Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1370 Coercion and inducement

The battlefield fell into rare silence. The soldiers on both sides looked at Broken Moon standing between the two armies, waiting for the next order.

Shu Xiao is also asking Daliang, what should we do next?

Whether to attack while the momentum is at its peak, or to continue to defend.

Daliang didn't answer for the time being. He turned to Michael and said, "I think that's it for today...the negotiations are temporarily over. Both sides have withdrawn their troops. We will decide tomorrow whether to continue fighting or not."

Michael looked at Shu Xiao and said, "Moon-Broken Knight... I have some impressions of her... She seems to be serving in Cloud City..."

Michael had just finished speaking, and without waiting for Da Liang to respond, he cast his own projection on the sunny plain.

Sunshine Plain has an open terrain and abundant light. When Michael's projection appeared in front of Shu Xiao, it immediately attracted the world's attention. This is the strongest hero in the known game world, the ruler of Yunzhong City, and the leader of the good camp.

In the player's perception... Michael must appear on the throne of the high hall in Yunzhong City, or on the battlefield of a plane battle. Sunshine City and Balance City are just two small cities in conflict. How could it trigger Michael's personal arrival?

Although it is just a projection, it represents that the battle between cities does not seem to be as simple as a superficial land dispute.

The world looked at Michael, and Michael looked at Shu Xiao.

Scanning the battlefield where the two armies faced each other, Michael said: "Knight of the Broken Moon...please say hello to Bella for me. Although she left Cloud City for some reason, I still regard her as my right wing. "

Shu Xiao did not expect that Michael would appear here. She saluted to Michael's projection and said, "Thank you, Archangel... Mentor, she also misses her time in Yunzhong City."

"Nostalgia is just recollection. It seems that she has no intention of looking back." Michael said with a little regret: "Let's not mention Bella... If I remember correctly, you should serve Yunzhong City... Myth Team The commander--Chang'e.

Do you know that what you are doing now has made me consider whether to disband the Shinhwa team immediately? "

Shu Xiao was not afraid of Michael's threat, she replied: "The Shinhwa team under my command has been working hard to complete the camp confrontation tasks assigned by Yunzhong City, and the degree of task completion can be described as excellent.

This battle has nothing to do with camp confrontation!

If Archangel disbands the Shinhwa team for such a far-fetched reason, I think it will be a loss for Yunzhong City. "

The stubbornness shown by Shu Xiao did not anger Michael. Instead, she smiled and said: "Yes... disbanding the Shinhwa team because of my preferences is indeed unfair to your contribution.

Someone will also laugh at you.

Let's do this...I'll give you a choice.

According to my judgment, your hero level is about to reach 50 and you are about to enter a new stage. Your mentor is Holy Bella, your holy energy has reached a high level, you have angel wings, and your angel combat skills are pretty good. But... the promotion task of master-level sacred energy is in Yunzhong City, and it will definitely not be open to races that are not the angels of Yunzhong City.

Your strength will stop here unless you change your battle route.

I can make an exception for you, but... you must leave this battlefield now. "

The existence of the Broken Moon Knight affects the morale gap between Sunshine City and Balance City. If you want this war to continue in a decent manner, you must solve the problem of Broken Moon. Of course, Michael couldn't take action herself, but she recognized Suiyue as Chang'e, the leader of the heroic world camp confrontation team.

Michael made conditions for Shu Xiao. Her level 50 main quest was personally formulated by Michael. The difficulty will definitely be high, but the rewards...are definitely worth it.

Master level sacred energy is definitely the most suitable skill for Shu Xiao.

But leaving the battlefield at this time would be equivalent to giving up the morale advantage created.

"I..." Shu Xiao was about to refuse.

Daliang's message appeared in Shu Xiao's chat column: "Promise her... the city can be rebuilt if it is gone. Even if Sunshine City is destroyed, it is definitely worth a master-level sacred energy mission."

Shu Xiao is already sprinting towards level 50 and is about to start the level 50 main quest.

Daliang is also helping Shu Xiao plan the direction of the main mission.

According to Daliang's experience, the final reward of the level 50 main quest is of course a master-level skill. For Shu Xiao, the best thing is master-level sacred energy.

But even the 16th-level hero's Holy Bella can only promote Shu Xiao to high-level sacred energy. If you want to obtain higher-level sacred energy, angels who are not in Yunzhong City can only realize it on their own. Angels in Yunzhong City can go through some methods. Pathway to promotion.

Shu Xiao is a human knight, and neither method can allow her to obtain master-level sacred energy.

Therefore, Daliang felt that Shu Xiao could choose one of the two skills, advanced offensive technique and advanced resistance, to be promoted to the master level.

This was a compromise choice, and at this moment, a master-level sacred energy was placed in front of Shu Xiao.

Although it is just a mission to obtain master-level sacred energy, in Daliang's eyes... for the master-level sacred energy, any sacrifice is worth it.

Look at the process of obtaining his master-level earth magic. It was a reward for leading the establishment of the first empire in the main world. Therefore, Daliang thought that the process of obtaining master-level fire magic was already very difficult. Now it seems... giving a master-level skill in the level 50 main quest is simply a bonus given by the game.

The Hero World game maintains a balance between players and NPCs, and it is impossible for players to easily obtain master-level skills. Otherwise, it won’t be long before players can dominate the entire game world with the help of human sea tactics.

According to Daliang's experience, one master-level skill is the upper limit for top players, and the second master-level skill... is just a dream.

Therefore, once Shu Xiao misses this master-level sacred energy mission, he will basically not have the opportunity to upgrade this skill in the future.

Must grasp it!

"But...if I leave the battlefield...can I win?" Accepting Michael's proposal was, in Shu Xiao's view, like running away from the battlefield.

Daliang continued to persuade: "This mission is an opportunity for you... The sacred energy of the master level can maximize your strength. And according to my experience, if you miss this mission, you will not encounter the master level again in the future. Divine energy.

Sunshine City is just a city. After the Heroic World withdraws from the main world, Sunshine Plain will definitely be returned to Yunzhong City.

The purpose of this war is not who wins and who loses, and even my negotiations with Michael will not have a final result.

Defeat has no effect on us!

But the master-level sacred energy is different. If you master it... even I am not your opponent. "

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