Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1376: Concealing the truth

Even after losing for a while in Sunshine Plains, Michael still took a tough stance and announced the suspension of negotiations with the First Empire of the main world. She issued an order to the ten cities around Sunshine Plain, asking them to destroy the bright Sunshine City.

One war is over, and a bigger war is about to come.

The ten cities in the world of heroes sent their own armies, and countless sacred war flags expressed Michael's anger and determination to the outside world. It seemed that if the first empire of the main world did not agree to her conditions, she would be defeated after conquering Sunshine City. They will take advantage of the situation to attack the Judgment Leader, and then Shangjiang City... the Five Color Flag Alliance.

As the attacked party, the Judgment Leader deployed all its main troops in Sunshine City. At the same time... Daliang placed the elf army purchased from Chongming City near the Judgment Leader's plane teleportation array, and could enter the world of heroes at any time to support this city defense battle. .

Prince Feichen of the first empire in the main world showed the world his determination to trade war for peace.

Emperor Howard of the First Empire announced that if the World of Heroes does not retreat from the main world, then they have no right to take back the land ruled by the Judgment in the World of Heroes. The empire supports the just war of the Judgment Territory and is willing to send troops to support the defense of Sunshine City when necessary.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance announced that it supports the legitimate interests of its ally, the First Empire of the Main World, in the World of Heroes. If the Angel Legion in Yunzhong City directly intervenes in the war, then the Five-Color Flag Alliance is willing to fight for the First Empire.

The evil camp’s Kingdom of Hell and Death also issued world notices: they strongly condemned the World of Heroes’ attack on Sunshine City, and ruled that the Kingdom has legal ownership of Sunshine Plain. And support the first empire of the main world, and use war to take back the cities and lands occupied by the good camp.

Lucifer even protested against the rude terms imposed by Michael when negotiating with the First Empire of the main world. Its true intention is to divide the normal diplomatic relations between the Five-Color Flag Alliance and the evil camp, and ultimately achieve the goal of annexing the Five-Color Flag Alliance and enslave the main world again.

"Michael is full of hypocrisy both inside and outside. She imposes the so-called order of Cloud City on all races in all planes. Freedom is the ultimate destination of the world...

Hell fully supports the First Empire of the main world in fighting for freedom, if Michael dares to attack the Five Color Flag Alliance. So... prepare to bear the wrath of hell. "

The Magic Realm, World Factory, and Stone Wilderness have successively expressed their support for the World of Heroes to take back their own land, and are willing to accept the command of Yunzhong City when the Five Color Flag Alliance participates in the war, and jointly impose sanctions on the First Empire of the Main World

The whole plane is at war with the ruling leader in an enclave in the world of heroes.

The vigorous plane war is about to usher in a war frenzy.

Shangjiang City, Howard personally presided over the deployment of this plane-level decisive battle. He continued to mobilize troops from all sides to strengthen the siege of the elves and orcs, and tried his best to increase the strength of the final general attack.

At the same time, Howard did not relax his vigilance towards Cloud City.

The good camp's plan to raid the Crucible City is just a speculation on the direction of the war. Even if Michael really plans to attack the Crucible City now, by the time it starts... there is a possibility that she will change her mind.

Howard, who understands the art of war, knows very well that only by being prepared for any possibility can he be able to deal with it calmly when war suddenly comes.

All territories within the Five Color Flag Alliance have entered the highest alert state. Howard issued a war mobilization order to all cities under the jurisdiction of the First Empire of the main world to prepare to resist the invasion of the good camp.

When the King of the Hill tightened the encirclement of the elves and orcs coalition forces, he was preparing to carry out the final general attack. The armies of ten human cities in the World of Heroes also surrounded Sunshine City.

Daliang stayed in Hell waiting for new negotiations with Michael, and Shadow Dragon Demon Yeguang succeeded Shu Xiao as the commander of the Sunshine City defense battle. Because Ye Guang once participated in the battle to rob the obelisk tower in the Kingdom of Death, he was asked by Da Liang to "only be responsible for mobilizing troops and not to appear on the battlefield."

The College Alliance also sent three main legions to assist in the defense of Sunshine City.

The war broke out as soon as the armies of the ten cities arrived at their respective positions... On the plain, as far as the eye could see, there were all siege armies. Sunshine City is an isolated city that was destined to be destroyed from the beginning of the war.

What remains to be seen now long it can hold on.

Daliang's order to Ye Guang was to guard Ye Guang for three days. Because Angela will be able to complete theater-level space interference in three days. After giving up Sunshine City at that time, she can wait for Michael to show his cards.

While Daliang was waiting in the Cross Sky Fortress with nothing to do, Michael was busy making arrangements for the assault on the Crucible City.

Now the elves and orcs coalition forces surrounded by Shangjiang are ready to enter hell to join the battle. It is only a matter of Michael to send Yunzhong City to send more troops to hell. After this period of construction, the siege of Furnace City has complete fortifications, and the attack can be launched as long as the army arrives.

All that's left is for the warlocks of World Factory to send out troops.

Since the outbreak of the Plane War, World Factory has been very proactive in attacking the Endless Maze in order to snatch the ores, and the results have been very remarkable.

The warlocks have occupied a large amount of minerals in the Endless Labyrinth. These cheap minerals are continuously transported to the World Factory and used to make various constructed creatures. The newly created constructs were then sent to the Endless Labyrinth, where they continued to help the warlocks encroach on the lands of the underground kings.

In short... the form of the endless maze is very good for the good camp. If the World Factory's troops are dispatched to fight in hell, we must consider whether the underground kings will counterattack to regain the lost land.

For this reason, Michael called Meredith: "What is the situation in the Endless Labyrinth now? If the World Factory sends troops to hell, will the black elves have the strength to contain the dungeon kings?"

While Meredith was responsible for defending Cloud City, she also paid attention to the changes in the battle situation in the Endless Maze.

In response to Michael's inquiry, Meredith replied: "Archangel...the Golden Cave City of the Black Elf Matron Fergmina successfully repelled the attack of the Darkwing Kingdom after receiving our assistance.

Now a large number of black elf tribes are gathering towards Golden Cave City, and Feigmina has enough troops to launch an offensive against the Darkwing Kingdom.

With our assistance, most of the black elf tribes in other kingdoms have stabilized the territories they have occupied. If the Archangel needs it, the Black Elves can contain the Dungeon Kingdom for a period of time. "

Michael nodded and asked: "You said that most of the black elves have stabilized the territory they occupied... What is the situation with the other black elves who have not held their territory?"

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