volunteered and recognized him as the chief tower mage of the mage tower of the city lord's palace, responsible for the spell support of the entire city lord's palace. He has mastered master-level air magic and is good at flying and speed control...

Looking at the enemy's main general, Knight Broken Moon, she must be good at flying with angel wings, and the master-level air magic has a great restraint effect on her.

This is also the reason why both sides of the war do not like to take the initiative to fight. The party invited to fight can calmly select heroes with restraint to fight according to the heroes of the enemy. Therefore, if you take the initiative to fight, you will lose three points without fighting.

Robert grabbed the reins of the royal griffon, straightened his upper body, and said with the majesty of the city lord: "There is Master Laurenard..."

Leonard received Robert's order and flew towards Shu Xiao.

Seeing Balance City sending out a fighting hero, Shu Xiao took a photo and sent it to the logistics support staff, and then began to look at the guy wearing a blue-purple priest robe.

At the same time, listen to the logistics staff describing Leonard's information.

Intelligence is the top priority of every large player organization... The things involved in the game world are too vast and complex. If the intelligence cannot keep up, sometimes you will die without knowing how. On the contrary... information that can be accurate and timely can often produce twice the result with half the effort.

After stumbles of exploration and improvement, every respectable player organization has its own set of exclusive channels for obtaining intelligence.

In addition to operating independently, the intelligence system of the Judgment Legion also has the highest reading authority of the College Alliance Intelligence Network, plus intelligence sharing from the Northern Lords Alliance and the East Asia Alliance. The intelligence tentacles of the Judgment Territory can cover almost all areas where players can reach.

Sunshine City is the gateway of the Adjudication Territory in the world of heroes, and the level of intelligence collection around Sunshine Plain is the highest.

The Judgment Leader intelligence database contains information on all known important NPCs in surrounding cities... If you pull out a name at random, you can say that the information is not detailed, but you cannot say that it is not available.

"Leonard: Chief Tower Mage of the Mage Tower of the Lord's Mansion of Balance City. An anonymous player has taken over tasks related to Leonard. According to the player's description, the intelligence department evaluated Leonard's character as withdrawn. There are no more than three friends in Balance City, and they spend all day studying magic in the mage tower; they have a cruel temperament, and anonymous players were killed because mission items were not delivered in time:...

After our analysis of Leonard's strength, we believe that he has a 100% probability of mastering master-level air magic, a 20% probability of mastering a second master-level skill besides master-level air magic, and mastering three masters. The probability of level skill is zero.

Main equipment on the body:...

Four-dimensional attribute range:..."

When Leonard flew over, his information had already been learned by Shu Xiao.

The backstage staff said after the end: "The above is all the information we have about Leonard. All content is for reference only. Please do not rely too much on it.

Deputy Commander of the Broken Moon Corps, the combat auxiliary personnel are already in place, and the battlefield environment has been collected. Turning on the combat auxiliary system can better obtain combat data. "

Shu Xiao brought up the legion control interface, which contained various auxiliary systems developed by the technical department of the College Alliance. Combat auxiliary was the most frequently used one.

But this time, Shu Xiao's finger stopped on the combat assistance system activation button... without pressing it.

This is the most high-end combat assistance system in the entire gaming world. As long as she clicks on it, various lines and data will appear in her field of vision, allowing her to easily understand all the changes and possible changes around her. The entire system is so accurate that one can predict what skills the opponent will use based on his actions.

It is simply a magical tool for robbing homes, killing people, setting fires, and showing off.

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