Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1369 Another victory

Broken Moon wins.

Her combat skills and talents make up for the gap in skill levels. The crushing attack made her victory reasonable, but it also silenced the world.

The shock of that gorgeous battle is far greater than the victory itself.

With the victory of the generals, the ruling army burst into cheers and their morale increased...

On the other hand, Balance City was silent. The soldiers looked at the enemy generals spreading their wings in the air, and their determination to fight couldn't help but waver.

Robert didn't expect Leonard to be so unbearable. Except for the initial release of the magic mirror, which was pretty good, the rest of the process was to release spells randomly, but he couldn't even touch the corners of his opponent's clothes. But being able to become the chief tower mage of the city lord's mage tower, Robert knew that Leonard's strength was definitely not as chaotic as shown on the battlefield.

The opponent is very strong and has mastered angelic combat skills. Once a spellcasting profession is suppressed and restricted at close range, it will be difficult to make effective counterattacks. After being continuously broken through, it will be a dead end if the flaw is caught.

"Who is going to kill her?" Robert asked his hero again.

Leonard's death stopped the heroes of Balance City from scrambling to fight. Facing such an opponent, a spellcasting profession that does not master two or more master-level skills will basically die. However... a physical profession whose combat power reaches level 15 may have the ability to fight. Even if you can't defeat him, with your defense and physical strength, you should be able to retreat... without any problem.

Without letting Robert wait too long, a human knight hero flew out riding a royal griffon.

The chief guard of the Lord's Mansion of Balance City masters master-level defense skills, and his mount Royal Griffin also possesses multiple high-level skill hero units.

Two-on-one seemed a bit foul, but in order to complete the task assigned by Michael, he didn't care too much.

Robert said to his captain of the guard: "Use your defensive skills to consume the enemy's physical energy and magic power. I don't need you to win, but I must not let the enemy win a third game."

The captain of the guard knew that the city chief used wheel tactics to continuously consume the enemy's physical strength to achieve the final goal of victory.

"Yes, sir..."

Balance City once again sent someone into the battlefield of the fighting general.

At this time, Daliang no longer had the worries he had just now.

In a level 12 city in the world of heroes, the city owner has two master-level skill heroes, and there will be no more than 10 other level 15 heroes. Except for the chief spell advisor or the chief knight of the city lord's palace who may also master two master-level skills, the remaining level 15 heroes only master one master-level skill.

The Lord of Balance City is a knight himself, and the city's second most important person should be the mage.

The knight fighting now was on the same level as the one who had just been hacked to death by Shu Xiao. Daliang knew very well how many bowls of rice Shu Xiao could eat. There was no upper limit to Shu Xiao's strength with wings. Once she was able to defeat him, he would be able to win steadily unless he was in the Lie Flame Command state and reduced his strength to ten.

In the priest's state... let's go 50-50.

Daliang is still somewhat confident in his own fighting talent in the game, but he still has no confidence when facing Shu Xiao who is flying into the air.

At this time, Shu Xiao had finished warming up and was in the best condition. Unless the Balance City Lord or his chief magic advisor comes forward, other heroes come up to challenge him in exchange for experience.

The disciples that Holy Bella favored were not just blown away.

Daliang looked at Michael: "Archangel... I once again put forward the request for a truce between the two sides. I don't want to kill too many high-level heroes in Balance City, which will prevent Sunshine City and Balance City from returning to normal friendly relations in the future."

Michael could hear the pride in Da Liang's tone, as if he had won the war. Michael continued to stare at the second battle that had already begun, and replied casually: "A balanced city to me is a city that can be sacrificed at any time, but Sunshine City means something different to you.

Even if you win this war, I can let a nearby city attack again. As long as my request cannot be implemented, I can fight slowly.

Besides, you may not win. "

While Michael and Daliang were watching the battlefield in Sunshine Plain, they were fighting over words, each refusing to give in to the other.

And the second battle ended quickly.

Shu Xiao won again.

Dual heroes, defensive specialties... In front of Shu Xiao, the captain of the guard did no better than Leonard. When Shu Xiao was wearing heavy armor and being tortured by bugbears, he knew where the weak points of the heavy armored knights were.

Although the heroic royal griffon ridden by the captain of the guard can provide him with various magical assistance, its flight speed and flexibility lag behind Shu Xiao, who has angel wings.

Shu Xiao relied on the air combat theory and practical experience he had learned to control the rear of the guard commander from the very beginning of the battle.

The roller movements one after another dazzled even the spectators outside the venue. The captain of the guard spent most of his time looking for the enemy's location.

Seizing the opportunity, Shu Xiao made a powerful maneuver from the airspace below, and penetrated into the abdomen of the royal griffon from a blind spot in the captain's field of vision.

The reverse holy strike knocked the royal griffin unconscious, and the captain of the guard lost control of his mount, spiraling and falling. Although the captain of the guard woke up the royal griffon from its dizzy state in time, it was too late.

In the subsequent uninterrupted battle skills, Shu Xiao killed the royal griffon... and the captain of the guard fell heavily to the ground from the air.

After the captain of the guard stood up from the ground dragging his heavy armor, Shu Xiao descended from the sky and held up the angel sword burning with holy flames, slashing it down heavily.

Shining Clash

volley cut

heavenly sanction

hot blood attack

holy flame

White and gold brilliance shimmered, and the impact and explosion kicked up smoke and dust billowing upward.

When the sound of metal collision ended and the dust fell to the ground, Shu Xiao unfolded his angel wings and slowly lifted into the sky again, leaving only the captain of the guard lying motionless on the ground in his broken heavy armor.

Lost again! Another hero died!

Robert didn't know how to continue this war. Should he continue to send out heroes? Or attack with the whole army with a wave of your hand?

Two battles in a row were defeated, and morale was ebbing and flowing... If you continue to fight under such circumstances, you will only end up with a defeat. But if he sends out heroic warriors again...Robert doesn't know if he can win.

In the current situation, the best option is to retreat temporarily. After the morale of the Balance City army is restored tomorrow, we can then fight to the death.

But this is not a decision that Robert can make. The troops from Balance City came here under Michael's order...the purpose is to teach Sunshine City a lesson, not to be taught a lesson by Sunshine City. The two battles just now have embarrassed Michael. If he retreats again... he will definitely be greeted by Michael's anger.

Looking at the enemy knight Broken Moon who was inviting another fight, Robert was in a dilemma.

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